Destined Martial God

Chapter 1116: Thoughtful results (three more)

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Black market auction!

"Brother Yu, rest assured!"

Nodded, the second avatar signaled.

"I have arranged a formation that can instantly extract the soul and soul power, which can satisfy your rule martial arts that you can perform four times in a row."

Disperse the ancestral witch's body, put away the purple stick, Yu Haoran looked up indifferently, looking at the three robbers who marched first, and raised his arm quickly.

"Life and death!"

Along with the low sip, a special energy made the rushing Sanzhe Zhunwu Zunqiang who could not help but change his face.

Immediately afterwards, he directly inspired the divine defense product in the holy realm inside his body, and his palms quickly deployed the dual defenses of soul power and power in front of himself.

It is a pity that the martial arts formed by the dual law of life and death can not only overcome the obstacles of time and space, but also ignore the defense of any force.

In the end, the power of the law of life, death, and death directly penetrated the defense of the elemental power, the defense of the soul power, and the defense of the sacred realm. Wonderful process.

"Life and death!"

With the support of all the soul powers instantly input by the second avatar, Yu Haoran then performed the martial arts law of life and death.

The target of the attack was the strong man who robbed Zhunzun at his peak.

"Life and death!"

After only a pause of one second, with the help of the formation method to extract the soul and soul's power in an instant, Yu Haoran used the third martial arts technique to aim at the last strongman in the quasi-military state.

As for the martial arts Jiupin peak strong who has not completely recovered, with his sword, or the physical body of the ancestor and witch, he can easily be killed.

The shocking force brought about by the martial arts rules of life and death, all the strong men in the cloud chair suddenly stood up, and the strong men on the rosewood chair below retreated to the corner of the courtyard.

All of them looked at the air in horror, and the three quasi-military respecters who were experiencing life to death, death to life, and death from life to death.

"This, this, this is the rule of martial arts formed by the dual law of life and death!" Shouted the trembling voice of the middle-aged strongman who just took the vow of blood.

And the young man named Yu Ze standing behind him had deep fear in his eyes and a little bit of resentment.

As for Lei Hejun, who was standing in front of the cloud chair representing the star of Niu Taurus, he shivered, his face fell pale on the cloud chair, and his mouth murmured even more.

"How could I provoke such a monster, how could I provoke ...!"

With the help of the second avatar arrangement, the soul and soul power is extracted instantly. Before everyone wakes up, Yu Haoran uses the barely recovered 30% of the soul power to stimulate the ancestral witch body, and then uses the basic stick method of Taishan to push the mind directly. In the trance state, the Wusheng Jiupin peak strongman who did not know how to dodge and resist did not kill.

Later, he flashed beside Qin Lingfei, telling Qin Lingfei to collect the storage ring of the Guliang family strongman, and immediately sat down on the cloud chair with his knees bent, and began to fully recover the exhausted soul power.

"Hao Ran, I will return to the palace. I implore the Emperor to borrow the Emperor Sword to help you." Seeing Hao Ran opening his eyes slowly, Qin Lingfei handed over the four storage rings he had collected to him. , Said anxiously.

He stretched out Qin Lingfei's arm directly, Yu Haoran shook his head and refused.

"Ling Fei, a Guliang family, is not worthy of using the Emperor's Sword."

"Haoran, the Gu Liang family is only two top forces in the Southern Region that can threaten our Great Qin Empire. The father emperor once sent someone to investigate the situation of the Gu Liang family."

Seeing that Yu Haoran not only refused to agree to borrow the sword of Emperor Realm, but also treated the Liang family with contempt, and the anxious Qin Lingfei hurriedly used the divine voice to remind him.

"According to the data collected for nearly two decades, the number of strong men in the Wuliang and Zhunwu respects of the Guliang family has exceeded 200."

"Moreover, in the forbidden area of ​​the family of Gu Liang, there are still two peerless strong men who are far stronger than those of Zhun Wuzun."

There are only two peerless powers in Wuzun realm!

After hearing Qin Lingfei's disclosure of the true details of the Gu Liang family, Yu Haoran let out a sigh of relief.

Because in his conjecture, with the blood of the Emperor Wu Liang and his life-saving personality inherited from the Gu Liang family, there will be at least three Wu Zun peerless powerhouses.

Now it seems that he too sees the cowardly Guliang family!

She patted the hand of Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran smiled and shook her head, and refused firmly.

"Ling Fei, no need!"

In fact, the blood vow justified by blood and the rules of heaven just now has some impulse reasons, but the decision was really well thought out.

In the future, judging from the sneak attack of the Guliang family by the three-strength Zhunzun realm, I am afraid that he has been listed as one of the key objects that the Guliang family must cut off.

As the saying goes, do n’t be afraid of thieves stealing fear of thieves remember, how can you prevent the thieves all day long!

Moreover, in the Gu Liang family's style of behavior, whether it is going out to practice or retreat in the future, you need to guard against the sneak attack of the Gu Liang family, or even the sneak attack of Wu Zun's peerless power. It can be fatal.

In this case, it is better to annihilate the world of Gu Liang in advance and prevent it before it happens!

Secondly, after this period of understanding of the laws of life and death, he found a very serious matter, that is, without experiencing the life and death, it is very difficult to quickly improve the perception of life and death.

The dual law of life and death as a major, will also affect his practice.

If you continue to practice in such a stable way, you do n’t know that the year of the monkey and the year of the monkey can reach the state of law perfection, and you can try to break through the state of Wu Zun who has achieved the peerless power.

Three times, after obtaining the last medicinal material that can assist in the refining of the elixir and wake up the sleeping Taling, by means of Taling, there must be a way to exterminate the Guliang family.

It is also based on the above three considerations that Yu Haoran finally chose to use the rules of heaven to take the blood oath of your life.

As for the blood and blood oath finally formed by the rules of the heavens, although it is slightly unexpected, you can understand why the rules of the heavens do so with a little thought.

"Hao Ran, you can't borrow the Emperor's Sword of the Father, but you must be with me when encircling the Guliang family."

Seeing Yu Haoran's resolute opposition, Qin Lingfei knew that she would continue to persuade and there would be no result.

However, thinking that when Yu Haoran was alone in the face of the eleven quasi-respecting beasts of the Hengduan Mountains, he could only be a spectator with fear, and his thoughts of birth and death suddenly appeared.

"Ling Fei, do you think I would agree!" The smile on his face closed instantly, Yu Haoran asked seriously.

"I don't care!" She shook her head hard, and Qin Lingfei refused for the first time in front of Hao Ran.

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