Destined Martial God

Chapter 1156: impossible! (Three more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

In front of the sword tower!

Two minutes later, the thirty-seventh floor of the sword tower lit up.

Three minutes and thirteen seconds later, the thirty-eighth floor of the sword tower glowed!

Five minutes and one second later, the thirty-ninth floor of the sword tower lit up!


"It's so fast!" Some martial artists who came to visit Lu Yuan's sword tower to break through the level, then couldn't help sighing when they saw the sword tower that would shine in three or five minutes.

"People who can be seen by Ma Maye and regarded as friends, how can Kendo talent be weak!" Said a martial saint strong from the Great Qin Empire, pleased Hao Ran.


A second robber from the central area, Zunwu Zunqiang, immediately nodded in agreement, and praised with a slightly raised voice.

"The Grand Master Yu not only has amazing talents in Kendo and Dandao, but also looks superior to others."

"This young man named Lu Yuan must be a kendo genius second only to the Grand Master."

Ignoring the flattery of everyone behind him, Yu Haoran looked at Jianlou intently while discussing with Ta Ling how he could gather more Kendo luck.

"Yu Haoran, the three swords of heaven, earth, and people are born of adhering to kendo luck. It is simply unrealistic to want to intercept a part of kendo luck from them."

Hearing that Yu Haoran wanted to intercept a part of the kendo luck condensed on them by continuously defeating or directly killing the three swords of heaven, earth, and people, Ta Ling directly shook his head to veto.

"Ta Ling, the three swords of heaven, earth, and people can be said to occupy more than 70% of Kendo luck."

Seeing that he had planned for a long time, the result turned out to be impossible, and Yu Haoran retorted somewhat.

"Moreover, as their martial arts and kendo become more advanced, the more kendo luck they gather, then it is not unfair to the thousands of swordsmen in the land and land!"

"Yu Haoran, haven't you heard that the world is inhumane, and all things are ruminant dogs!"

After hearing Hao Ran's unconvinced rebuttal, Ta Ling asked with a sneer.

"What's more, if you are absolutely fair, is it fair to other warriors that you are reborn with the memories of previous lives?"

"This ...!" Facing Ta Ling's sharp questions, Yu Haoran didn't know how to refute.

However, when he saw the fifty-fifth floor of the sword tower glowing with light, he still asked a little bit unwillingly.

"Talin, is there really no way?"

After all, for decades of friendship in previous lives, he was too familiar with Lu Yuan, knowing that he was born for the sword and obsessed with the sword.

And the so-called three swords of heaven, sword, and man born of adhering to Kendo, not only can't talk about pure swordsmen, but also do not have the pride of swordsman.

Facing Haoran's immortal questioning, Ta Ling didn't say much after a long sigh.

And Ta Ling's silent act made Yu Haoran feel very frustrated. He also didn't want to say more.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the speed of Lu Yuan's sword tower breakthrough did not slow down, and he quickly broke into the sixty-third floor of the sword tower.

The 63rd floor of the sword tower is a threshold for swordsmen below Wu Zun's realm.

If you successfully cross this threshold, you will be able to inspire Jianlou Jianbang, and it will be known as the Tianxuan Continent.

If you ca n’t cross this threshold, no matter how amazing the performance, you will soon be forgotten by everyone.

Therefore, after seeing the light rising from the sixty-third of Jianlou, both Yu Haoran and Jianyu immediately became nervous.

But the result seemed to be a joke to Yu Haoran and Jian Yu. The light on the 63rd floor of the sword tower only persisted for ten minutes, and then suddenly went out.

The sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower never glowed.

"It's impossible!"

Looking at the sixty-sixth floor of the sword tower that was suddenly extinguished, and the sixty-fourth floor of the sword tower that had never been illuminated, Yu Haoran couldn't help himself.

"With the amazing achievements of Brother Landing in Kendo and the inheritance just obtained, it is absolutely impossible to stop at the 63rd floor of the sword tower, and it is absolutely possible to break into the 64th floor of the sword tower."

Jian Yu, like Yu Haoran, also showed an incredible expression on his face.

As Lu Yuan's master, he knew very well Lu Yuan's true strength.

With the talent of Landing Element in Kendo and the inheritance of Haohai Peerless Sword Master, at least it can exert its strength close to Wu Zun's realm. The ultimate achievement should not stop on the 63rd floor of the sword tower.

"Brother Lu, what the **** is going on with you?" Seeing Lu Yuan leaving the sword tower through the South Gate, Yu Haoran immediately greeted him and asked with an ugly face.

"Brother Yu, I don't know!"

Lu Yuan, who was also hazy, said with a doubt on his face.

"After the three swords killed ninety-nine martial arts swordsmen, the sword tower not only did not send me to the sixty-fourth floor, but a strong repulsive force directly expelled me to the first floor of the sword tower."

"Taling, what's going on?"

After hearing Lu Yuan's explanation, Yu Haoran was puzzled, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the reasons for it, and couldn't help asking the towering spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Yu Haoran, first see if Jianlou Jianbang will be born."

Facing Haoran's interrogation, a look of enlightenment appeared in Ta Ling's eyes, and he looked at Jianlou through the space of consciousness, he reminded.

"If Jianlou Jianbang can be born, then your plan to gain Kendo luck by defeating and beating the three swords of heaven, earth, and people may work."

"Brother Lu, go back to the top and talk!"

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, although Yu Haoran was eager to know the reason, he also knew that Ta Ling could not be 100% sure now.

Therefore, he could only forcibly suppress his inner urgency, and signaled Lu Yuan to follow him to leave the sword tower temporarily.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan himself did not like to be in the limelight and made his reputation invisible. Even if he withdrew from the 63rd floor of the sword tower in a short time, everyone at the scene did not ridicule and ironically, which made Yu Haoran grow loose. Breathed.

As Lu Yuan actively left the sword tower, the three kendo geniuses at the peak of the three martial arts Jiupins rushed to the east and west north of the sword tower of the sword tower before the crowds had reacted. Jianlou break through the barrier.

But what made the three of them very puzzled was that they waited for ten minutes and the Jianlou Jianmen didn't open.


On the top of the mountain, a Wu Shengqiang who has lived in Shuangniu Mountain for nearly ten years, watching even the people who did not break through the gate, the Jianlou Jianmen did not open for more than ten minutes, he couldn't help but whisper a guess.

"Is there something wrong with the sword tower!"

But his speculative voice had just dropped, and the sword tower suddenly trembled.

Along with the trembling of the sword tower, one after another purple sword qi shot from the ninety-ninth floor of the sword tower.

The ninety-nine purple sword qi quickly merged together, and gradually formed a huge list!

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