Destined Martial God

Chapter 1220: Different Fire Blue Moon Flame (second more)

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God stole the door, in the sixth floor of the treasure house!

"Like you, I don't know the origin of this spirit tree!" Ta Ling said with a smile on Hao Ran's help.

"Ta Ling, temporarily put it into the tower of the domain, if you have time in the future, carefully inquire about the origin of this spiritual tree." Even the well-informed Ta Ling, can not recognize the specific origin of the spiritual tree in front of him, Yu Haoran Slightly disappointed.


Nodded, Ta Ling directly put away the jade box where the Spirit Tree was rooted.

"Taling, wait a minute!"

However, just when the towering spirit planned to put the spirit tree into the tower of the field, from the drops of water dripping from one of the leaves, there was an urge to make the spirit have a longing desire, which awakened a memory in Yu Haoran's seal and let him Vaguely remembered the origin of this spirit tree.

It is a pity that the drop of water just dropped into Yutai directly, and he lost his hope of further inspection.

Therefore, he can only wait for a while.

He waited until the other leaf reunited with drops of water, and immediately received it in the dan bottle, before he had the opportunity to carefully examine the origin of the spirit that can urge the impulse to drop water.

"Ta Ling, this is a soul-cultivating spiritual tree. The thirteen leaves of the spiritual tree will automatically absorb the soul power scattered between heaven and earth, and then condense the purest soul fluid." After carefully examining the water drops in the Dan bottle Later, Yu Haoran introduced a bitter tone.

"Yu Haoran, a soul-cultivating tree that can condense pure soul fluid can be called an treasure. Why is your reaction so strange?" Ta Ling asked inexplicably.


After hearing Ta Ling's interrogation, Yu Haoran looked up at the Treasury space and said with a pity.

"The growth and promotion of the soul-cultivating spirit tree requires the absorption of a large amount of soul power, and the enclosed space of the treasure house cuts off the source of soul power."

Having said that, Yu Haoran pointed at the green leaves.

"Under normal circumstances, the leaves of the soul-cultivating tree will appear gray. The higher the grade, the darker the gray color."

"But this soul-cultivating tree has fallen too much in grades, which has caused its attributes to change. At most, it only condenses the soul fluid suitable for the realm of Wu Zong and Wu Wang."

"Yu Haoran, can you restore the level of the soul tree?" Ta Ling asked eagerly.

The martial arts practice, the higher the requirements for the soul in the later period.

If the soul-cultivating spirit tree can condense the soul liquid suitable for the realm of Wu Sheng, Wu Zun, and Emperor Wu Di, then it will be of great help whether it is to assist the ascension of Hao Ran's spirit or to restore his injury.

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran didn't say much, but only signaled the tower spirit to put the soul-cultivation tree into the tower space of the domain.

Subsequently, his eyes turned to the ninth Yutai.

"Yu Haoran, without any discussion, the treasure on the ninth jade platform directly belongs to me!"

After collecting the tower spirit of the soul-cultivating spirit tree, he also turned his attention to the ninth Yutai.

After seeing the size of a fist placed on the jade platform, giving people a kind of golden stone that looks like real, false, and false, he directly used the powerful **** to put away the golden stone years ago, and it cannot be questioned. Demanded.

"Taling, you have no problems."

Facing Ta Ling's overbearing move to pack up the golden stones, Yu Haoran didn't care too much, just reminded with a grin.

"But did you introduce the origin of this treasure?"

"Void Fairy Gold can speed up the recovery of the Injury Tower."

The towering spirit, while throwing golden stones into the ontology domain tower, introduced the origin of the golden stones in a few words.

Although I do n’t know what precious material the Void Fairy Gold is, but it can be used to restore the damage of the Yuta.

Continued to stand on the horror weapon issued by the imperial sword, Yu Haoran stepped forward to Yutai, and then reached out to pick up the elixir placed on the tenth Yutai.

After opening it, Yu Haoran found that the elixir stored in the elixir turned out to be the Huazun Dan that can help Wu Sheng and Zhun Wu Zun Qiang break through Wu Zun's realm.

Not only the quantity of the elixir in the Dan bottle is as many as three, but the grades have all reached the third-rank and nine-rank.

"Ta Ling, it seems that this time I can let the Chamber of Commerce in the heavens completely suppress the other two chambers of commerce, becoming the first Chamber of Commerce in Tianxuan mainland." Shao shaking the Dan bottle in his hands, Yu Haoran's face was smiling Said.


Taling nodded in agreement that Hao Ran intended to transfer the third-order and nine-pin Huazun Dan to the Heavenly Earth Chamber of Commerce for auction.

Because after Hao Ran's reincarnation, except for the breakthrough of the small realm, the breakthrough of the great realm all rely on his deep accumulation.

Since the third-ranking and nine-pinning Zundan is not used, it is far better to exchange it for a lot of resources that can assist in cultivation.

Put away the three bottles of Danzun, and Yu Haoran turned his eyes to the twelfth Yutai.

On the eleventh jade stage, there is a stick instrument of honor.

However, when Yu Haoran passed the stick-level instrument of the state-level, a faint blood vein called, making him unable to stop, and then carefully observed the white level of the state-level stick.

This is a stick that has reached the highest level of honor. In addition to the pure white color, the stick has light fingerprints on both ends.

This shows that the original owner of the white stick is a very strong physical class.

Perhaps because of the weak blood echo, the sleeping spirits in the white sticks are gradually waking up.

Fearing that the spirit of the white sticks would wake up, the exposed terror might shock the guardian of the treasure house. Yu Haoran quickly cut off the weak blood line between the white sticks and stepped back a few steps away from the jade table where the white sticks were placed.

After the faint echo in the blood was completely eliminated, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the twelfth Yutai.

A jade box exuding a hint of coldness gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen the treasures in the jade box in previous lives.

"Yu Haoran, stop now!" When he reached out to open the jade box, the towering spirit in the sea immediately stopped.

"Ta Ling, what's wrong?" Yu Haoran asked, withdrawing his left hand.

"In the Xuanxuan Continent's Different Fire Rankings, the 15th Qingyue Yan!"

There was a hint of solemnity and a hint of surprise in Tallin's tone.

"Green Moon Flame!"

After hearing Ta Ling's reply, Yu Haoran's heart suddenly exulted.

At the time of the trial of Zongmen, Ouyang Aoxue once said that when she pulled her sister Yu Siqi, the elemental power cultivated by her sister contained a icy coldness, which was very suitable for the practice and environment of the Ice and Snow Palace.

The different fires, such as the white flames, are just like the mysterious soul fire, which is suitable for the martial arts with negative physical attributes for absorption and refining.

If the elder sister has the help of different fires and blue moon flames, not only will the cultivation and strength be greatly improved, but her own security will also be greatly improved.

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