Destined Martial God

Chapter 1185: Return (two more)

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Xinyuemen, the fifth floor of the treasure house!

Ta Ling's sigh and inspiration made Yu Haoran feel the blood in her body and began to slowly boil.

At this point, he wanted to step into the endless void step by step through his feet.

At this moment, he wants to personally discover the secrets hidden in the endless void, and experience the adventures that most warriors can't end their lives.

"I'm willing to be with you!" Ta Ling replied with a smile to the endless void full of infinite memories.

Take out a wooden box, close your eyes, and carefully put the interstellar teleporter into the wooden box by feeling, and then directly enter the tower, and tell the towering spirit to store it carefully.

After opening his eyes, Yu Haoran looked at the treasure placed on the fifth jade platform.

This is a class of defensive armor that can reach the top of the imperial realm. It can be used to upgrade the level of Ruyi Bell. Yu Haoran directly puts it into the storage ring of the magic weapon.

Then he turned his attention to the sixth Yutai.

The three are about twenty centimeters long and have a pale golden-colored incense.

Reached for a string of incense, placed it in the nose and sniffed, and frowned slightly.

Because the incense in the hand is colorless and tasteless, it can basically distinguish its variety, but it can be stored in the fifth floor of the treasure house by the strongheart of the heart and moon, which is definitely a precious treasure.

"Yu Haoran, this is a special ambergris that uses the dragon's saliva of the respected dragon. Although it is colorless and tasteless after burning, it can calm down and calm the mind, eliminate the demon, and improve the mood.

After the divine thought swept through the incense stick in Hao Ran's hand, Ta Ling explained with a smile.

"If at your wedding, you choose an ambergris, then for the guests who come to the wedding, Wu Sheng Jiu Pin Xiu will be the following martial artist, and his state of mind will break through at least one to three small realms."


Since wanting to give Qin Lingfei a life-long unforgettable wedding, the engagement gift just to shock everyone seemed too vulgar.

If there is a combination of the nine-day cloud butterfly and ambergris, it will make the whole wedding look elegant and coexistent, and it is always worth remembering.

Rejoicingly put away three ambergris, Yu Haoran's sight turned to the seventh jade platform, which is also the last treasure in the fifth floor of the treasure house.

This is a jade bamboo slip, which records the thousand-year-old mentality of Xinyuemen. The grade is only the soul and heart chasing the moon in the early stage.

After successfully creating the Destiny Mind that can infinitely improve the grade, he can't even look at the ordinary Heavenly Order exercises, let alone the grades only have the soul and chasing the moon at the beginning of the Order.

Therefore, after Yu Haoran picked up the jade Jane that recorded his mind, he did not put it into the storage ring or the field tower, but just sandwiched it between his fingers.

Later, he mobilized Divine Thought to re-examine the treasure house, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he turned and left the treasure house.


Xinyuemen, in front of the mountain gate!

"Brother Yuan, you don't know Yu Haoran's narrow-minded personality, why should you proactively provoke him?"

After waiting half an hour for Haoran to enter the Zongmen Treasury, a disciple who was also severely damaged by the sharp eyes just now envied Master Shi Yuan to be able to get life-saving jade slips, and was a bit worried about being criticized.

"Brother Qian, I risked to provoke Brother Brothers in order to survive!"

Using thin threads to hang Baoming Yujian in her chest, Brother Yuan said with a worried look.

"With the loss of the head of Wusheng Realm, the loss of the commanding wife and several elders of the Emperor Wu Realm, the heart and moon gate will soon become fat in the eyes of others."

"Within the sphere of influence attached to Baichimen, only Yu Haoran had enough prestige and strength to protect us. I ventured to sell the interests of Zongmen. The purpose was just to save everyone's lives."

"Brother Yuan, although your starting point is good intentions, have you ever thought about it, what if the secret you disclosed made Yu Haoran unsatisfied?"

Faced with the kindness of Master Yuan's unauthorized decision, Brother Qian not only did not appreciate it, but accused him.

"I am afraid that at that time, not only you Yuan Kai will be beheaded by Yu Haoran, my Qian Xingda, and the brothers and uncles in front of the mountain gate will also be implicated by you."

"Brother Qian, what do you want to do?" He clearly and kindly wanted to help everyone, but instead was misunderstood by the other party. This made Yuan Kai feel chilling, and his face was instantly gloomy.

"Kneeling on the ground, arbitrarily arguing in front of the mountain gate, hoping to resolve Hao Ran's anger!"

Taking a few steps back, Qian Xingda glanced at some of Xiu's brothers who reached Wuzong's realm.

"Qian Xingda, based on the self-confidence of Brother Xiu, even if I arbitrate in front of the mountain gate, presumably he will not put away the life-saving Jade Jane I gave."

Facing the choice given by Qian Xingda, Yuan opened a sneer question.

"At that time, you can take Baojian Yujian and save your life from the robbery of Xinyuemen."

"will not!"

After being opened to guess his own mind, Qian Xingda couldn't help but change his face.

After he felt that several of his brothers in the realm of Wu Zong had stopped, he quickly retorted.

"If Yu Haoran didn't take Baoming Yujian, then he gave Baoming Yujian to the strongest uncle and let him keep the gate with Baoming Yujian."

"Haha ...!"

In the face of Qian Xingda's interpretation, Yuan Kai laughed with ridicule.

"The information you provided is very important. The stone really helped me a lot."

Just as Yuan Shidi laughed in the sky, suddenly Hao Ran's gentle voice came from his ear.

"Brother Yu!" Immediately stopped laughing, Brother Yuan turned to see the courtesy.

"This is the inheritance of your heart gate month, martial arts, martial arts, and soul chasing the moon. It is a thank you in return for the important information you just provided." Nodded, Yu Haoran handed the heart method jade from the fifth floor of the treasure house to Master Yuan Before that, said.

Then he turned to look at Qian Xingda and others, and a sneer of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Looking back, Yu Haoran watched Yuan Shiyuan continue to say.

"The door to the treasure house has been smashed by me. I have not moved most of the treasures in it, and now I give them all to you."

"Brother Yu, is this true?" Happiness came too suddenly, which made Brother Yuan a little incredulous.


After nodding to confirm, Yu Haoran instructed the black bear who had already returned and was hiding above the mountain gate.

"Black bear, protect him and take the treasures from the treasure house, then send him to a safe place."

"Yes, master!" The black bear quickly fell in front of the mountain gate.

"Brother Yu, your great grace ...!"

Not only did he send all the treasures in the entire treasure house to himself, but he also sent animal pets to protect his own safety. This moved Brother Yuan to kneel and thank him immediately.

But before he finished speaking, Yu Haoran, who left the gate in an instant, was interrupted.

He stood up and looked at Qian Xingda and others with envy, jealousy and hatred on his face. Yuan Shi's face showed a happy smile, then he turned and went straight to Zongmen Treasury.

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