Destined Martial God

Chapter 1215: Successfully dived in (two more)

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Cavan ...!

God stole the door of the mountain!

Looking at the six-story treasury with a height of about 100 meters, Yu Haoran let out a sigh of relief, and an ecstasy irresistibly appeared in his heart.

In order to be able to give Qin Lingfei a life-long unforgettable wedding, during this time he can be said to travel around, desperately collecting precious treasures.

But in the end, he was still not very satisfied.

Although there are many relics and forbidden places in his memory that contain precious treasures, those relics and forbidden places are either too far away from Xianyang City, or his strength is temporarily unable to break in safely.

After thinking about it, he finally thought of sneaking up on his little old man in the secret place of Qingyan, and then thought of those strange treasures in the treasure house of God stealing the door.

The special way of living by stealing the door and the collection of hundreds of thousands of years can definitely meet his highest requirements for wedding treasures.

"Taling, look around the treasure house to see if there are hidden treasure house guardians."

After adjusting his inner ecstasy through frequent breathing, Yu Haoran did not venture to leave Yuta.

After all, as the most important position of an inheritance sect, God's Stealing Door will definitely send a top strongman to take care of the treasure house.

Therefore, he needs to let Taring observe the situation around him first.

"On both the east and west sides of the treasure house, there is a peerless powerhouse in the highest realm of Wu Zun Sanpin, and in the spiritual fog directly above the treasure house is a powerful powerhouse who has just broken through the realm of Zhunwu Emperor.

With the familiarity of upside-down five elements and nine formations, without having to mobilize any energy of the tower of the ontology domain, the towering spirit easily found the guardians hidden around the treasure house.

"Ta Ling, can you sneak into the treasure house silently?"

After hearing the powerful quantity and strength of the guardian treasure house, Yu Haoran immediately extinguished the idea of ​​beheading and slaying each other, shaking his mind to enter the treasure house.

"Some trouble!"

Taling explained with a frown.

"Using the illusion in the upside-down five-element nine-element formation method, I rushed to the door of the treasure house safely without shaking the three guardians."

"But the volatile atmosphere emanating from the door of the treasure house shows that the entire treasure house also has a profound array of guards. I don't have any confidence to break the array before the guardian finds out."

Not only could he not kill himself in one hit, but also could not sneak into the treasure house silently. Looking at the six-story treasure house nearby, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a headache.

After nearly ten minutes of meditation, Ta Ling found that the protection of the treasure house by the stealing door was seamless. Except for relying on his formidable strength, there was no way to enter the treasure house without alarming the guardian.

Therefore, he suddenly became very confused about the means by which Hao Ran and the Nether Rat could break into the treasure house silently.

After hearing the interrogation of the Taling, Yu Haoran lighted up, immediately controlled the giant rat to stay away from the treasure house for a while, and then touched the mark to leave the space of the domain tower.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the earth spirit beads, and then used the earth-based energy emitted by the earth spirit beads to reach the bottom of the treasure house by means of integrating into the ground.

"Ta Ling, can you open the corner of the array of treasures without alarming the guardians?" Yu Haoran asked, looking at the energy of the void array that shrouded the ground for nearly three meters.

"Let me try it!"

The ability to successfully arrange upside-down five elements and nine-tuned arrays that reach the peak of the order of the heavens indicates that there is a formation in the gate of the thief that exceeds the master's realm and reaches the realm of the emperor.

Generally, the strong matrix players in this state will incorporate their own perceptions of matrix methods in the matrix methods arranged in important positions.

It is much more difficult to open the corner of the formation without alarming the three guardians than to directly break the formation.

This is also an important reason for the lack of confidence when Ta Ling responded to Hao Ran's interrogation.

After spending nearly two hours, Tallinn finally relied on his powerful array to repair. Without disturbing the three treasure keepers, he quietly tore a gap in the array, allowing Yu Haoran to enter the treasure corpus smoothly. in.

Yu Haoran, who successfully sneaked into the first floor of the treasure house, was neither ecstatic nor disappointed, but rather stupefied.

"Yu Haoran, what happened to you?"

Looking at the normal environment in front of him, Ta Ling's reaction to Yu Haoran's sudden daze was a little puzzled.

"Ta Ling, the energy backfeeding of the demon tomb since the explosion, will it also change the quality and quantity of some real objects." Ta Ling reminded Yu Haoran to wake up from the **** of **** and then frowned.

"What do you mean?" Ta Ling asked more confusedly.

"In previous lives, I and Nether Rat entered the first floor of the treasure house."

Facing the questioning of the tower spirit, Yu Haoran reached out and pointed at the ninety-nine spirit veins placed on the wooden frame on the west side of the first floor of the treasure house.

"At the time, there were ninety-nine wooden boxes on these wooden stands, and the fifth to sixth steps were stored in the wooden boxes."

Moving his finger to the wooden frame on the east side, Yu Haoran looked at the thirty-six veins with spells and continued.

"There are thirty-six wooden boxes on these wooden stands, and the top-tier spirit stones of the third to fourth steps are stored in the wooden boxes."

"Why the spirit stone of the previous life has become the spirit vein in this life?"

After hearing the real reason why Yu Haoran was in a daze just now, Ta Ling explained with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, the back-feeding after the explosion of the tomb of the demon gods, while greatly improving the cultivation and strength of warriors, will also expand the scope of their experience and enhance their vision of treasures."

"So it is normal for the spirit stones of the previous life to be replaced by the spirit veins of this life."

Although Ta Ling's explanation seemed reasonable, Yu Haoran always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn't think of it no matter what he thought.

Considering that the strong man who steals the door may enter the treasure house at any time, Yu Haoran quickly adjusted his emotions, and then began to collect the spirit veins in the first layer of the treasure house.

The ninety-nine spirit veins placed on the west side wooden frame are all seventh-order low-quality to high-quality spirit veins. They are more suitable for the second avatar to arrange the matrix method that gathers the heaven and earth aura, so Yu Haoran is included in the tower of the domain.

The 36 spiritual veins placed on the wooden frame on the east side are all sixth-order sublime to superb spiritual veins, which are suitable for arraying and assisting in cultivation, so he divided half of the amount into In the tower, the remaining half of the spirit veins are stored in the storage ring.

Subsequently, his eyes turned to the deepest level of the first floor of the treasure house, where four spirit veins and a wooden box of the jade table were placed.

Stepped forward to Yutai, picked up one of the veins that was a little shorter, and Yu Haoran hadn't come yet and looked carefully. The towering spirit in the sea immediately called out in surprise.

"Yu Haoran, this is a spirit pulse of fifth-order substandard!"

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