Destined Martial God

Chapter 1063: Bloody Rain (Five)

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In the sword tower!

In the ninth floor of the sword tower!

"One strike and two breaks!"

Eighty-one swordsmen in the nine-pin realm of martial arts were cut in half by the iron sword from head to toe in ten seconds.

The eighteenth floor of the sword tower!


Eighty-one samurai swordsman realm was split by the iron sword within thirty seconds.

The 27th floor of the sword tower!

"A little bit of stars!"

Eighty-one swordsmen in the martial arts and nine-pin realm were stabbed in the eyebrows by the point of the iron sword within a minute.

The 36th floor of the sword tower!

"Xingxing earthworms!"

Eighty-one swordsmen in the Wuzong realm were severed by the iron sword within five minutes, and their bodies were separated.

The 45th floor of the sword tower!

"Shake the mountain!"

Eighty-one swordsman in the realm of Wuwang was smashed by the powerful sword contained in the iron sword within ten minutes, directly shattering the meridians and Dantian.

The 54th floor of the sword tower!


Eighty-one swordsmen in the realm of Wuhuang were smashed by the iron sword in twenty minutes.

In the 63rd floor of the sword tower!

Looking at the 81 martial arts Jiupin swordsmen who quickly condensed out of the space in front of the sword tower, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, then closed his eyes slowly.


Outside the sword tower, on the top of the mountain!

Looking at the floor on the east side of the sword tower, in less than an hour, it was directly lit up to the 63rd floor, not to mention that everyone on the scene was stunned there, and even had the ability to break into the sword tower 64 At the level of Qian Shuhao, the shock in his heart was like a stormy sea.

Because even if he unreservedly uses all his strengths, it takes at least two hours to rush to the 63rd floor of the sword tower at a stretch.

However, Yu Haoran was able to rush to the 63rd floor of the sword tower in an hour by virtue of the initial cultivation of Wusheng Sanpin, which is enough to show that his artistic conception of mastery of swordsmanship has all been promoted to the level of mystery and the power of each swordsmanship attack , All reach the level of Heavenly Order Jianqi.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to kill thousands of swordsmen condensed in space in such a short time.

"It seems that it is necessary to use the sect's secret emissary to wipe out this evil demon called Hao Ran in advance. Otherwise, I will definitely not be his opponent in the battle for the Qianlong list of the merger of the five realms."

After being shocked, Xu Ruwen suddenly emerged a strong murderous heart.

"Uncle Ling, it is not urgent to recruit Qian Shuhao. What I need to do now is to establish a friendship with Hao Ran as soon as possible. This will also help to promote the deterrent of the denominations." Liu Xing, who was also sober from the shock, looked dignified. Suggested to Uncle Ling.

"Xinger, let this matter for you!" Uncle Ling, who had neither approval nor opposition, suddenly felt frustrated.

"Look at it, Teng Yunjie also rushed to the 63rd floor of the sword tower!" At the scene, due to Yu Haoran's amazing performance, the inner thoughts were full, and a master of the Emperor Wuhuang who was facing the north side of the sword tower immediately went high Reminded.

"the student surpasses the master!"

Looking at the light shining on the 63rd floor of the north Jianlou, Qian Shuhao said with emotion to the enemies of Wu Shengqiang.

"Brother, it seems we are all old!"

"Yeah!" Nodded with a bitter smile, a sense of loss in hermit mountains, and the enemies Wu Shengqiang could not help but nodded.

Looking up again at the Jianlou, Qian Shuhao's lonely look was gradually replaced.

Subsequently, he took out a blank jade Jane from the storage ring, and then used the divine mind to leave his spiritual insights on Kendo, and sent him to the enemies surnamed Wu Shengqiang.

"Brother, please give this jade to Master Yu."

"Senior Qian, are you?"

Looking at the firm look in Qian Shuhao's eyes and the strange behavior of gifting Yu Jian, the enemies surnamed Wu Shengqiang could vaguely guess each other's thoughts.

But he wants to get confirmation from Qian Shuhao's mouth.

"The environment in Shuangniu Mountain is too cozy, which has consumed my too much energy and blood, and also affected my progress in Kendo."

Facing the interrogation of the enemies named Wu Shengqiang, Qian Shuhao did not conceal his thoughts and said it truthfully.

"Next, I plan to take a few dangerous trips to Tianxuan Continent, hoping to reawaken the blood in my bones and further improve my Kendo practice."

"Senior Qian, Qiu is inferior to you!" After being confirmed by Qian Shuhao, the enemies named Wu Shengqiang were both admired and ashamed.

"Brother, everyone's path is different. Qian's path may not be suitable for you."

After simply consoling the enemies named Wu Shengqiang, Qian Shuhao said with a fist.

"Brother, leave!"

"Senior, don't give it away!"

After seeing Qian Shuhao leave the top of Youniu Mountain, Qiu Wusheng glanced at Yujian in his hand and began to be firm about what he had planned for a long time, but he never made up his mind to do it.


In the 63rd floor of the sword tower!

"Blood rain!"

After reopening his eyes, Yu Haoran gave a violent yell, and the iron sword in his hand was immediately separated from the 981 iron sword.

Immediately, under the control of Hao Ran's idea, the eighty-one iron sword quickly covered the swordsman at the peak of 81 martial arts Jiupin, and began to spin quickly.

With the iron sword turning faster and faster, the horror wind that can be peeled and peeled gradually formed in the entire sword tower space.

The strong wind that enveloped the 81 martial arts Jiupin swordsmen was so powerful that it could directly destroy the defensive weaponry in the imperial realm.



With the iron sword in the hands of the first Wusheng Jiupin swordsman, after being broken by the terrible wind, the swordsman who lost the ability to play a defensive force was immediately approached by the wind.

Immediately after, layers of energy were forcibly removed by the strong wind, which weakened the strength of Wu Sheng Jiupin Swordsman at a rate that can be discerned by the naked eye.

With the death of the first Wusheng Jiupin Swordsman, the 80 Wushu Jiupin Swordsmen who were wrapped by the strong wind really began to die.

After thirty minutes!

With the last swordsman of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, completely chopped into countless energy fragments by the strong wind, the space on the 63rd floor of the entire sword tower suddenly calmed down.

Reached out and pointed at the spinning breeze in mid-air, the breeze that stopped immediately returned to the shape of the iron sword, and then the eighty-one iron sword quickly merged together, turned into an ordinary iron sword, and returned to Hao Ran's hands.

"Brother Yu, it worked!"

It was that Hao Ran closed his eyes and carefully realized the seventh stroke after the remodeling. The sound of the surprise of the second clone immediately sounded in his mind.

"If it is not restricted by the rules of heaven, Haohai Sword Master will become the peak of Emperor Wudi!" Opening his eyes, he sighed admiringly at the empty Jianlou space in front of him.

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