Destined Martial God

Chapter 1183: Destiny Stone (Five)

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Xinyuemen, in front of the mountain gate!

"The deputy master, who can upgrade Changyun Ye Xiu's treasure, is actually a milky white stone about one meter high. It seems that it cannot be stored in the storage device, so he can only store it in the treasure house of Xinyuemen. Inside. "Seeing the murderous spirit that appeared in Yu Haoran's eyes, the disciples of Xinyuemen quickly explained.

Stored in the treasure house of Xinyuemen!

After hearing the disciple's reminder, Yu Haoran immediately sent out a powerful divine thought, and soon found the exact location of the treasure house.

"Boy, if you dare lie to me, then the fear of death is a luxury for you!" Yu Haoran threatened aggressively before leaving for the treasure house.

"Master Yu, the disciples will stay in front of the mountain gate. They will not leave Xinyuemen until you find the treasure." Facing the threat of Hao Ran, the disciples of Xinyuemen hurriedly stated.

Nodded with satisfaction, Yu Haoran rose into the air and headed for the treasure house of Xinmenyue restricted area.

Looking at the blue door of the treasure house created by Qing Xuanming Iron, there is no need to mobilize any elemental power and soul power. Only with the physical strength of Wu Sheng Jiupin in the early days, the blue door was blasted into a residue.

After experiencing the baptism of the pure spiritual fluid in the first floor of the Guliang Family Treasury, Yu Haoran did not feel any waves in the face of the thin aura emerging from the first floor of the Xinyuemen Treasury.

He stepped into the treasure house, glanced over more than twenty wooden frames on the first floor of the treasure house, and found that the highest-quality spirit stones were only one hundred fifth-order first-grade spirit stones. He was too lazy to collect them directly and passed The stairs enter the second floor of the treasure house.

The highest-ranking elixir is just the sixth-ranking and seventh-ranking Lingdan that can enhance Wuhuang Realm. Yu Haoran also has no idea of ​​collecting.

However, on the dozen or so wooden shelves where the medicinal materials were stored, he accidentally found a fifth-order third-grade phantom grass that had long since disappeared.

Phantom Grass, a peculiar spirit grass that can give life to hallucinations, has the effect of improving the spirit and mood cultivation.

With phantom grass as the main medicine, combined with eight kinds of phantom grass that also contain a trace of psychedelic energy, a phantom dandelion that greatly improves the cultivation of mood can be refined.

Although it is based on his current state of mind cultivation, the phantom spirit refined from the fifth-order and third-grade phantom grass does not have any improvement effect, but for Wu Zhengjun, who has a bloodthirsty physique, he can quickly improve his cultivation to And strength panacea.

Put away the wooden box containing the phantom grass, Yu Haoran re-examined it with the divine thoughts. After confirming that there were no omissions, he entered the third floor of the treasure house through the stairs.

Among the seventeen collections of artifacts in the collection, the highest grade is only a sword sword on the king's land. It has no role except to occupy more space for storage artifacts, so he also did not collect them manually.

However, in the face of the hundreds of refining materials on the west side of the third floor of the Treasury, although Yu Haoran didn't take a closer look, he used all the divine thoughts to collect them into an empty storage ring. , Can be selected from the materials suitable for refining.

After entering the fourth floor of the treasury through the stairs, Shennian swept through the dozens of books placed on the wooden stand. He did not stay at all and continued to enter the fifth floor of the treasury through the stairs.

But when he just stepped into the fifth floor of the treasure house, his own destiny mentality suddenly started to run automatically without his control.

Forcibly suppressing the panic that emerged from the heart, Yu Haoran immediately looked up to the middle of the fifth floor of the treasure house, a milky stone placed on the ground.

"Fate, neither root nor fate, but real existence!"

"Fate exists in the future, the present and the past!"

"Life can be controlled or manipulated!"

"Destiny, heaven can be fixed, and spirit can change!"


When Yu Haoran's gaze was cast on the milky white stones, in the space on the fifth floor of the entire treasure house, there was a sound of emptiness and ethereal sound.

"This is the legendary destiny stone!"

The mysterious voice that was making the magical instrument in the time acceleration space of the domain tower was suddenly shocked by the mysterious sound infiltrated.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately parted out a part of the space where God's thoughts left time to accelerate.

After seeing the milky white stones in the fifth floor of the treasure house through the space of understanding the sea, the special breath directly awakened the memory of innumerable years. For the records of the milky white stones in front of him, Ta Ling voice trembled to himself.

"Destiny is out, heaven is chaotic, heaven is coming, and everything is gone!"

"Are the legendary world disasters that will be in this life!"

Yu Haoran, completely attracted by the milky stones, did not hear the tacit voice of Ta Ling in the sea. He subconsciously walked to the milky stones, then extended his left hand to touch the milky stones.

But when his left hand just touched the stone, the milky stone broke immediately.

Immediately after, there was a milky energy like a strand of hair, which melted directly into his body.

"God destined, son of destiny!"

Seeing the milky white gas that melted into Haoran's body, Tarling was instantly excited.

Adjust the order of the refining tools, and continue to purify the impurities in the nine beads by using a part of the divine thoughts. The spirit body of the towering spirit left the tower and appeared in the vast sea of ​​knowledge.

Quietly using God's thoughts, carefully trace the milky white energy incorporated into Haoran's body.

Although he did not trace the milky energy in the end, through the subtle changes in Yu Haoran's physique, he knew that in the memory that opened the dust, for the records in the legend of Tian Ming Stone, at this time the real thing happened to Haoran.

Thinking of the good affection he had established with Yu Haoran, and the respect that Yu Haoran had for himself, Ta Ling felt very grateful at this moment.

He was grateful that he was not as malicious as Xuan Huangdao, not as ignorant as Void Mirror, nor as contemptuous as Xuan Yuanjian, nor as selfish as Lian Tianhu.

Otherwise, not only will he lose the opportunity to reshape the flesh, but also the tower of the realm will be destroyed in the future world disaster.

Opening his eyes slowly, Yu Haoran's eyes emerged with an uneasy surprise.

Although the milky white energy that was just incorporated into the body, although he did not directly improve the cultivation and strength, it made him clearly feel the change of his physique.

This physical change has nothing to do with talent, no potential, no perception, no perseverance, but it has something to do with one's own destiny.

Of course, what really surprised Yu Haoran was that the milky white energy incorporated into the body not only eliminated the hidden dangers in his own destiny mentality, but also automatically filled in the weaknesses of martial arts.

Make his own foundation stronger, let him have a greater grasp of Wu Zun's realm in the future.

Taking a deep breath, calming the emotions of inner joy, Yu Haoran's gaze was cast into the fifth floor of the treasure house, where several other treasures were placed.

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