Destined Martial God

Chapter 1137: Three reasons (four more)

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The first floor of the Guliang family treasure house!

"Three reasons!"

In the first floor of the Guliang Family Treasury, in addition to the nearly 200 spirit veins of different grades, there are a large number of fourth- and fifth-order high-grade spirit stones.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, while collecting a large number of high-grade spirit stones, explained the problem of Ta Ling just now.

"The first reason is to avoid the limelight for the time being!"

After Dan Dao Xiu broke through the realm of the Grand Master, although in front of everyone, he personally admitted that he could refine the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan, but many people were skeptical.

After all, the Tianxuan continent has not been able to refine the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan for nearly 10,000 years. As a young man who is less than 20 years old and Dan Dao Xiu has just become a great master, he has the ability to refine Huazun Dan, I am afraid those who are old-fashioned do not believe it at all.

If he succeeded in refining the third-order, first-grade Zundan for his surname Zhou, then the instant sensation could sweep all corners of the entire Tianxuan continent and alarm all the strong masters.

Attracting people who want to refine Zundan in a short time, I am afraid they can fill the whole Shuangniu Mountain.

Therefore, after the successful refining of the third-order, one-product Zun Dan, immediately away from the Shuangniu Mountain, can not only be disturbed by people, but also can effectively reduce the sensation caused by the successful alchemy.

"What about the second reason?"

Yu Haoran's speculation on a series of consequences brought about by the success of refining the third-order and one-product Zundan made Taling very agreeable, so he wanted to know what the second reason was.

"The second reason is to avoid the other three of the four guardian families."

After this period of Taling's introduction to the guardian family, Yu Haoran knew that the relationship between the four major families was very close, and basically reached the point where you have me and I have you.

Affected by the rules of heaven, although the Qinglong family cannot continue to send powerful law enforcement officers to hunt themselves in a short period of time, the other three families that have not suffered losses are probably the same as the Qinglong family. To the strongest of the three peaks of Zunwu Zunzun.

Moreover, with the lessons of the law enforcement officers of the Guliang and Qinglong families, it is not easy to continue to kill law enforcement officers of the other three major families.

Therefore, temporarily hiding in a place that can enhance the dual law of life and death can also avoid the pursuit of law enforcement.

As long as it can delay the start of the battle for Qianlong in the Southern Region.

As long as you can continue to advance.

Then, during the time of participating in the battle for the Qianlong list, there were the rules of heaven and the protection of Qianlong gas. Even if they stood directly in front of the law enforcement officers of the three major families, they did not dare to kill and capture themselves.

As long as it can reach the moment when the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong is over, and by gathering huge Qianlong luck, it will have the strength and opportunity to impact Wu Zun's realm.

As long as you can achieve the peerless power of Wu Zun realm, who will hunt and kill who then, then it is not necessarily!

"Good way!" Ta Ling agreed with a slap in the palm of his hand.

"The third reason is a very strange feeling, as if the rules of the heavens are a little out of control."

When mentioning the third reason to leave Shuangniu Mountain, Yu Haoran said with a trace of anxiety when he suddenly stopped on the second staircase leading to the treasure house.

Originally, in accordance with the special relationship between the Tiandao rules and the four major families, facing the Qinglong family law enforcers who dared to intervene in the blood oath, the Tiandao rules should be punished in the first time.

But until the law enforcers of the Qinglong family passed Gu Liang Yinquan's detailed explanation and realized that something was wrong, the one-eyed eye condensed by the rules of heaven was long overdue.

This shows that there seems to be a problem with the rule of Heaven's Tao over the control of Tianxuan Continent.

Moreover, as a heavenly way without feelings and only following the rules, after killing the culprits who dare to violate the rules, it should stop the punishment. It is absolutely impossible to directly kill a large family that inherits hundreds of thousands because of anger, and All men and women, young and old, are beheaded.

Combining his own magician's induction, he felt that the rules of the heavens were gradually losing control of the Tianxuan continent. Those who have awakened Wuzun Peerless might be born directly before the Qianlong battle begins .

Therefore, leaving Shuangniu Mountain is not only to avoid the pursuit of law enforcement by the three major families, but also to avoid those who may be born early.

"Yu Haoran, your guess is likely to make sense, and I also feel that the control of the rules of Tiandao over the Tianxuan continent is weakening."

After hearing Yu Haoran's speculation about the control of the heavenly rules, combined with the feeling he had just hid in the tower of the domain, and the ambitions of the four guardian families, he knew not only that Haoran's guess was correct, but also very clear. Why do the rules of heaven protect the five reborns?

"Taling, that's the real reason I made a temporary decision."

After summarizing, Yu Haoran stepped into the second floor of the treasure house.

Immediately afterwards, he was stunned by the scene in front of him!

Hundreds of orderly wooden racks neatly placed tens of thousands of dan bottles containing different elixir, and tens of thousands of wooden boxes and jade boxes containing medicinal materials.

"Ta Ling, put away the wooden box and jade box containing medicinal materials directly."

While walking towards the wooden frame on the east side where the elixir was placed, Yu Haoran instructed Ta Ling.

"When you have free time, reorganize and record!"

"I know!"

After nodding in response, the powerful Emperor Wu Di immediately put away tens of thousands of wooden boxes and jade boxes.

Yu Haoran, who also spread his mind, began to select some of the top elixirs for improving cultivation and strength, as well as healing, according to the history and grade of the elixir marked under each effervescent bottle.

As for the remaining elixir, Taling also uses the powerful divinity to enter the tower, and then sorts and classifies it.

He then entered the third floor of the treasure house through the stairs.

It is a little different from the collection in the ordinary treasure house.

The third floor of the Guliang Family Treasury is not a collection of mental skills and martial arts, but rather dazzling radiances and some strangely shaped refining materials.

"Yu Haoran, you are responsible for collecting the magic instruments, and I will choose the materials of the refiners." Seeing that the treasure house contains the magic instruments and the materials of the refiners, Ta Ling, who is proficient and likes the refiners, immediately arranged.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not have any opinions.

Stepped forward to Yutai, where the artifacts were stored on the east side, and took a careful inventory. It was found that the artifacts stored in the third layer of the treasure house had the lowest grades only from the king, and most of them were royal and holy level artifacts. This made Yu Haoran equally ecstatic.

The author Yan Yunyu said: I fell asleep at noon and fell cold. Although I don't have a fever, the headache is the same as the explosion. If the symptoms are better at night, Yan Yun will try to code Chapter 5. If the symptoms do not improve, they will only be added tomorrow.

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