Destined Martial God

Chapter 1078: Mortalweed

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At the bottom of Jinghu Lake, in the nest of Dragon Python!

Although Wu Sheng and Wu Zun both aim at the realm of law cultivation, they still need to continuously improve the strength of the spirit.

The stronger the spirit, the better you can not only understand the power of the law, but also the easier it is to control the law, and to help speed up the speed of cultivation.

Use the divine spirit to divide the soul stone in front of you, one into the tower of the domain, let the second avatar improve with the help of the soul stone, and the other soul is included in the storage ring to assist your future practice.

After gathering up the soul stone, Yu Haoran continued to use the divine mind to search the nest in front of him.

"this is!"

When the divine thought extended about 300 meters, a familiar picture made him quickly step forward to the nine grasses.

"This, this, this is the life-threatening grass!" Bently observed carefully, Yu Haoran stepped back abruptly and shouted aloud.

Deathgrass, the third most poisonous drug on the Celestial Continent's Top 100 Poisonous Drugs list, is so violent that even the powerful energies of Emperor Wudi's realm can't resist it.

According to rumors, four of the top five poisonous drugs and one poisonous dandelion in the top five hundred poisonous drugs list have long been lost, but they did not expect to find the life-threatening grass in the dragon's lair.

After the horror, Yu Haoran was immediately filled with irresistible ecstasy.

Because in the previous life, he once obtained a Danfang in a cave house left by a master of Dan Dao Peak, and one of which was based on the herbicide, and then combined with eight vitality-containing medicinal materials to make an absolutely inverse Heaven-like elixir--Death lord.

Desperate Dan, as the name suggests, is a panacea to the death!

According to the record left by the master Dan Dao at the beginning, even if your vitality is gone and the spirit is destroyed, as long as the physical body is still there, you can use the life-saving Dan to restore the physical vitality and reunite the destroyed Three Spirits VII. soul.

Of course, the elixir with such a counter-intuitive effect has a grade of nine first-class grades, not to mention that he can't refine it now, even if Dan Dao Xiu is promoted to the peak of the imperial realm, he can't refine the life-saving elixir.

However, at that time, the master of the Dao Dao Peak took advantage of the poisonous properties of the killer Dan to create a new way of elixir, a kind of elixir that fully utilizes the poison of the killer herb and stimulates the vitality of the auxiliary medicine. .

This elixir not only accelerates the speed of healing the tower, but also assists the towering spirit to wake up faster. It has only a third-order first grade. It is after he broke through the realm of the master of Dan Tao that he can use the Nether Pill to condense. A kind of elixir.

Mind enters the storage ring and the domain tower, checks all his collections, and finally finds only five auxiliary medicinal materials that can be used to refine that elixir.

Of the three missing medicinal herbs, two are in the inner wall of the magic lake forest, and the last one has not fallen for the time being.

However, the medicinal material that has not fallen for the time being has at least three possible alternative medicinal materials, so you don't have to worry too much.

Take out nine jade boxes made of jade, and an ordinary iron sword, and then carefully dig out nine life-threatening grasses, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe in the jade box.

Yu Haoran was relieved after all nine of the life-threatening grasses were packed into the jade box and they were stored in separate storage rings.

Then he began to adjust his emotions.

When the mind is calm again, spread the mind again, and continue to search for the treasures in the dragon python's lair.


"The old slave is unfavorable to protect the master, causing the master to be seriously injured, and the sin is serious, please Master Eight to punish!"

After rushing into the inner wall of the Jinghu Forest, Xiu Qihao relied on his powerful practice to slay a highly poisonous red-tailed blood scorpion and temporarily hid in the cave of the red-tailed blood scorpion.

Later, he used the top healing elixir and three drops of essence blood contained in the blood of Ba snake to help Xiu Ruojie to stabilize the worsening injury.

Looking at Xiu Ruojie who was gradually awake, and slowly opened his eyes, Xiu Qihao quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty.

As the Xiu clan who inherited the blood of the ancient **** beast Ba snake, the status of the noble and lowly is very clear.

Don't look at his cultivation as a state of second martial arts Zun Wuzun, don't look at the blood of the beast Ba snake in his body, but the identity of the slave and the special method of imprisonment determine that he can only obey the family system. Domination will never have the ability and ambition to resist.

He looked at the lost arm, his face paled like white paper, repaired as Xiu Ruojie who fell to the realm of Wuhuang, and looked at Xiu Qihao's eyes full of chill.

Fortunately, the state of serious injury kept him in a sane state.

At this moment, although he hated the selfish self-interested Xiu Qihao at the moment, he knew that he was in a state of great damage. If he lost his guardianship, the result would be death.

Therefore, Xiu Ruojie took a deep breath and endured the severe pain in the body, which he said softly.

"Hauber, the accident was too sudden at the time, and it was normal to not react for a while, so you don't need to feel guilty."

"Thank you Master Eight for your forgiveness, thank you Master eight for your forgiveness!" Xiu Qihao said quickly.

"Hob, where are we now?" Looking up at the dim cave, Xiu Ruojie asked with a frown.

"Master Eight, this is the inner wall of the Lijinghu Forest. This cave is the cave of the poinsettia tail blood scorpion in the sanctuary." Xiu Qihao quickly replied.

"Hawber, aren't you saying that the inner wall of Jinghu Forest is in peril, and that I have entered the inner wall of Jinghu Forest in the state of my serious injuries now?

In how to maintain a rational state, after hearing Xiu Qihao placing himself in such a dangerous environment, Xiu Ruojie can hardly control his inner anger and yelled.

"Master Eight, don't be angry, please listen to the old slave to explain carefully."

After hearing Xiu Ruojie's angry yelling, Xiu Qihao quickly relieved and explained.

"Master Eight, in the blood of the ancestor Ba snake, in addition to possessing the secret technique of swallowing up all things in the world, he also has the ability to regenerate with broken limbs."

"If you want to recover from injuries as quickly as possible and have a lost arm again, you must devour and refine more beasts that contain the blood of the ancestor Baba snake."

"So, the old slave can only risk taking you into the inner wall of the Mirror Lake Forest, looking for an alien beast with the blood of the ancestor Baba snake."

Explaining here, Xiu Qihao continued with a confident expression.

"When the old slave slayed the red-tailed blood scorpion just now, he unexpectedly felt no less than five strange beasts with the veins of the ancestor Ba snake."

"It can be seen from this that the inner wall of the Jinghu Forest may be full of strange beasts with the blood of the ancestors.

"Really!" Xiu Qihao immediately asked excitedly.

If there is a large number of strange beasts with the blood of the ancestor Ba snake, then he can not only recover the injury and regain his lost arm, but also use the blood of Ba snake to suppress the dragon blood. There is a great chance to get the martial arts heritage in the blood of the ancestors.

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