Destined Martial God

Chapter 1090: Pointing (second more)

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Holy poison teaching!

But it's different for Li Zhiyuan.

Although he is not a master disciple and a disciple of five elders, nor does he possess the potential of peerless and evil spirits, he has the special ability to calm the tyrannical emotions of strange animals.

It is precisely because of this ability that he not only has a special position in the Holy Poison, but is also the only person who can know the origin of the Guardian God Beast besides the leader and five elders.

This is also an important reason why she and Li Zhiyuan dared to kill others outside the mirror lake forest.

After all, those poisonous beasts outside the mirror lake forest will not actively attack and harm Li Zhiyuan.

"No!" The obsessive look in his eyes was instantly replaced by vigilance, and Li Zhiyuan immediately shook his head and refused.

Subsequently, he left his fist and turned away from the other hospital.

Looking at the back of Li Zhiyuan's departure, Heman's eyes showed a look of confusion.

Because she couldn't figure out what is so special about the holy beast of the holy poison religion, she needed to hide it so severely that she might be known by others.

Before the Holy Poison!

Looking at the rolling mountains that have not changed much in the past, Yu Haoran tidy up his clothes slightly, and then walks to the door of the Holy Poison Church.

"Please stop!"

I noticed that Yu Haoran's disciples of Shouzong immediately stood in front of him, and asked with a humble attitude.

"This place is still the second-class sect of Tianxuan Continent. I do n’t know why this friend came here?"

"Look at your holy drug lord and five elders to recount the old." Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

"Your Excellency knows the lord and five elders of our holy drug religion?" Shouzong disciple questioned clearly.

After all, the young people in front of them are eighteen or nineteen years old, and do not have the qualifications and opportunities to meet the master and the five elders.

"I know them. They don't know me, but they must have heard of me." Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

"Sir, please report your name!" Xiu Zong, the only disciple of Shouzong who is the pinnacle of the three kings of the king, immediately mobilized Yuanli and Soul, and asked with a serious expression.

"The disciple of the second-class sect of Baiyunmen Qingyunfeng, the Grand Master of the Great Qin Empire, the master of Dan Dao and Zhen Yu Yu Haoran!"

In order to avoid conflicts with Shouzong disciples of the Holy Poison Sect, Yu Haoran introduced his identity in great detail so as to attract the attention of the other party.

"My Excellency, it was Yu Haoran who successfully opened the Shuangniushan Sword Tower Sword List more than two months ago!" After hearing Yu Haoran's detailed self-introduction, the names spread to various denominations during this period of time immediately surprised Shouzong's disciples. Asked.

"It's down!" Yu Haoran nodded and admitted.

"Yu Shaoxia, please wait a moment, the junior will arrange someone to inform the leader!"

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Shouzong's disciples motioned for excitement, then turned back to the front of the mountain gate and instructed a disciple of Wusheng Jiupin.

"You immediately went to Zongzhu Peak and informed the priest and the five elders, and said that Kendo genius Yu Haoran came to visit."

"Yu Shaoxia, although you are a shocking genius in Kendo, but in our holy poison religion, it is still an idol worshipped by many disciples, and it is also the goal pursued by the peerless and evil inheritance masters."

Disciples of Shouzong, who returned to Yu Haoran, expressed his emotions with excitement.

"What's your name?" Yu Haoran asked gently.

"The disciple's surname is Xie, with a single military character." Shouzong disciple quickly introduced himself.

Taking a closer look at the breath of poisonous tracts from Xie Jun, Yu Haoran found that the breath of poisonous tracts was very pure, which was only a line weaker than the breath of specializing in poisoning tracts in his previous life.

This shows that Xie Jun is a disciple with excellent poisonous talents.

The previous life's owe to the holy drug religion, and his natural love for the poisonous path, eventually he couldn't help but want to instruct Xie Jun's practice on the poisonous path.

"I think the poisonous odor in your body is very stable. Obviously you are a disciple who values ​​the foundation and pays attention to step by step. This is a good thing."

"As a poisonous practice that hurts and hurts oneself, the solid foundation is to cut the poisonous path, the best way to prevent the poisonous backwash, I hope you can continue to adhere to your own practice."

"My brother remembers his teachings!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder of his practice on the poisonous path, Xie Jun immediately put away an excited look and thanked him solemnly.

"As an auxiliary practice system, the fastest way to break through the realm. If you want to maintain a solid foundation and have the speed of realizing rapid advancement, the best practice is to identify a large number of toxin-containing medicinal materials. Understanding of different poisons will improve one's understanding and perception of the poisonous path. "Signaling Xie Jun need not be polite, Yu Haoran continued to preach.

If Yu Haoran's reminder at the beginning was just a courtesy, then the instructions in the practice of poisoning the road, Xie Jun suddenly emerged with surprise and gratitude.

After all, holy poisonism is only a second-class denomination. Except for the leader and five elders in the denomination, the remaining church masters and deacons are not very profound in the practice of poisoning.

Moreover, he himself is not a disciple of five elders and priests, and it is usually difficult to obtain such exquisite poisoning instructions.

"Thank you for your guidance. After the younger brother has handed over the class, I will use the method taught by my brother to practice!"

"Everyone in the world says that Master Yu is an all-rounder in cultivation. There is no unfamiliar auxiliary cultivation system. There is still a bit of doubt in the founder, but it seems that the rumors are true!"

It was because when Hao Ran planned to continue to teach Xie Jun some of the practice techniques on poisonous avenues, the voice of Sheng Wenjiao Zhong Wenda suddenly came to his ear.

"The junior Yu Haoran, I have seen the leader of Zhong Jiao!" Seeing Zhong Wenda who flashed beside Xie Jun, Yu Haoran hurryed to see the salute.

Zhong Wenda, a geek who is completely obsessed with poison, is a poor man who is not suitable to become the leader of a religion, but has been pushed hard and hard.

He is also a person worthy of respect and trust.

"Master Yu, no matter in the realm of martial arts, or the achievements of Dan Dao and the front, you are not lost to the founder, so you and me should be treated as ordinary people."

Yu Haoran's modest and courteous move made Zhong Wenda's goodwill towards him immediately improve, not only the smile on his face was more prosperous, but also his attitude was more respectful.

"Secondary Master, you are both the First Master and the predecessor in martial arts. Some of the etiquettes should be respected by the younger ones."

Facing Zhong Wenda's proposal, his lack of heart made him still insist on being a junior.

In this regard, Zhong Wenda did not continue to persuade, but invited Yu Haoran to the welcome hall of the Holy Drugs.

"Teacher Xie, there are two points that need to be paid special attention to by identifying the poisonous substances in the medicinal materials to enhance the practice of poisoning."

After nodding in agreement with Zhong Wenda's invitation, Yu Haoran turned his head and told Xie Jun.

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