Destined Martial God

Chapter 1198: Swearing (five more)

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Inside the imperial palace in Xianyang City!

Ye Junnan did not immediately come forward to retain, and did not unexpectedly Hao Ran expected.

Therefore, when he just came to the door, he suddenly stopped and said to Teng Yunjie indifferently.

"Brother Teng, it's not that I'm Yu Haoran who can't help but see that I can't help, but it's that your master of Tianwumen doesn't need me to do anything."

"If your ancestor eventually drives Hexi, then it has nothing to do with me, Hao Ran, and you have no responsibility."

"Wanting to come to the Holy Spirit will definitely testify for you and me."

"Nie Yun Jiexian, if Tengjia and Tianwumen are accountable at the high level, I will testify for you." Knowing that Yu Haoran's counterattack had begun, Emperor Qin cooperated with promise.

Hearing the stigma framed by Yu Haoran's loot, and the unscrupulous support of Emperor Qin, he wanted to instruct Teng Yunjie to leave the palace with his ancestor and return to Ye Junnan at Tianwumen, his face yelling at Yu Haoran.

"Last name, what do you mean?"

"Yemen Lord, the junior is meaningless, just tell the truth!" Turning around, Yu Haoran shrugged, a very innocent expression signaled.

"When will the lord not let you do anything to treat the ancestors?" Ye Junnan asked with a complexion on Hao Ran.

"Yemen Lord, when did you let me do something to cure the ancestors?" Yu Haoran asked suddenly, raising his tone.


Facing Hao Ran's counter-question, Ye Junnan didn't immediately know how to answer.

Because after Hao Ran entered the door, what he said inside and out was that he always questioned Hao Ran's Dan Dao Xiu as ordinary. He had no ability to heal the ancestor's injuries. Instead, Hao Ran's risky proposal harmed the ancestor.

"Master Ye Men, you just acknowledged it yourself. There is a master of Dan Dao Xiu who is far better than me in Tian Wu Men. Isn't it obvious that I don't believe in my ability of Dan Dao!"

It was not because of Ye Junnan's silence that Yu Haoran gave up the opportunity to continue the attack, he continued to question in a loud voice.

"Since Lord Yemen doesn't believe in my abilities of Hao Ran, you definitely don't want me to rescue you subconsciously."

"So, what did I remind Brother Teng just now, what's wrong!"

"Yu Haoran, you don't want to spit out blood, I don't have that idea at all!" Seeing the fact that Hao Ran was going to frame his ancestors, Ye Junnan screamed angrily.

"Ye Junnan, people are doing it, and heaven is watching. What do you think in your heart? I am afraid that only you knows the best." In the face of Ye Junnan's desperate yelling, Yu Haoran suddenly calmed down and said lightly.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger that was constantly emerging, Ye Junnan stepped back and signaled that he was not talking.

In response, Yu Haoran couldn't help sneering, then turned over the threshold and left the room.

"Yu Haoran, don't kick your nose on your face."

Seeing Yu Haoran stepping away from the room, he apparently ignored his default retreat just now, and Ye Junnan couldn't suppress his inner anger and directly insulted him.

"The owner has just made a step back. Don't you still want me to kneel and apologize?"

Hearing Ye Junnan's insults, not only Qin Emperor and Qin Lingfei's expressions suddenly gloomy, but even Teng Yunjie could not help frowning, intending to remind Ye Junnan, pay attention to the way of speaking, and treat Hao Ran.

But Yu Haoran responded like a violent storm. When he just reached his mouth, he swallowed it back.

"Ye Junnan, don't give face you don't have face."

After hearing Ye Junnan's insults, Yu Haoran immediately turned around and stared directly at him, using the same method, and swearing back.

"I Yu Haoran is neither a disciple of Tianwumen nor your Ye Junnan, nor is it what you want me to do, I must do it obediently."

"Yu Haoran, do you think I dare not do it!" After hearing Hao Ran's curse, Ye Junnan immediately saw a threat of murderous threat.

After seeing the killings that appeared in Ye Junnan's eyes, Emperor Qin immediately took out the sword of Emperor Realm, a posture ready to be shot at any time.

Shaking his head at Emperor Qin, motioned him to put away the sword of Emperor Realm, Yu Haoran looked at Ye Junnan with contempt, and said with a disdainful tone.

"If you Ye Junnan has become a peerless power in Wu Zun's realm, he is barely qualified to threaten me."

"But the repair of the peak limits of Zunwu Zunwu Zunwu Zun!"

Having said that, Yu Haoran suddenly took a step forward, inspiring the horrific momentum formed by all strengths and directly approaching Ye Junnan.

"Not qualified to threaten me yet."

Feeling the horrific momentum erupting in Yu Haoran and approaching Wu Zun's realm infinitely, Ye Junnan's face was immediately dignified.

Because he was very clear in his heart, don't look at Hao Ran's cultivation as not as high as himself, but the true strength has not been lost to himself.

If you really start to use the situation of Tianwumen Emperor Realm, in the end, whoever wins or loses, I am afraid only Heaven knows.

Not being able to use his strength to suppress, but also unwilling to bear the responsibility of Yuanzu in case of an accident, Ye Junnan chose to yield.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do before you are willing to rescue the ancestors!"

"Ye Junnan, then it depends on what kind of sincerity you can show so that I can willingly take the initiative to heal the ancestors."

Yu Haoran returned the option to Ye Junnan.

"A sixth-order top-grade spirit vein, a sacred state-of-the-art defensive weapon, a mastery of martial arts in the early days of the heavenly order, and a third-order, first-grade spirit dragon Tianzhi."

Seeing that Yu Haoran had given the option to his own hands, Ye Junnan closed his eyes and considered it for a while, and then gave him the conditions he thought were very sincere.

But neither Qin Emperor, Qin Lingfei, nor Teng Yunjie shook his head disappointed.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the conditions given by Ye Junnan, Yu Haoran couldn't help laughing.

"One day ago, I used a sixth-order spirit vein and nine seventh-order spirit veins to increase the concentration of aura on the mountain where Shimen is located."

"I have the secret method of transforming into a kilometer giant, which can make my physical body directly attacked by the divine magic weapon."

"When I meet a friend who has a better relationship, the mentality and martial arts I sent out are the lowest in the high order."

"As a master of Dao Dao who can refining and reviving Dan, now I only need to open the furnace to refining Dan, and the lowest level of elixir used is also third-order first-grade."

Having said that, Yu Haoran put away the ridicule on his face and asked angrily.

"Ye Junnan, you are sending a flower caller!"

Although I really want to sneer at Haoran's big words, his present expression and the calmness in his tone are enough to prove that what he just said is not a lie.

This forced Ye Junnan to close his eyes again and continue to think about the chips that could move Hao Ran.

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