Destined Martial God

Chapter 1195: Black Rat and Black Stele (2 more)

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Deep in the mountains, on the cliff!

Looking at the bottomless cliff in front of her eyes, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a look of nostalgia and worry.

At the beginning, the reason why he was able to discover the virgin forest hidden in the depths of the mountains, and successfully won the soil that can assist in the cultivation of the one-gas Sanqinggong method, and the fairy lotus that can enhance the potential, was entirely benefited from the only blood that Spooky black mouse suppressing a black bear.

Based on the affection and nostalgia shown by the black mouse to him at that time, it should not reasonably be left for such a long time, which made him vaguely feel that the black mouse had an accident.

Therefore, this time when returning to the virgin forest, in addition to collecting some medicinal materials of sufficient age and refining some medicinal herbs, the main purpose is to find black rats.

The previous repair was too low, and it was necessary to use the means of condensing the dragon to reach the bottom of the cliff safely.


A flashing body jumped off the cliff, and instantly appeared at the bottom of the cliff.

Looking at the virgin forest without much change in front of him, Yu Haoran directly sent out powerful thoughts, looking for medicinal materials of enough years, and instructed the towering spirit to use the more powerful thoughts to search the whereabouts of the black rats.

"Thirteen thousand years of euonymus!"

The **** thoughts that had just spread out only stretched for a distance of less than a kilometer, and found a purple leaf grass that could be used to make Jidan.

Shining body appeared in front of the purple leaf grass, carefully uprooted it, and put it in a wooden box prepared in advance. While keeping the wooden box in the storage ring, Yu Haoran continued to use God's thought to check it.

"18,000 years of purple monkey flowers!"

"Seven thousand five hundred years of incense!"

"Nine thousand and three hundred years of evergreens!"


In less than an hour, searching less than one-fifth of the virgin forest, Yu Haoran obtained enough elixir for more than 13 million years and 21 for more than 5,000 years.

"Yu Haoran, I just searched three times with God's thoughts and did not find any trace of the black mouse." It was because Haoran had just collected a Zhiling grass that was 20,000 years old. Taring reminded.

"Is it true that as the black bear said, the black rat has left the mountain and went out to find its own chance."

With the spirit of Taling Wudi's realm, it can completely cover the entire virgin forest.

If the black rat is still in the virgin forest, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the search of the towering spirit.

Then the final fact, or as the black bear said when he broke through the fourth-order sanctuary, the black mouse went out to find his chance.

Looking for its own opportunity is not a danger. Yu Haoran secretly sighed with relief, and devoted all his energy to the collection of elixir.

In a cave on the edge of the primeval forest.

The black mouse Yu Haoran was looking for was struggling at the moment.

The original black hair had all fallen off, and on the **** skin, a number of spooky chains appeared from time to time.

Whenever the iron chains loomed, the black mouse showed unbearable pain and began to struggle desperately.

Whenever the iron chain disappeared into the body, the black mouse returned to normal, but the small eyes showed unwillingness.

Struggling back and forth for nearly two hours, the pain has exceeded the limit, so that the black mouse finally gave up desperately to resist, leaving the iron chain to continue to hide.

The black rat, who was no longer resisting the iron-chain seal, dried up quickly, and was quickly squeezed by the black hair that had grown back, allowing it to return to its previous form.

Close your tiny eyes and recover the demon power and soul power you used to break away from the iron chain. When the black mouse was about to leave the cave, it felt a familiar atmosphere by accident and immediately retracted into the cave.

Anxiety and worry appeared in the tiny eyes.

"Ta Ling, although there are no strange animals and wild animals running in this virgin forest, which can guarantee the smooth growth of some elixir, the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the virgin forest does not seem to support these elixir to survive such a long time! "

Pointing to a purple ginseng with a year close to 100,000 years ago, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a thick color of doubt.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, when you and I first entered this virgin forest, I also had such doubts in my heart."

Ta Ling reminded frowning when Yu Haoran began to doubt the simplicity and weirdness of the virgin forest.

"So, when I was looking for the trace of the black mouse, I checked three times from beginning to end, and I didn't find any secret hidden in this forest."

"Ta Ling, the sixth sense just told me that there must be amazing secrets hidden in this virgin forest, but your cultivation and strength are too low to temporarily find the place where the secrets are hidden."

After hearing Taling's reminder that was also full of doubts, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and felt it for a while. The sixth sense suddenly gave him a very special reminder.

There is great luck in the fierce!

Daji revealed the fierce!

"makes sense!"

After hearing Hao Ran's reminder, Ta Ling nodded deeply and agreed.

"Yu Haoran, after your practice breaks through the realm of Wu Zun, refine a top healing elixir for me, and help my spirit body return to the peak of Wu Emperor completely."

"At that time, we are back to this virgin forest, and then join forces to find the hidden secrets."

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran carefully took away the 100,000-year-old Zizhi, and then re-examined the virgin forest with divine thought.

After finding that there were not many omissions, he speeded up to the cliffs of the virgin forest.

Just after Haoran had just left the virgin forest, the black mouse quietly left the cave, stretched out his short paws, and patted his chest vigorously.

But at this time, the entire virgin forest suddenly began to shake violently.

With the violent shaking of the virgin forest, Yu Haoran questioned that the thin aura of heaven and earth, several times, a dozen times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, began to increase.

Soon, the virgin forest was shrouded in thick spiritual mist.

The original stream vying for Xianlian was because of the violent sensation of the virgin forest, which slowly cracked from it, exposing a black stone monument emerging from the crack.

The front of the black stele is densely carved with many fonts.

If you look closely, you will find these dense fonts, all of which are names of living beings.

Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Zulong, Aotian, Peng Yu, Sun Wudao and other immortal gods from ancient, middle and modern times are ranked at the top of the stele.

And Yu Haoran's name is also in the dense font, but only at the bottom of the most monumental.

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