Destined Martial God

Chapter 1058: See who consumes who! (Five more)

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In front of the sword tower!

"Last name Yu, you dare say I'm not beautiful!" Stopped at Yu Haoran less than three meters away, Shangguan Yunduo asked fiercely.

A cold glance at Shangguan Yunduo, after Yu Haoran turned back, he stepped forward to the East Gate.

"Stop it for me!" Shining body appeared in front of Hao Ran, Shangguan's cloud shouted coldly.

"Everyone who knows and understands me Hao Ran knows that in my eyes, there is neither a so-called gender distinction nor a noble and lowly jealousy. Some are only friends and enemies."

"I will treat my friends as warm as spring."

"But to treat the enemy, I have to be as cruel and ruthless as the harsh winter."

Looking at the Shangguan Clouds blocking him, Yu Haoran slowly raised a strong murderous voice.

"If you don't want to die, immediately disappear from my eyes, otherwise, the sword tower is your burial place!"

"Young man, it's too much!"

Just when Shangguan Yunduo stepped back because of his fear of Hao Ran's strong murderous look, an old man in a gray robe appeared in front of her instantly, offsetting her strong murderous influence, Somber questioning.

"Old guy, the number of quasi-military respecters who have died under my Yu Haoran in the past few months is more than twenty. Among them, there is no shortage of robbers who are at the peak of the two martial arts.

Looking at the gray robe veteran who had reached the realm of Zunwu Zunzhuang in front of him, Yu Haoran secretly inspired the ancestral witch's body while threatening aggressively.

"I don't know if you, the strong man in the realm of Zunwu Zunzun, will survive in the end."

"is it!"

Asking a sneer, the natal knife suddenly appeared in the hands of the old man in the gray robe.

Then he sneered with a strong murderous spirit.

"The old man wants to weigh your means and see how confident you are, and dare to say such arrogant words."

"Little Master fulfills your wish!" After a response, Yu Haoran directly inspired the ancestral witch body.

Kilometers of giants!

Although affected by the rules of the sword tower, Yu Haoran who turned into a thousand-meter ancestor witch is only a few tens of meters high in the eyes of everyone on the top of the mountain. The sense of oppression brought by the body.

As a direct confrontation to the thousands of giants Shangguan Yunduo and Teng Yunjie, the sense of oppression they felt and endured made them tremble in their hearts.

However, the old man in the gray robe who cultivated to reach the realm of the second martial arts prince, only looked slightly dignified, and did not have the slightest fear in his heart.

After all, Yu Haoran, who turned into a kilometer body, was nothing but a martial arts realm.

Even if the powerful flesh can increase the pressure of oppression, at most it can only have an effect on the martial arts of Wu Sheng Qi Pin.

With slightly bent legs kicking hard, Yu Haoran took out the purple stick while rising into the sky.

"A stick in the sky!" As the body descended quickly, Yu Haoran clenching the purple stick yelled.

"The devil is born again!"

Feeling that the purple stick contains the power of the peak state of Er Zun Zhun Wu Zun, the gray robe old man's face changed slightly.

Later, he also rose into the sky, and exhibited the ancestral classic Chinese sword technique of tens of thousands of years.

A strong sword-like gas, after detaching from the destiny knife, quickly condensed into a demon with a height of nearly 100 meters and two curved horns.

The 100-meter-tall devil roared, and then reached out his two huge palms, grasping fiercely at the purple stick that came fast.


With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran could not help but change his face.

Although the demon's hands holding the purple stick tightly were directly shattered, it also fully offset nearly one-third of the strength of the sky stick.

The demon who lost both palms seemed to sneer without pain, then bowed his head with a pair of horns and slammed into the purple stick!


With the second roar that rang through the clouds, the demons transformed by the sword were directly scattered.

But all the power contained in the purple sticks is also consumed.

Looking at the old man in the gray robe who was holding a natal knife, he quickly rushed down, and Yu Haoran's look dropped quickly. He held the stick in one hand and clenched the other.

Then, a trick containing the ancestor's will will directly hit the ancestral knife of the gray robe old man.



The heavy fist blasted on the natal knife, not only did not make a sound in the air, but Yu Haoran and the old man in the gray robe did not rebound because of the collision of power.

Seeing the slightly strange face painting in front of the eyes, most of the strong men in the martial arts realm at the scene knew that this situation was even more dangerous.

Because they are now competing for the strength of their own energy, and whoever accumulates energy has an advantage, then not only will they be able to win, but they will also be able to hit their opponents instantly.

"Boy, although your potential is very outstanding, but your own practice limits the accumulation of elemental power and soul power, and competes with the old man to accumulate energy, the old man can consume you stiffly."

The energy competition is temporarily in balance, so the two can stay in midair.

The old man in the gray robe holding the natal knife tightly with his hands, threatened with pride.

"is it!"

Yu Haoran sneered and asked a question, then put away the purple stick in his hand, and took out an elixir from the storage ring.

The active right hand, holding the Dan bottle, shook the old man in the gray robe, Yu Haoran said with the same pride.

"Old guy, don't you forget that my Hao Ran is not only a talent in Kendo, but also a master of Dan Dao Xiu who has reached the peak of the Grand Master!"

"The last thing that Master Dao Dao lacks is top elixir."

Pour all the elixir in the bottle directly into the mouth, Yu Haoran shouted with a sullen expression.

"With the elixir reserve in Xiaoye's storage space, I can consume you as an old guy directly."

"Then let's try it!" Seeing Hao Ran who used the elixir to restore the vitality and soul power, the proud color on the gray robe old man's face disappeared instantaneously, and finally he could only grit his teeth in provocation.

"Try it, try it, and see who will consume it in the end!" Yu Haoran retorted with the same gritted teeth.

"Duoer, it seems you're in trouble!" Teng Yunjie said solemnly, stepping to Shangguan Yunduo, watching Yu Haoran and the old man in gray robes who were competing for energy in the air.

"Brother Yun Jie, who let me be humiliated by the surname Yu!" Shangguan Yunduo resentfully didn't know that the old man in the gray robe guarding himself was about to fall into a crisis of life and death.

"Dour, actually Grandmaster Yu didn't mean to humiliate you at all."

Feeling the hatred of Shangguan Yunduo gritted his teeth, Teng Yunjie said with a grin.

"Because Master Yu's fiancee, Princess Ling Fei of the Great Qin Empire is a peerless beauty with a peerless face and a temperament that is not inferior to that of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu."

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