Destined Martial God

Chapter 1084: The unicorn **** blood (one more)

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Mirror Lake Forest!

Taking a full nine steps back, Yu Haoran opened his eyes and looked at the unicorn Kirin, his heart shook like a stormy sea.

In the previous life, when he ventured into the tomb of the demon **** and accidentally entered the grave of the **** beast Kirin, the body of the unicorn that he saw was just the first time he entered the emperor's realm.

In his opinion, even the tombs that claim to be able to bury the ancient deities can hardly see the corpses of strong men at the level of the gods. Perhaps the corpses of the strong men in the realm of war gods from ancient, medieval and modern times have long disappeared in history In the dust.

But now it seems that it is not what I imagined.

You can understand that Yu Haoran lost his heart instantly after hearing the news for the first time, so the unicorn Kirin silently digested and accepted the time.

After the shocked look on Haoran's face gradually returned to normal, and the violent ups and downs of emotions gradually stabilized, the yin and yang different fires continued to use the means of mental communication to explain the reason why it just bravely left the original original fire.

"Just like a popular phrase among you human warriors, it's called an insufferable snake!"

"As a member of me who has only been promoted twice, I can only devour and refine the energy of the divine level, forcibly devour and refine the energy of the divine spirit in the body of the unicorn Kirin, and the result is the danger of death by explosion."

"Yin and Yang, why choose me?"

Forcibly devouring and refining energy beyond its own limits, and self-destruction is probably the ultimate return, so Yu Haoran can understand the cause of the original strange fire that separated the origin of the beast unicorn, it is the seed of hope that wants to leave for rebirth.

But what he couldn't understand was why the yin and yang different fires should use their own body as the source of the original initial fire seeds to grow and germinate.

"Young people, after the cultivation of souls breaks through the Emperor Wudi's realm, they will give birth to a trace of heaven and earth. Apart from the erosion of a long time, anyone who wants to destroy the emperor's corpse will suffer the backlash of heaven and earth. , Let alone be a powerful **** who has immortality. "

"In fact, the original source that I separated just now is still under the danger of the **** beast Kirin's mighty backswing."

"Yin and Yang are different, aren't you harming me!" After hearing the red and white flames floating on his own dantian, the divine power left by the beast Kirin still remained, Yu Haoran complained with an ugly face.

Of course, complaining and complaining, he was not very worried that the backwash of the beast Qilin Shenwei could hurt himself.

After all, with the surveillance and protection of the rules of the heavens, he believes that the might of God remaining in the red and white flames will not dare to act.

However, when I think of the yin and yang different fires, I use my own Dantian to pass on the hidden dangers that I did not know about life and death, and keep the seeds of hope for rebirth. I have resentment in my heart and want to ask for some benefits.

For example, the treasure and **** blood left by the beast unicorn.

"Young humans, you don't have to worry too much about the mighty power that remains in the original fire at the beginning."

After hearing Yu Haoran's complaints, the Yin Yang Yi Hu quickly relieved.

"At first, more than 90% of the divine power has been intercepted in my body, and less than 10% of the divine power is left. With the strength of the initial fire of you and Yuanyuan, I should be able to suppress the backwash of divine power."

"Second, you have a mysterious atmosphere left by a big man, with the protection of this big man's breath, and the trace of divine power left by the beast Kirin is definitely afraid to act lightly."

"Yin and Yang are different, what big man?" Yu Haoran asked immediately.

After practicing Fuxi's gossip chart, using the inferential calculation method, he knew that he had two powerful breaths in his body.

A strong breath comes from monitoring and sheltering one's own heavenly rules, and another breath comes from the domain tower, or from the towering spirit.

The rules of heaven are on the bright side. It is the most fearful of all living beings, and it is also the existence of yin and yang different fires.

Therefore, the breath of the big man that the yin and yang different fires just felt must come from the towering spirit.

And what he wants to know the most now and what he wants to know about is the origin of Yuta.

Especially what happened in Miao Cang Shuidong Mansion made him feel a little alert to Ta Ling.

This is why the Taling has been sleeping for more than two months. He has not fulfilled his promise to use the treasures that contain vitality to help him speed up his recovery.

Because he was worried about the towering spirit of Yuta, like the sword spirit of the Xuanhuang sword, he had misbehaving ambitions towards the host.

"Young humans, in fact, I don't know much about the origin of that big man."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Yin Huo Yi Huo did not conceal the introduction.

"Because the origin of that big man is too old, it can basically be traced back to the beginning of the world."

"According to some information I have learned, the big man is a strong man with a heart and a tragedy in his heart, worthy of believing and respect."

Speaking of which, the unicorn Kirin, which is condensed by yin and yang, looks at the position of Yu Haoran's abdomen, with a look of nostalgia and expectation in his eyes.

"Young humans, it is precisely because of the breath of that big man in your body that I finally chose to let you have the original original fire of red and white flames."

"Because I believe that the human being that the big man sees is also a person to be trusted and respected. It will not hurt the original initial fire, and will not relied on the powerful strength to refine the yin and yang fire in the future."

Close your eyes and carefully recall all the experiences after you met with Ta Ling, and then combined with Yin Yang Yi Hu's introduction to Ta Ling just now, Yu Haoran's inner guard was slightly weakened.

After reopening his eyes, Yu Haoran stared directly into the eyes of the **** beast Kirin, and said when he opened the door.

"Yin and Yang different fires, I can guarantee that the original different fires of the origin will not be refined, and I promise you to cultivate the original original fires of the origin in the future."

"But you should also say something."

"Young humans, please tell me what you want. As long as I can do it, I will not postpone it." Yin Yang Yihuo signaled boldly.

"I want some of the essence and blood of the unicorn Kirin." Yu Haoran was pleasantly surprised by the bold move of Yin and Yang, and said directly.

"Young humans, in order to be able to delay the time of self-explosion, I forcibly gave up 90% of the energy that devoured the unicorn **** body, and the amount of blood left in the body was not large."

"So, now I can only give you three drops of the blood of the **** beast unicorn. No matter how much, I will not be able to continue the transformation of the **** beast unicorn."

While driving three drops of blood, floating in front of Hao Ran, Yin and Yang different fires explained.

Looking at the three drops of Kirin's blood that were sealed by Yin and Yang different fires using special energy, Yu Haoran couldn't help but swallow a spit.

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