Destined Martial God

Chapter 1193: Wind tail fox is dead (five more)

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Baijimen, Qingyunfeng!

Shaking his head to signal that Liu Guangwei didn't have to say much, Yu Haoran turned his eyes to Gongsun Yuting.

"Little Shimei, Qing Yunfeng's too peaceful environment is not suitable for you. Only when you truly leave Qing Yunfeng, leave Baijimen, and leave the protection of Shimen, can you exert your physique and talent."

"Brother Nine, then where should I go next?" Knowing that this was Yu Haoran's pointing to his practice, Gongsun Yuting asked quickly.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just shook his head with a chuckle, without giving any opinion.

Later, he took out nine invitation cards from the storage ring and handed them to Chu Zhongyu.

"Brother, on September 29th, that is, twelve days later, I will marry Ling Fei in Xianyang City."

"If you have time, you can go to the wedding."

"Nine teachers, congratulations!" Chu Zhongyu immediately congratulated after receiving the invitation.

In this regard, Yu Haoran nodded his thanks and directly rose into the sky, intending to leave Qingyun Peak and go straight to the depths of the mountain where Baijimen is located.

But at this time, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly reminded.

"Yu Haoran, Jiang Jingya's little girl was poisoned by Liu Shanxin, and was being locked up in a separate courtyard of the Gongde Temple at this time."

The rushing body stopped abruptly, and immediately rushed to the palace of merit.

When he saw the iconic palace of the Gongde Temple, a nameless anger made Yu Haoran take out the purple sticks instantly, and then he drank loudly.

"Everyone in the merit hall will come out immediately!"

Due to the horror of the measuring scale, dozens of disciples who were forced to kneel in the hall, got up and left the hall immediately after hearing Hao Ran's violent drinking.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the Merit Hall, which has been erected at Baijimen for thousands of years, was completely turned into a pile of ruins under the bombardment of purple sticks.

"In the future, no matter who is the gatekeeper or who will take over the merit hall, this hall is not allowed to be built or cleaned up here!" Yu Haoran commanded indifferently, floating above the ruins.

"Observe the order of the deputy head!" After hearing Hao Ran's orders, whether it was the disciples and deacons of the Palace of Merit, or Lie Yan and the elder who had just arrived, he immediately respectfully gave orders.

Looking at Gao Luanping, who was standing next to Lie Yan, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of Ouyang Haoyu, who had married Qin Lingfei in the previous life, and immediately sent out powerful thoughts, sweeping the entire law enforcement peak.

When discovering Ouyang Haoyu, who was stunned in the inner room of the mountain where Law Enforcement Peak is located, Yu Haoran flashed a chill in Gao Luanping's eyes.

However, a word from Ta Ling in the sea made him quickly put away the coldness in his eyes, and then head straight to the other house where Jiang Jingya was.

"Yu Haoran, although the soul shift between Gao Luanping and Ouyang Haoyu has no effect on you, it can make Jiang Jingya this little girl to break through the realm of Wu Sheng in a short time."

Quickly fell in the other courtyard, Shennian swept all the rooms in the other courtyard, Yu Haoran swung into the room where Jiang Jingya was.

Stepped to Jiang Jingya's flat bed, watching Hao Ran with tears in her eyes, Yu Haoran shouted softly.

"Sister Jiang!"

Jiang Jingya, who heard the door opening, thought that Liu Shanxin had returned and was desperately waiting for her innocent body to be taken away by someone she admired and hated.

Opening my eyes immediately, the nightmare face immediately came into view.

At this moment, she wanted to rush directly into Haoran's arms.

At this moment, she wanted to shout emotionally out of Hao Ran's name.

But Liu Shanxin used poison dan to give poison to the body, so that she couldn't do anything, couldn't say anything, she could only shed tears of urgency.

"Sister Jiang, don't be afraid, Brother is here to protect you." Seeing the tears emerging from Jiang Jingya's eyes, Yu Haoran quickly relieved.

"Yu Haoran, you silly boy, quickly detoxify Jiang Yatou!" Seeing Yu Haoran only knows relief, but does not know how to resolve the cause of Jiang Jingya's real crying, Ta Ling reminded with a curse.

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran inspected Jiang Jingya's body immediately and found that she had only been exposed to a poison called cartilage and soft tissue.

Take a detoxification dan from the storage ring and serve it for Jiang Jingya.

Only three seconds later, Jiang Jingya, who had recovered completely, rushed into Haoran's arms, and said in tears.

"Brother Yu, Xiaofeng is dead, Xiaofeng was poisoned by Liu Shanxin!"

When she heard Jiang Jingya mention Xiaofeng, Yu Haoran remembered the wind-tailed fox that had changed her physique and kept her safe.

"Sister Jiang, where is Xiaofeng's body?"

The poisoned death was not a direct kill. After hearing Jing Jingya's mention of Fengwei Fox's death, Yu Haoran immediately asked.

After all, the wind-tailed fox contains one of the nine ancient gods and beast kings. The nine-tailed fox's purest blood is not easily poisoned.

"The body was lost by Liu Shanxin!" Jiang Jingya, who did not leave Yu Haoran's arms, replied crying.

"Ta Ling!" Yu Haoran immediately shouted at Ta Ling in the sea.

After all, he had watched Liu Shanxin's life experience in detail, and certainly knew where he had left the body of the wind-tailed fox.

Looking back carefully at the pictures of Liu Shanxin's life experience, after finding where he lost the body of the wind-tailed fox, Ta Ling immediately used the god's thoughts to retrieve the body of the wind-tailed fox.

He reached out and patted Jiang Jingya's incense shoulder, Yu Haoran gently reminded.

"Sister Jiang, let me examine the body of the wind-tailed fox."

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Jiang Jingya reluctantly left her arms for her remembrance.

But when she saw the wind-tailed fox lying on the table, she rushed to the corpse of the wind-tailed fox immediately, and the tears that could not be stopped stopped dripping again.

Yu Haoran, who also came to the front of Fengwei Hu, first checked the corpse by using divine thoughts and found no signs of poisoning.

Then, he took a drop of black blood from the small paw of the wind-tailed fox, and carefully discerned the energy in the black blood.

"Xue Xie Dan!" Yu Haoran said solemnly to himself after finding that the pure essence of the ancient nine-tailed sky fox in the black blood had disappeared.

"Brother Yu, what is Xue Xie Dan?" After hearing Yu Haoran's self-spoken words, Jiang Jingya thought for a while and found that she had never heard of the name of this elixir, and interrogated quickly.

"A special elixir between poison and elixir!"

Yu Haoran responded to Jiang Jingya's question while thinking about ways to dispel the blood-tanning medicine power of Fengwei Fox.

"If taken by a person of ordinary constitution like me, tetanus will purify impurities in the blood and increase potential and strength."

"But for the small wind that contains the blood of ancient gods and beasts, the blood-stealing Dan is the poisonous Dan that will kill its life. It will purify the blood of its ancestors and hurt its spirits."

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