Destined Martial God

Chapter 1207: Nine Roars (four more)

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A void in the mountains!

In contrast to Zhou Fengxu and others who faced the blood-handed demon for a long time, they could not calm their inner fears, and soon calmed down the star robe, proactively introduced themselves.

"Bloodhand Demon, comet of the old man's Tao, comes from the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace."

Because he hoped that relying on the deterrent power of Yuxu Palace, he could make the blood-handed demon jealous.


Seeing the comet actually wanted to use Yuxu Palace to suppress himself, the blood-hand demon laughed strangely, and then stretched out his skin-covered bones, showing his blood-red big hand, and grabbed the comet directly.


Seeing the Blood Hand Demon not only did not give Yuxu Gong the face, but also dared to attack himself directly, and the comet could not help humming.

Subsequently, his entire body suddenly exploded, and quickly formed a galaxy.

After wrapping up the blood hand that stretched out, the galaxy formed by the comet's body quickly rose, intending to wrap the blood hand demon statue into the galaxy.

But just before Xinghe was less than ten meters away from the Blood Hand Demon, a very miserable howl came from Xinghe.

With the miserable howling, Xinghe suddenly exploded into countless star points, and then scattered in the corners of the void.

The **** hand wrapped by Xinghe was recovered by the **** demon innocently, and then sneered at the position where Comet's body had just exploded.

The star points scattered in the corners of the void corner began to gather quickly, and soon came back to condense.

At this time, the comet was not only pale and bloodless, but also the star robe was tattered and obviously suffered a very serious injury.

"Bloodhand Demon, what do you want?" Reaching to wipe away the remaining blood on the corner of the mouth, Comet took out a special jade pendant, and looked at the Bloodhand Demon with a dull face while shaking hands tightly.

"Leave the three Niu Jiu Ning Mo Dan that you just took away, and three Hua Zun Dan, you can leave!"

After seeing the special jade clasp clenched by the comet, there was a hint of dread in the eyes of the Blood Hand Demon, and then a solution was given.


Looking back at Zhou Fengxu and others, a look of disappointment flashed in the comet's eyes.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and took out the three Jiu Jiu Ju Mo and the three Alchemists that he had just captured. After throwing them directly to the Blood Hand Demon, he turned and quickly left the void of the Hengduan Mountains.

Seeing Bloody Demon's violent eyes cast on himself, Zhou Fengxu reluctantly shook his head and sighed, then took out the two Jiu Jiu Ju Mo Dan and two Hua De Ma Dan that were hard to capture, and threw them directly to the Blood Hand Demon.

Even the strongest comet and Zhou Fengxu did not dare to disobey the will of the Blood Hand Demon Sovereign, and the remaining quasi-army Emperor Powerful and Wu Zun's top nine can only surrender the remaining nine or nine. Ju Mo Dan and Hua Mo Dan.

"Black lotus, let's go!" Directly threw eight of the nine nine-nine jumons to Qipin black lotus, and after leaving nine red zuns on his own, the blood-handed monk ordered.

The black gas quickly condensed out a palm. After receiving the eight nine-nine-gathering magic dandels dropped by the blood-handed demon, Qipin black lotus quickly followed.

"It took me eighteen hard medicines that Yu Haoran worked hard to make. It wouldn't matter if I didn't give any good. I didn't even say thank you."

After seeing Blood Hand Demon and Qipin Black Lotus intending to leave the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran sternly asked Qin Lingfei to stay honestly in the place, and then flew into the void of the Hengduan Mountains, sneerly and ironically.

"Bloodhand Lord, are you a little too much!"


After hearing Yu Haoran's sarcasm, the blood-handed demon turned and threatened with a smile.

"Little guy, seeing that you successfully crafted nine nine-nine slayers, this deity temporarily put you alive."

"If you dare to speak well, the deity will swallow you directly."

Cooperating with the threat of Chiguo, the blood-handed demon held out his long tongue, and then continuously licked his lips. This made Qin Lingfei, who was standing on the edge of the mountain, paled.

"Haha ...!"

Faced with the threat of the Blood Hand Demon, Yu Haoran laughed without fear.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

From the laughter of Yu Haoran, he clearly felt that he was not afraid of the threat he had just made, which made the blood-handed devil feel very confused.

"Bloodhand Demon, I laugh at you too ignorant!" Yu Haoran scorned after stopping laughing.

"Junior, it seems you are really impatient!"

After hearing the irony of Yu Haoran, the irritable blood hand Demon Zhuang roared, and directly stretched out his dry blood hand, intending to directly capture Hao Ran, and then swallowed him bite by bite.

"Bloodhand Demon, for the sake of you being also a generation of demon heroes, Master Benji gives you a kind warning in the end."

Facing the **** hand stretched out by the **** demon, Yu Haoran raised his left hand and pressed his thumb with his middle finger, saying indifferently.

"Never take the risk to **** an elixir that Danshi has just refined."


As soon as the warning sounded, a thumb and **** staggered.


Accompanied by the sound of crisp fingers, the deafening roar suddenly came from Qipin Heilien.

The first roar, the black gas enclosing the Qipin black lotus was directly exploded, exposing the black lotus's body.

The second roar, Qipin Heilian suddenly made a miserable howl.

After the third roar, there were several gaps in the petals of the seven-petal lotus of Qipin Helian.

Seeing Qipin Black Lotus, which was hit hard in an instant, the blood-handed demon could not help but change his face.

Quickly withdrew the **** hand that was captured in Haoran, and then appeared in the side of Qipin Heilian.

Feeling the destructive power in the Qipin black lotus, the blood hand demon lord extended his blood hand and pressed it on the petals of the lotus, intending to use his powerful strength to suppress the destructive power in the black lotus.

The fourth roar, the expression of the blood-handed demon trembled slightly.

The fifth roar, a trace of blood flowed out of the mouth of the Blood Hand Demon.

The sixth roar, the blood hand demon respected the blood hand on the base of Qipin black lotus, and several blue tendons began to break.

After the seventh roar, the blood hand of the blood hand demon statue was directly shattered by three fingers.

Until this time, the blood-hand demon master finally knew the source of the destructive power in Qipin Black Lotus, and quickly ordered to Black Lotus.

"Hurry up and throw away the two remaining Jiuju Judan!"

"Master, I have just merged Jiu Jiu Ju Dan into the lotus body." Qipin Heilian replied in horror.

After hearing the reply from Qipin Heilian, there was a faint flash of light in the blood hand Demon.

Without any hesitation, when he was about to avoid Qipin Black Lotus, he unexpectedly found that he couldn't leave, which made him extremely panic.

The eighth roar, the blood hand of the blood hand demon, with a **** powder blasted by one arm.

After the ninth roar, Qipin Black Lotus was directly blown into countless black gases, and the Blood Hand Demon was enveloped in it.

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