Destined Martial God

Chapter 1202: Kill the lotus with a knife (four more)

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Xianyang City, Yiyue Temple!

"Master Ma, I hope that you can temporarily delay the refining of Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan to avoid unforeseen changes." Governor Jiang, who stood in the living room respectfully, negotiated in a pleasurable tone.

"Director Jiang, have you found out who leaked the news that Ben Ma is going to open the furnace to make Qiming Xuanmendan tomorrow?" Yu Haoran, sitting on the Taishi chair, frowned while enjoying Qin Lingfei's shoulder massage. Asked.


After hearing Yu Haoran's interrogation, there was a hint of hesitation in General Jiang's eyes.

But eventually he shook his head to signal that he didn't know.

"Ye Junnan!"

Reaching out and picking up a seventh-order, one-pint purple cherry in the fruit plate, directly dropped into his mouth, Yu Haoran sneered and said a person's name.

In this regard, General Manager Jiang bowed his head and said nothing.

"Mr. Jiang, when you go back to the Holy Newspaper, you will say that the matter decided by Benma will not change, and I will open the alchemy on time tomorrow morning."

General Manager Jiang's bowed head was silent, which directly confirmed his guess.

In this regard, Yu Haoran not only was not angry, but felt ecstatic in his heart.

Later, he told Governor Jiang that he would never change his alchemy time.

"Master Ma, the queen mother hasn't returned, and with the longevity and ancestors alone, I'm afraid she can't resist some people who have misbehaved." Hearing Yu Haoran still insisted that the alchemy should be started tomorrow morning and morning, General Jiang continued to persuade Road.


Raising his hand to signal that Director Jiang didn't have to say, Yu Haoran said with confidence.

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, the Qiming Xuanmen Dan was opened and refined in advance, just to fulfill the agreement between me and Brother Teng."

"After Dan's robbery, no matter how many Dans eventually become, I only need to leave a single elixir to give away. As for the remaining elixir, anyone who wants to grab it will grab it."

"Master Ma, absolutely not!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's treatment of the remaining elixir, General Jiang's face changed and persuaded.

"On the contrary, those who can take the seven lives of Xuanmen Dan must be the peerless power of Wu Zun's peak realm, and the powerful power of Zhunwu emperor's realm."

"If strong men in this realm robbed the elixir, the aftermath of the battle would surely destroy the entire palace, and even the entire city of Xianyang."

"Mr. Jiang, who said that I started cooking alchemy in the palace." After hearing Mr. Jiang's persuasion, Yu Haoran shrugged and asked in a very helpless tone.

"So I don't know where Master Ma plans to start refining alchemy?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's helpless questioning, the general manager Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and also became very interested in the place where he chose alchemy.

"Crossing the mountains!" The corner of his mouth slightly raised, Yu Haoran replied with a strange smile on his face.

"Old slave understands!"

Nodded his head, Director Jiang seemed to have guessed why Yu Haoran chose to cross the mountains to make Qiming Xuanmen Dan.

Because under the testimony of the rules of the heavens, the annihilation of the eleven quasi-beasts in the Hengduan Mountains alone can be said to be the beginning of Yu Haoran's true name of Tianxuan Continent, and also his blessed land. With this blessed land, the success rate of refining the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan is improved.

Seeing that General Manager Jiang misunderstood his intentions, Yu Haoran just chuckled without explaining too much.


Cross the edge of the mountains!

Looking at the Hengduan Mountains that had been completely enveloped by black smoke, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a cold light.

After successfully completing the blood oath of the rules of the heavens and killing all quasi-respected beasts, the entire Hengduan Mountains can be said to be his backyard.

Countless geniuses in the mountains can be freely obtained by him and his friends and relatives.

But all this was ruined by the sudden appearance of Qipin Black Lotus!

He has a very narrow-minded mind and a character that will be reported, so he has never forgotten the idea of ​​eradicating Qipin Helian.

Now, with the opportunity of refining Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan to attract Wu Zun and Zhun Wu Emperor's mighty power, it can be just revenge, to eliminate the last flaw in the state of mind, and then impact the physical body and strength with the state of prosperity , Rule and soul power of Wuzun realm.

"Brother Teng, give me the medicinal material for refining Qiming Xuanmendan!" Putting away the cold light that flashed from time to time, Yu Haoran turned his head and instructed Teng Yunjie.

"Brother Yu, it will not affect your alchemy!" Teng Yunjie reminded with some worry, pointing at the black gas exuding an evil breath in front of her eyes.

"No effect!" Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

"Okay!" Since Yu Haoran said that it was okay, Teng Yunjie did not persuade too much, and took out the two medicines already prepared and handed them to Yu Haoran.

"Ling Fei, Brother Teng, you just have to watch here, you must not enter the Hengduan Mountains!" After receiving the storage ring, Yu Haoran told Qin Lingfei and Teng Yunjie.

"Hao Ran, be careful!" Qin Lingfei nodded docilely and instructed.

Turning to the sky, he flew directly into the sky above the Hengduan Mountains, and then looked down at the deep pits that were constantly bubbling with black gas, Yu Haoran sneered and smirked.

"Qipin Black Lotus, I will not believe you can continue to hide in the pit when Danjie arrives."

"Wait until more than a dozen Wu Zun and Zhun Wu realm join forces to attack, I don't believe you can persist."

Taking a deep breath, adjusting the hatred that just came out, Yu Haoran sat straight in the air with his knees folded, then closed his eyes and waited silently.

Waiting until the beginning of Dongyang, when everything in the world began to wake up, Yu Haoran suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, the ten fingers quickly settled and began to display the space of Nether Condensate to condense the fire of Dantian.

Since the state of mind has been broken through Wu Zun's realm, and Ta Ling has not acted as cautiously as before, he has not had too much fear about whether to expose the existence of the Nether Pill.

In addition, he also wants to further enhance his deterrent on Dan Tao through the power and mystery of the Nether Ning Danshu technique, so that some people with mischief can be wary.

This is also the main reason why he exposed Teng Yunjie and Ye Junnan to expose the Ning Danshu technique. Otherwise, with Ye Junnan's character and means, how would he easily swallow the humiliation suffered.

As Yu Haoran sat on his knees in the sky over the Hengduan Mountains, some of the ancestors of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu arrived in time, all hiding in the void, watching the ten fingers quickly settle, and prepared to refining Yu Haoran's fate to Xuanmen Dan.

After Haoran used nihilism to condense the independent space of the fire of Dantian, there were six family ancestors who passed down to ancient and medieval times, and a martial arts master from Yuxu Palace. Unable to look a little shocked.

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