Destined Martial God

Chapter 1088: The temptation of Taichu Xuanshen (five more)

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Mirror Lake Forest!

"It turns out that this boy is from the Xiu family in Hailin, southern Xinjiang, and contains the blood of the **** beast Ba snake."

Xiu Ruojie opened his eyes again, frowning to himself.

"Although the Ba snake was regarded as the best beast in ancient times, it did not meet the conditions for me to win."

Subsequently, Xiu Ruojie looked up at the void, and gritted his teeth.

"Yin and Yang are in flames. My Lord Nine Stars has nothing to do with you, why do you kill me by means of self-explosion?"

It is a pity that the uncontrolled Qilin Shenwei has completely eliminated the yin and yang different fires, and also made the lord of nine stars never know why he was inexplicably killed by the yin and yang fires.

"Forget it, for the time being, make use of this flesh, wait for a more suitable flesh, and then use the opportunity to change the life against the sky, so that it can just escape the awakened enemies."

After self-consolation, the nine-star lord who recovered his mood calmly looked up into the depths of the glasses and lake forest, and there was a dread in his eyes.

Then, without any hesitation, he straightened into the air, and then quickly flew away from the Jinghu Forest.


In the lair of a fierce empty cow!

"The memory of the previous life did not deviate, and there is indeed a third-order, first-grade product called God Fruit in the lair of the empty cow!" Looking at the feet, the size of his fist and the dark gray spiritual fruit, Yu Haoran amazed himself.

Subsequently, he took out a wooden box and quickly gathered up the God Fruit.

The main medicinal herb, and seven auxiliary medicinal materials have been prepared, and the last medicinal material needs to wait for the Shuangniucheng black market auction one month later.

Looking up at the huge nest in space, Yu Haoran suddenly lost his heart.

Being able to reach the depths of Jinghu Forest safely is not how powerful you are, and the memories of previous lives have not helped you too much. It is because of the yin and yang different fires that condensed the unicorn unicorn, which led to the inner wall of Jinghu Forest. Many deadly dangers are temporarily hidden.

Nowadays, it is possible to collect enough elixir to awaken the towering spirit, and accidentally harvest the yin and yang different fires in the original state of origin. There are dozens of precious treasures, which can be said to be over-completed this adventure.

Continue to stay, there are no goals worthy of adventurous competition besides increasing danger.

Therefore, without considering for too long, Yu Haoran finally decided to leave Jinghu Forest immediately.

After stepping out of the Laird Cow's lair, he directly used his martial arts skills to accelerate towards the periphery of Jinghu Forest.

But just when he had just reached the site of the Blood-toothed Monkey, in the depths of Jinghu Forest, a strong energy wave suddenly erupted.

Along with the intense energy fluctuations, a seductive aroma made Yu Haoran stop to leave quickly.

He sniffed the seductive aroma scattered in the air, and then carefully recalled the celestial treasures he knew well. In the end, an impulse that made him unable to control his heart at all, and immediately wanted the anti-celestial elixir deep into the forest of Jinghu Appeared in my mind.

Taichu Xuanshen, the final promotion body of ginseng class elixir, grades up to second-order nine grades.

In the beginning of the era, Xuanshen not only opened up his mind, but also practiced the mind and martial arts in the memory inheritance of the ginseng category.

Taichu Xuanshen, also known as Zunshen Ginseng, can be used to control the power of the rule without side effects, and it can be successfully upgraded to Wu Zun's anti-elixir.

At the same time, the promotion of this realm is not only without any side effects, but the huge vitality contained in the primordial ginseng can actually enhance talent, potential, and understanding.

Faced with the primordial ginseng that successfully opened the mind, let alone the ordinary Wu Sheng strongman want to get it, even the mighty strong one in the realm of Wu Di is no exception.

Because Taichu Xuanshen can also enhance the strength of Wudi's powerful power, enhance the understanding of powerful power, and help them impact higher realms.

"Brother Yu, stay calm!" The second avatar, who was also awakened by the huge energy erupting in the depths of Jinghu Forest, immediately reminded loudly after seeing the body returning to the depths of Jinghu Forest desperately.

However, Yu Haoran, who had been blinded by Tai Xuan's ginseng, did not hear the reminder of the second clone, and continued to rush to the depths of Jinghu Forest.

Seeing that his reminder was invalid, the second avatar could only risk mobilizing Yuanli, and then attacked the spirit in the sea.

It is hoped that in the case of danger, the spirit can awaken the mind of the body.

The attack is back to the attack, of course, it can't cause the soul to be severely damaged, so the second avatar only mobilizes one percent of the power, and avoids the vital position of the soul when attacking.

Yu Haoran quickly awakened from the pain caused by the attack on the sea god.

Thinking back to what just happened, a cold sweat came from his forehead.

Then he looked up into the depths of the glasses lake forest, and then decisively turned straight to the lair of the blood tooth monkey.

Even if I have experienced the grind of the mind and soul in the past and present life, I cannot control the temptation formed by the aroma of Taichu Xuanshen, let alone the inner beasts in the mirror lake forest.

It won't take long for all the strange beasts in the inner perimeter of Jinghu Forest to lose their sanity and rush to Taichu Xuanshen just as they did just now. This will form a tide of beasts.

Facing the beast tide formed in the inner wall of Jinghu Forest, I am afraid that even the peerless powers in Wuzun realm should be afraid of a few points.

Using extreme speed, Yu Haoran rushed into the lair of the blood-toothed monkey when he felt the ground began to shake violently, and finally he was relieved.

Then he thanked the second avatar in the sea.

"Ran, thank you!"

If it is not for the second avatar to come up with a way to attack the consciousness of the sea god, and wake up the mad mind in time, then face the countless beasts of the imperial realm, sacred realm and quasi-respectful realm, and mad tears that do not distinguish you or me. The final result can be imagined.

Facing the ontology's thanks, the second avatar waved to show that it didn't matter, and then continued to immerse himself in the practice of formation.

The aroma of Taixuanxuan, which can penetrate the sea, is not attractive to him.

Sitting down with a bent knee, he took out a fist-sized soul stone, and while recovering the slight injury that the soul had just suffered, Yu Haoran began to adjust his mentality.

Based on the rules of heaven and heaven, Yu Haoran has sufficient confidence in her own shelter and the guidance of the towering spirit that already existed when the heaven and earth first opened.

Therefore, it doesn't matter to him if there is too much help from Xuanshen.

After using this idea to completely dispel the last trace of greed left in his heart, Yu Haoran began to consider the next plan.

I am afraid that no strange animal can resist the seductive power of the aroma of the early ginseng.

Then, on the way back to my own journey, wouldn't there be no threat from strange animals.

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