Destined Martial God

Chapter 1120: Scary old man (second more)

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Black market auction!

"Master Yu, a black bear with ordinary blood veins, how can it be compared with the iron-winged flying eagle with the blood veins of the golden-winged Dapeng bird."

Faced with Hao Ran's second reason to give up bidding for the Iron Wing Flying Eagle Egg, the little old man didn't notice his weird behavior at all, and suggested more enthusiastically.

"You can invite someone to slaughter the black bear, remove the trace of the contract with the black bear, and then re-sign the beast pet contract with the iron winged eagle."

After hearing the other's proposal, Yu Haoran's fake smile on his face was immediately replaced by anger.

Through the cloud space of the cloud chair, he looked at the little old man coldly, revealing a hint of chill in his tone.

"I hope the seniors don't make such jokes, otherwise Hugh blame the juniors and turn their faces away."

For him, the black bear is not a pet animal at all, but a family member who can trust each other.

Otherwise, how could the potential shown by the black bear and future achievements become his beast pet!

Moreover, some time ago, using the temptation of elixir to kill the Yang family in the Central Region, the real reason was that Yang Shouzhuang hit the black bear.

Now, the other party has let himself beheaded and killed a brother-like black bear. This makes him feel extremely angry, and also completely extinguishes the other party's thoughts on himself.

Now, Yu Haoran just wants to wait until the black market auction is over, find a chance to capture him, and then use soul searching to check his memory.

"Oh, just now the old man was just joking, Master Yu must not take it seriously!"

After hearing the chill in Yu Haoran's reminding tone, the little old man laughed twice and aimed directly at Qin Lingfei.

"Master Yu, even if you can't re-sign the Ironwing Eagle because you already have a beast pet, but your lover may not have a beast pet!"

"With the potential of the iron wing flying eagle and the shape of the majestic wind, it is definitely the best pet for your lover."

"Ling Fei, don't move in the space in the clouds!"

Faced with his own threat, if the little old man stops here, he can only look for a hands-on opportunity after the black market auction is over.

Nowadays, the other party is desperately trying to give the beast eggs to itself, I am afraid that even a fool can see that the other party's purpose is impure.

Acting at this time will neither undermine the rules of the black market auction nor cause dissatisfaction at the scene.

Therefore, Yu Haoran directly inspired the ancestral witch's body, and at the same time he took out the purple stick, and told Qin Lingfei.

"Pay attention to safety!" Nodded Qin Lingfei reminded.

The torn cloud space appeared instantly on top of the little old man, Yu Haoran asked with frost.

"Who are you and why are you hurting me?"

"Master Yu, what do you mean, when did the old man harm you!" Seeing Yu Hao who appeared on top of himself, and ready to start, then the old man not only did not have the slightest confusion, but immediately pretended to be A grieved look accused.

With a slight frown, Yu Haoran quickly applied the secret method of the ancestral and witch bloodline overdraft, and reminded the second avatar in the sea to immediately arrange the array of souls and souls.

Because the old man's overly calm response made him feel a bit vague.

Although there was no deadly warning in his heart, his cautious character still made him ready in advance to avoid overturning in the gutter.

"Old man, since you want to use the iron winged flying eagle's beast eggs in exchange for Shou Yuandan's life extension, then why don't you agree with the exchange terms given by the five seniors?

The purple stick in the handshake tightly, Yu Haoran sneered and questioned as he walked towards the high platform in the void.

"Old man, I have clearly stated that I do not want to exchange the iron winged beast eggs, why are you pestering me?"

The little old man, who was pressing hard at Hao Ran step by step, was full of grievances, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a horror momentum rose quickly from him, causing the whole world to change color.

"This is the strength of the peak limit of Zunwu Zun Sanjie!"

The terror of the little old man suddenly erupted, and immediately shocked the crowd on the chair of the twenty-seven star Suwan.

The middle-aged strongman who took out the vow of luck and couldn't help shouting suddenly.

In the case that the rules of the heavens have not been completely completed and it is difficult for Wu Zun to be born, the strongest of the three extremes of Zhu Zun's peak can basically be said to be the highest strength of Tian Xuan mainland.

"Because you **** Yu Haoran!"

With the rise of horror, a clenched little old man with a foul odor and a cold-light dagger, directly exposed his murderous power, and appeared instantly in front of Haoran.

A dagger containing infinite horror power, stabbed directly at his heart.

"Ding Jing!"

With the sound of the collision of the weapons, the rebound force that could not be removed instantaneously made Yu Haoran step back nine steps in a row, and then spit out blood.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to know so well about my character, Yu Haoran." Reaching out the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yu Haoran said calmly.

When confronted with the little old man, the other person's overly calm response already made Yu Haoran doubtful. He suspected that the other person might be using his cautious character to thoroughly provoke himself through suspicious behaviors, and then induce himself to leave the cloud Chair cloud space, assassinate yourself by sneak attacks.

Although with the strength of the opponent ’s three robbers, Zhunzun ’s peak extreme strength can successfully kill himself even through a positive tear, but there are many strong men on the black market auction who hope they can refine Zundan for them. .

In order to keep the hope that they can break through the realm of Wu Zun in the future, they will certainly help each other. I am afraid this is also the real reason why the old man dare not act lightly.

It is precisely because he has these doubts in his heart that he will inspire the secret method of overdrawing the blood of the ancestors in advance, and the second avatar will arrange the array of soulstones.

It was also because of advance preparations that he successfully resisted a deadly attack by the old man.

"It seems that I still don't know enough about you!" The little old man said with a little disappointment when he put away the short sword with the stench and cold light in his hand.

Then, he looked up at the cloud chair and mist representing the twenty-seven stars, and found that there were at least seven strong men in the realm of Zhunzun Zhuzun, who had already taken out his life weapon and was ready to support Haoran at any time. Saying goodbye with a smile.

"Master Yu, the mountains are not changed, and the green water is long. I hope that in the future, you can eat, sleep and have fun!"

After leaving a disturbing threat, the little old man with a smile on his face gradually began to illusory.

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