Destined Martial God

Chapter 1128: Tomb of the Demon God (Five)

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Know the sea!

After careful inspection, Yu Haoran found that among the nine medicinal materials in his collection that can be used to make Xuedan, a fourth-order and first-order blood soul grass was missing.

Thinking of how difficult it was to obtain the blood soul grass, it was immediately taken out of a blank jade slip, and then the shape and characteristics of the blood soul grass were marked in the jade slip.

Subsequently, he sent Yu Jian out of the space to know the sea and put it into the hands of the second avatar.

"Ran, please give this jade slip to Shen Jinwen's hands."

"Tell him, no matter what means he uses, and no matter how much it costs, he must help me find the spirit grass recorded in Yujian within three days."

"Okay, I see!" He nodded, and turned to leave the practice room.

After the second avatar left, Yu Haoran looked at Ta Ling and asked a question about the longest accumulated time in his heart.

"Ta Ling, is my reincarnation a real existence, or is Nanke a dream?"

"Yu Haoran, what do you mean by this?" Frowning slightly, Ta Ling asked puzzledly.

"In previous lives, until I ventured into the tomb of the demon god, whether I knew or had heard of it, the highest one was never the peak of Wusheng Jiupin."

"The powers of Zhunzun realm, the peerless powers of Wuzun realm, and the peerless power of Wudi realm exist only in legend."

"In this life, those who have known and heard of the strong are not only cultivated and at least tens or even hundreds of times stronger than in previous lives, but also the peerless powers of Wu Zun and the peerless power of Wu Di have appeared.

Speaking of this, Yu Haoran asked a hint of confusion.

"Even if the world environment of previous and present life has changed, the gap between the cultivation and strength of each other is too wide."

"Ta Ling, this makes me have the illusion of being in a dream. It seems that what is happening now is false, all illusory."

"That's what happened!"

After hearing Hao Ran's confusion, Ta Ling realized suddenly, and praised with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yu Haoran, you can notice this difference, which shows that you have the opportunity to feel the power of the four laws of truth, false, false, and real."

"And the fusion of the powers of the four laws of true, false, false, and real can obtain the light of breaking the void that contains the martial arts of the law of destruction."

Facing the praise of the tower and the power of the four rules that may be felt, Yu Haoran did not have the look of joy and excitement. Now he just wants to know whether he lives in reality or exists in a dream.

This is also the fundamental reason why he has been unable to break through Wu Zun's realm.

"Yu Haoran, you are living 100% in reality now."

Seeing that Yu Haoran was still depressed, Ta Ling knew that he was now confused by his inner confusion, and it was difficult to break free by relying on his own strength.

Therefore, Ta Ling put away the smile on his face and said with certainty.

Ta Ling's affirmative reply gradually restored the confusion in Yu Haoran's eyes, but the reason that really bothered him was the huge disparity in the strengths of the past and present warriors.

Looking at the confusion in Yu Haoran's eyes and the future is completely clear, Ta Ling knows that if he does not really solve the doubts in his heart, I am afraid that his achievements in life will stop at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin.

In order to avoid the tragic fate devoured by Xuanhuangdao and Liantian Pot in the future, it is also to be able to reshape and perfect the flesh and gain a new life. Ta Ling had to reveal the secret he had been unwilling to touch.

"Yu Haoran, do you know when your reincarnation was reborn?"

"Of course it was from the moment I woke up and woke up," Yu Haoran replied puzzledly.

"Do not!"

Shaking his head, Ta Ling took a deep breath and said.

"Actually, the moment you are conceived, you have already completed the process of rebirth."

"It's just that the memory of your previous life has always been blocked by the power of the rules of heaven, causing you to be completely unaware of the feeling of rebirth."

"You have been waiting for your physical consciousness, because after the trauma and death, the power shielded by the rules of heaven disappears, and you really realize your rebirth."

"Ta Ling, even if my reincarnation is born from the moment I was conceived, it is only seventeen or eighteen years from the awakening of my previous life's memory."

Facing Ta Ling's explanation of his rebirth time, Yu Haoran still couldn't figure it out.

"In the seventeen or eighteen years, even if it is the demon genius who reincarnates the immortal god, the difference in strength between the previous life and this life will not be so different."

"What's more, it's not just one person, but all people in Tianxuan Continent."

"Your suspicion is correct!"

Nodded, Ta Ling got up, looked at the world knowing the world, and said with a sigh of sigh.

"As an ancient tomb that can bury gods and demons, the tomb of demons and gods contains a terrorist force that even the rules of the heavens dare not easily resist."

Sighing here, Ta Ling turned and looked at Yu Haoran and asked.

"Yu Haoran, since reincarnation, have you heard anyone mention the four words of the tomb of the demon god?"

With his eyes widening suddenly, Yu Haoran suddenly realized that he had overlooked an important issue. After reincarnation, he not only did not listen to the words of the tomb of the demon god, but even searched for several denomination treasure houses he had searched. There is no record of the tomb of the demon god.

And this is completely different from the previous experience.

In previous lives, even the influential sect books recorded more or less information about the demons and ancient demons.

"In the previous life, after the explosion of the tomb of the demon god, the unimaginable terrorist power not only made you and me successfully reborn, but also all the creatures in the land of Tianxuan who benefited from that power."

"And that's the real cause of your confusion."


As Ta Ling resolved his long-standing backlog of doubts, he had been hindering the state of mind to break through the bottleneck, and was immediately washed away by a clear force.

With a low thunder sound coming from Hao Ran's body, a wave of mysterious strength rose slowly from him.

"The state of mind is to break through the realm of Wu Zun!"

He heard the low thundering sound from Yu Haoran's body, and saw that he was rising with a wave of power that could make people feel peaceful, and Ta Ling whispered to himself in surprise.

"Breakthrough of the five key elements of Wu Zun's realm, mental state, physical body, soul power, elemental power, and law perception."

"Mentality, Yu Haoran has successfully made a breakthrough."

"The flesh has the ancestral body of the ancestor and the ancient twelve ancestors. It only needs to calm down to feel the spiritual ancestors of the ancient ancestors in as little as three months and as long as half a year. Respect. "

"Soul power, based on a large number of soul stones obtained by Yu Haoran from the bottom of Jinghu Lake, as long as the auxiliary method of extracting soul power through the formation method, as short as four months, as long as eight months, can also successfully break through Wu Zun realm.

"Yuanli, the high-grade spirit stone that Yu Haoran has stored, and more than ten spirit veins, as long as it takes about half a year, can still successfully break through the Wuzun realm."

"In other words, Yu Haoran was able to break through the five key elements of Wu Zun's realm in about six months."

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