Destined Martial God

Chapter 1145: Anti-threat (two more)

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E Yuan Court!

"come in!"

After hearing the interrogation sound outside the courtyard, Yu Haoran gave a faint gesture and explained to Landing Yuan and Jian Yu.

"People of the Zhou family in the Central Region, some time ago I promised to make a third-order, first-grade Huazundan for them!"

"Master Ma, is your Dan Dao Xiu breaking through to the peak of the Grand Master's realm!" Jian Zun Dan, who promised to make a third-order and first-grade product, heard Yu Haoran's explanation, and Jian Yu suddenly stood up, shocked. Asked.

Nodded his head, waving his hand to signal that Jian Yu didn't need to make a fuss, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at the three people who opened the courtyard and walked into the courtyard.

The man who walked in the front was a servant of the Zhou family who asked for his promise half a month ago.

A middle-aged man wearing a yellow-gold robe embroidered with a nine-pronged golden dragon and walking to the middle is Zhou Zhizhong, the strongest surnamed Zhou who deals with grimace flowers with himself.

But what really caught Haoran's attention was the girl with a purple silk gauze on her face, also wearing a long purple dress with embroidered dragons.

Of course, the reason that really caught his attention was not her eyes as clear and charming as the moon, nor her seductive figure like a devil.

It was a breath that made Yu Haoran feel extremely dangerous.

"Yu Haoran, this girl in purple clothes has not only realized that the power of the law has reached a state of perfection, but also her state of mind and soul power have broken through the realm of Wu Zun, and she has the strength to easily kill the three extreme quasi-wu Zun peak extreme powers. "

I also found that the extraordinary spirit of the girl in purple clothes, the towering spirit, after careful examination of the divine thought, reminded Yu Haoran.

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran emerged with a hint of surprise.

Because judging from age alone, the girl in purple is not more than twenty years old.

Even if she was born in a second-class family like Zhou, even if she has such top-notch achievements as a young person under the age of 20, she can prove that the girl in purple is proud Human talent and perseverance in the pursuit of martial arts.

Otherwise, why is Zhou Zhizhong, who was also born in the Zhou family, only two of Zun Wuzun's cultivation.

Watching Zhou Zhizhong stepping towards the pavilion, Yu Haoran quickly got up and greeted him.

"The junior met the senior Zhou!"

Unexpectedly, in the face of his respectful respect, Zhou Zhizhong's attitude just nodded, and then went straight to the subject to ask.

"Yu Haoran, how is your preparation? Can I start cooking alchemy now?"

Not only is the attitude seem very rude, but also the respect when there is no transaction.

Although I don't know what happened in the meantime, the respect of one person and the character of one person respect me, so that Hao Ran quickly changed his attitude.

"Alchemy can be started at any time!"

Then his tone changed, and he reminded indifferently.

"Senior Zhou, although I Hao Ran promised you to refine the third-order and first-grade Huazundan, there are still some ugly words that need to be explained in advance, so that everyone will not be happy in the end after an accident."

"You said!" The change in Yu Haoran's attitude made Zhou Zhizhong immediately very dissatisfied, and his tone was even colder.

"According to the practice of refining alchemy by the Danshi division of Tianxuan mainland, if the number of the final Dandans is more than one, then the extra elixir belongs to the Danshi division. Presumably, senior Zhou has no opinion!"

"No!" Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhizhong immediately shook his head and refused.

"Hua Zun Dan is not only extremely precious, but also can affect the situation on the Tianxuan Continent. No matter how many Dans are eventually released, they must belong to my Zhou family."

"Senior Zhou, the jade box exchanges the grimace flowers with you, please collect them!" Yu Haoran frightened, taking out the empty wooden box used to store the grimace flowers in the original transaction.

"Yu Haoran, do you know how profound my Zhou family is? Do you know how far the influence of my Zhou family is on the Tianxuan Continent?"

Seeing Zhou Haoran who suddenly repented, and did not reach for the wooden box, Zhou Zhizhong, threatened with a complexion.

"If my Zhou family releases words, you Yu Haoran will not only struggle in Tianxuan mainland, but even Emperor Qin will obediently cancel the marriage contract between Qin Lingfei and you."

"Haha ...!"

Facing Zhou Zhizhong's threat, Yu Haoran suddenly laughed.

And Lu Yuan, sitting on a stone chair in Fengting, immediately emerged a sharp sword spirit that made Zhou Zhizhong feel deadly threat.

"Zhou Zhizhong, to say arrogantly, although your family and influence of the Zhou family are powerful, but you want to threaten me to Hao Ran, you are still far behind."

After the laughter ceased, Yu Haoran suddenly took a step forward, slowly raising his anti-threatening threat.

"Since Yu Haoran was able to make the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan, then I was able to make the Qiming Xuanmen Dan, which assisted the Zhunwu Emperor's powerful power to transport the heart, and the ice heart jade bone that passed through the body, San Ling Qing Ling Dan who has passed through the soul. "

"Zhou Zhizhong, believe it or not, Yu Haoran dared to ask for all the potential emperors of the Emperor Zhuanwu who were involved in the Tianxuan continent at the cost of refining three kinds of elixir for free, so that they would besiege your Zhou family. "

"Zhou Zhizhong, do you believe it? As I become more and more elitist in Hao Ran, in the future, I will even have the ability and qualifications to ask the real Emperor Wu Da to be strong."


The threat that Yu Haoran was pressing step by step made Zhou Zhizhong feel terrified, but it was difficult to control his mind to step back a few steps.

If it wasn't for the girl in purple clothes to reach out and hold his shoulders in time, and use special means to calm him down quickly, the threat of pressing just now would be enough to make Zhou Zhizhong's state of mind fatally flawed, making it difficult for him to break through Wu Zun forever. realm.

"Brother Yu, Ning He apologizes to Uncle Zhong, I hope you will have a large number of adults, don't care about Uncle Zhong's rudeness!"

After urging Zhou Zhizhong to apply his power and adjust his breath immediately to avoid fatal flaws, the girl in purple clothes apologized like Yingming and made a promise.

"And Ninghe, on behalf of the Zhou family, agreed to the request just made by Brother."

Although Ning He's attitude was very low, Yu Haoran, who had already hated the Zhou family, did not give her any good looks either, and reminded her indifferently.

"Any Dan master does not dare to make a 100% promise of refining any elixir, so you must do well the consequences of the failure of the final refining of Dan Zun."

"This can be rest assured that Brother Ning and the family understand it."

Facing Haoran's indifferent treatment, Ninghe still responded with a gentle attitude.

"Whether it is successful or not, Ninghe and his family will thank Brother Yu for his help."

"108 herbs!"

He directly stretched out his left hand, and Yu Haoran took the initiative to ask for the medicine needed to refine Zundan.

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