Destined Martial God

Chapter 1100: To build a heavenly land (second more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

Holy poison religion, Yinyue Pavilion!

"Brother Yu, I remember you once in the Tomb of the Stars got a gathering disk that can gather the aura of heaven and earth." Thinking for a moment, the second avatar asked suddenly.


Nodded his head, Yu Haoran took out from the storage ring directly the Juling disk harvested in the military camp at Kaiyang Tomb.

"Brother Yu, from the Zhoutian star formation method you gave me, I realized a formation method that can gather the aura of heaven and earth within a thousand miles."

After reaching out to receive the Juling disk, the second clone carefully examined and felt it, and then said with a strong self-confidence.

"With the help of the psychic disk and a seventh-order subordinate spiritual vein, and then using the psychic array method I have learned, the Yinyue Pavilion can be turned into a real cave heavenly land."

"This hole in heaven is a third gift to your disciples."

"Ran, please tell me, let me do it!" Yu Haoran signaled directly without the pain of the loss of Ju Ling Pan and Qi Xia Xia Pin Ling Mai.

"Brother Yu, first use the technique of seal to seal the seventh-order top-grade spirit veins into the congregation disk!"

Knowing that Hao Ran did not want to expose the secrets of the one-liquid Sanqing avatar in front of Fang Man, the second avatar did not make a request that he must do it himself.

After hearing the command from the second avatar, Yu Haoran used his consciousness to move the Juling disk from within the sea of ​​knowledge to reality, and then took out a seventh-order subordinate spiritual vein from Xiu Qihao's storage ring.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Fang Man, who had been waiting for the third gift, frowned slightly when he saw Yu Haoran taking out the disc.

Because she did not see the grade of the disc, nor did she know the purpose of the disc.

After seeing him take out another spirit-like vein, he was even more puzzled and asked.

"Wait a moment and you will know what the third gift is for you!"

Because he didn't know how well the second avatar finally created the heavenly blessing land, for fear of not being able to reach his own satisfaction level in the end, Yu Haoran didn't tell Fang Man his plan for the time being.

Later, he walked away from the pavilion, and then unveiled the spell attached to the seventh-order lower-pin spirit vein.

"Hmm ...!"

At the moment when the seal charm was lifted off, there was only an arm-sized dragon vein, and after breaking away from Hao Ran's palm, it turned into a spirit dragon with a length of several kilometers, and then raised a roar.

"Give me back!"

Seeing the restoration of the body in an instant, and intending to rush into the veins of Jinghu Forest, Yu Haoran sighed, and then used a giant palm condensed by the power of the soul and soul to directly grasp the dragon tail of the veins. Pull back to Yinyue Pavilion.

Then, the ten fingers quickly formed the seal mark, and sealed the spiritual veins into the poly-spiral disk little by little.

"Hmm ...!"

As the spirit tail and the spirit body are constantly sealed, when the dragon vein head is about to enter the spirit disk, the dragon of the seventh-order inferior spirit pulse incarnates a very unwilling roar and completely integrates into the spirit disk.

"Brother Yu, immediately bury the Juling disk in the practice room!" As soon as the seventh-step Xiapin Lingmai was just sealed into the Juling disk, the second avatar in the sea of ​​knowledge immediately reminded him.

Shining body appeared in front of the practice room of Yinyue Pavilion. There was no need to enter the practice room. Using the huge palms that had not yet been dissipated, the entire room was directly grasped, and then the spiritual disk was placed in the foundation of the room.

"Brother Yu, next take out nine hundred and eighty-one spirits of seventh-order and first-grade." It was that Hao Ran had just lowered the room of the practice room, and the second avatar then ordered.

"Brother Yu, place twenty spirit stones at the right position in the four directions of southeast and northwest." The second clone continued to command.

After all the eighty-seventh-level spirit stones were placed, Yu Haoran floated directly above the Yinyue Pavilion in accordance with the requirements of the second avatar.

"Brother Yu, then you can pinch the mark at will and pretend to be a cloth array, and the remaining Spirit Seal will be cast by me!"

With the help of the incomplete Zhou Tianxing array method, the Juling array was realized. To successfully arrange it, it not only requires a deep array of practice, but also a skillful deployment of array formation.

However, in the current situation of the ontology, it is impossible to successfully use the Judgment to lay out the spirit formation, so the second clone can only do it by itself.

The remaining spirit stone in the handle was floated in the air by the means of Yuanli Wrapping. Then, while pretending to pinch the hands, he felt the whole process of setting up the spirit formation by the second avatar.

With the rapid formation of the second imprint in the sea of ​​knowledge, quickly merged into the spirit stone, Yu Haoran clearly felt the seventh-order first-grade spirit stone floating in mid-air, and the twenty spirit stones in the east direction. , Forming a traction link.


Third way!

After the fourth gathering of imprints merged into the spirit stone, the entire Yinyue Pavilion was immediately enveloped by aura.

"go with!"

Immediately after that, the second avatar made five more imprints at the same time, and at the same time printed on the spirit stone, and sang at the spirit stone floating in the air.

Then, the spirit stone floating in the air led hundreds of auras to the practice room.

I do n’t know if the spirit stone that blended into the mark has become unreal, or the wall of the practice room has become unreal. The spirit stone that hit the wall of the practice room has neither broken powder nor penetration of the wall, but directly integrated into the practice. Work room.

Less than three seconds, a white aura recognizable to the naked eye suddenly erupted from the practice room.

After a closer look, Yu Haoran was surprised to find that the purity of the aura in the practice room had been improved by at least ten times.

As the aura emerged from the practice room became richer and denser, it was confined to the Yinyue Pavilion.

In less than five minutes, the entire Yinyue Pavilion gradually began to wet, and at a distance of 81 meters above the Yinyue Pavilion, a misty spiritual rain began to float.

Taking a deep breath of the rain falling in the air, Yu Haoran showed a smile of satisfaction on his face, and then reminded the second avatar in the sea.

"Ran, continue to study and improve the level of the Spiritual Formation method. In the future, how amazing we can be based on the heavenly land of Tianxuan Continent depends on you."


Nodded his head, and the second avatar, who sat down with his knees bent, re-immersed himself in the formation.

Later, Yu Haoran turned around and returned to Fengting, smiling at each other and asking.

"How about the third gift for the teacher, are you still satisfied?"

"A miracle, this is exactly a miracle!" Fang Man couldn't help expressing his emotions as he stretched his hand out of the pavilion and let the raindrops fall on the palm of his hand.

"Since you like it, you can be assured of being a teacher!" After hearing Fang Man's sigh, Yu Haoran nodded comfortably.

Then he told Fang Man.

"Fang Man, in the jade bamboo slips left to you by the teacher, there is a very detailed process of poisonous path practice and the problems that may arise during the practice of poisonous path."

"So, in a short time, you can rely on the information in Yujian to cultivate by yourself."

The author Yan Yunyu said: Sorry, the leader came to check in the morning, and was busy until more than two o'clock, so that the time code word was updated. Moreover, today is the daughter-in-law's birthday, and I have to go out for dinner tonight, so today it can only be four more, and the missing chapter will be added tomorrow.

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