Destined Martial God

Chapter 1065: Willing to lose (two more)

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The void above the sword tower!

"The three elders, even the reincarnation of ancient true gods, can only withstand the second attack of Wuzun swordsman at most when they are repaired to the initial stage of Wusheng Sanpin."

Facing the interrogation of the middle-aged man, the elderly Haiying who also watched the sword tower below said.

"So, the old slave guessed that Yu Haoran was holding on for ten seconds at most."

In fact, as the old man Hai Ying had guessed, the 64th floor of the sword tower went out instantly after ten seconds.

"Let's go!" Did not continue to pay attention to Yu Haoran out of the sword tower, the middle-aged man ordered to the elderly Haiying.

After re-awakening, Yu Haoran shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed at the second avatar in the sea.

"Unless it is a real breakthrough in Wu Zun's realm, otherwise, I will definitely not provoke the strong in Wu Zun's realm in advance."


Recalling that when the swordsman of Wuzun Yipin on the 64th floor of the sword tower really began to exert the power of swordsmanship, the second avatar nodded deeply.

Put away his fear of Wuzun Yipin Swordsman, Yu Haoran looked calm and walked out of the sword tower.

Then, he took a quick look at the speed of martial arts and took a quick look at the situation where Teng Yunjie and Shangguan Yunduo broke through.

Although Shangguan Yunduo is somewhat unreasonable and unreasonable, she has a good potential and understanding, and her practice is quite hard.

Today, he has successfully broken into the 59th floor of the Jianlou, and the kendo talents he has shown have surpassed Liu Xing from the Lingxiao Pavilion.

However, when he saw the light that had just turned on on the sixty-fourth floor on the north side of the sword tower, his expression was instantly dignified.

Although Teng Yunjie is a few years older than himself, it happens to be the number of years that he can participate in the Qianlong battle. With the strength he now shows, he has not lost at all.

Ten seconds have passed!

The light on the sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower did not go out, and Yu Haoran knew that the biggest opponent in the Qianlong competition had appeared.

Twenty seconds have passed!

The light on the sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower was not extinguished. Yu Haoran knew that he was not Teng Yunjie's opponent at all.

Thirty seconds have passed!

The sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower is still shining. Yu Haoran knows that he must do everything possible to improve his strength. Otherwise, he can only enter the top one hundred in the battle for the five-domain Qianlong list.

After all, Teng Yunjie's strength ranks only 58 out of the hundred young powerhouses in the central region, which is not even the young powerhouse in the four regions in the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

After the light on the sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower lasted forty seconds, Yu Haoran let out a sigh of relief, which means that although Teng Yunjie's strength is strong, he has not reached the point where he cannot catch up.

"Brother Teng, brother I lost!" Looking at Teng Yunjie who walked out of the sword tower through the south gate, Yu Haoran greeted with a smile and voluntarily acknowledged the loss.

"Master Yu, how long have you persisted on the 64th floor of Jianlou?"

To win a chance for Yu Haoran to practice alchemy for free, although Teng Yunjie is very excited, he now wants to know Yu Haoran's performance in the Jianlou breakthrough.

Because he wondered whether Xiu Wei and Yu Haoran, who was terrible for speed improvement, would threaten himself in the battle for Qianlong after six months.

"Lost in the second move of Wuzun Yipin Swordsman." Without any concealment, Yu Haoran said with a bitter smile.

"Zi ...!"

Be able to persist until the second move, which is to reach twenty seconds!

After hearing Yu Haoran's performance on the sixty-fourth floor of Jianlou, Teng Yunjie couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, and felt a heavy pressure in his heart.

Don't look at your advantage now, in fact, this advantage is not obvious.

I am able to persist on the sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower for forty seconds, not only thanks to my amazing talent in kendo, but also to the practice of Tianwumen specializing in physical practice. Have a lot to do.

More importantly, his cultivation is already the peak limit of Wusheng Jiupin.

If he didn't want to directly cross the realm of San Zun Zhun Wu Zun, with his current accumulation, he would have been able to advance to the pinnacle of the real state of Er Zun Zhun Wu Zun.

But Yu Haoran did!

With the talent he is now showing, before the official Qianlong competition is officially opened, he must be able to reach the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, and then rely on him to transform into a giant body that is not lost to the Tian Wu deity. I am afraid that the advantages will be straightened out.

"Brother Yu, the pressure you are giving me now is not lost to Yu Nuo, the son of the Heaven Palace of Yuxu Palace!" Teng Yunjie said with a wry smile after being shocked.

Upon hearing Teng Yunjie's mention of Yu Nuo, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a gleam of cold light.

Yu Nuo, the son of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace, has the spiritual talent and potential for Emperor Wudi's extremes, and has the eleventh Taixuan fairy body among thousands of special constitutions.

Yu Nuo, twenty-three years old this year, is the first strong among the young generation of Yuxu Palace.

In fact, as early as two years ago, Yu Nuo's cultivation has reached the peak of Wu Jiu Pin, but he has been suppressing breakthroughs in the realm. He just hopes to use the Central Realm and the Five Realm Qianlong List to compete for the Qianlong luck. Cross the realm of Zun Wuzun and achieve the peerless power of Wu Zun.

In the previous life, the son of Tiangong, who was poisoned by him, was named Yu Xuan. He was the half-brother of Yu Nuo, and the illegitimate son of the Lord of Tiangong.

Although the two were not born to the same mother, the relationship between them was very deep. After getting poisoned by his younger brother, Yu Nuo not only immediately arranged for the master of Yuxu Palace to pursue the killing, but also himself Shot once.

It was also Yu Nuo's shot that time, which not only allowed him to really taste the taste of death, but also almost abolished the roots of martial arts.

Had it not been for the girl who was like an elf in the wind to rescue him, he would never have had the opportunity to enter the tomb of the devil and demons, and he would not have been able to gain a rebirth.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with you?" Teng Yunjie couldn't help reminding Yu Haoran who was suddenly in silence.

"Brother Teng, I'm fine!"

Shaking his head, he forcibly suppressed the memories of Yu Nuo and Yu Xuan that had just appeared in his mind, Yu Haoran asked with a smile.

"Brother Teng, willing to gamble to lose."

"Since I have promised to remedy alchemy once for my brother for free, I will definitely say it, but I hope that my elder brother can inform me of the medicines that need to be refined so that I can collect the medicines needed for refining the medicine."

"Brother Yu, my brother hopes you can help to make a seven-level Xuanmenxuandan with the third grade!"

Looking up at the people at the top of the mountain, Teng Yunjie used the method of divine transmission to say the medicines that need to be refined.

Looking at Teng Yunjie with his eyes widened, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a shock like a stormy sea.

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