Destined Martial God

Chapter 228: Thank you (five more)

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Canyon Center!

Seeing that the lotus root was carefully put away, and then took a six-level, one-pin soul-saving Dan Ouyang Aoxue, Yu Haoran couldn't bear the compassion, and took out the Dan bottle containing eight lotus roots, and threw it to Ouyang Aoxue said very arrogantly.

"Sister Ao Xue, if you take the sixth-grade first-grade junk elixir in front of my master Dan Dao, wouldn't you hit me in the face?"

"If this thing spreads out, then I have any more face in Yu Haoran who is refining higher quality elixir."

Looking at the Dan bottle containing eight third-order first-class snow lotus Dan, listening to Yu Haoran's overbearing complaints, Ouyang Aoxue was moved, and poured a snow lotus from the Dan bottle, directly after swallowing Sit down with a bent knee.

"Xiao Ran, I haven't seen you in two years. You really have grown up!"

Seeing Yu Haoqi who had just used overbearing complaining methods to make Ouyang Aoxue take Xueliandan obediently and walked back to him, she was full of sighs of relief.

Although he just found out that his life-saving bead had just been activated, his sister's cultivation was already the pinnacle of Wusheng Sanpin, only four small realms worse than Ouyang Aoxue. This shows that she must be trained by the Frost Palace, but he wanted to From her sister's mouth, she knew everything about her two years in the Frozen Palace.

Hearing that Yu Haoran wanted to learn about his life experience in the past two years, Yu Siqi looked at the center of the canyon, then took his hand and walked to a relatively smooth bluestone rock that could satisfy four or five people sitting side by side.

After sitting on their knees and crossing each other, Yu Siqi began to detail her bit by bit in the Frozen Palace.

After hearing from the Snow Palace to the palace owner and down to the core disciples' cultivation and care of her sister, Yu Haoran immediately felt good about the Snow Palace, and decided to give the Snow Palace a promise.

The only pity is that my sister spends most of her time in spiritual practice and rarely walks in sects, so I didn't find the way to tell her to be too forgotten.

"Xiao Ran, tell your sister about these two years of experience!"

After talking about his boring life in the Frozen Palace, Yu Siqi looked at Yu Haoran full of expectations.

Nodded, Yu Haoran tried to pick some experiences that were not too dangerous, but were more thrilling, and said it briefly.

"Xiao Ran, do you hide something from me!" Seeing Yu Haoran avoiding killing the strange beasts of the eleven quasi-respects across the mountains alone, and her experience with Gu Liang's family blood oath, Yu Siqi slightly The dissatisfied questioned.

"Ha ha!"

In the face of her sister's question, when Yu Haoran smirked and lowered his head and wanted to confuse the past, he just saw Ouyang Aoxue, who had finished healing, and stood up and reminded Yu Siqi.

"Sister, Sister Ao Xue has recovered!"

With a dissatisfied glance at Hao Ran, Yu Siqi who stood up hurriedly walked to Ouyang Aoxue and asked with concern.

"Sister Ao Xue, how are you?"

A grateful look at Hao Ran, Ouyang Aoxue couldn't help but sigh.

"The master Yu Xue's personal preparation of Xuelian Dan has far better effects than those masters who are in the state of peak masters."

"Now that not only the side effects of Xuemo Dan have been eliminated, but also all my soul power and vitality have been restored."

"That's good!"

After hearing Ouyang Aoxue's sighed reply, Yu Siqi immediately gave Yu Haoran an admiring look.

"Sister Ao Xue, thank you!"

Facing her sister's gaze, Yu Haoran shrugged, an expression that I have always been excellent.

Afterwards, he stepped forward to Ouyang Aoxue and thanked him with a solemn look.

"Master Yu, Aoxue once promised you that he would take good care of your sister. I just fulfill my promise!"

Although Yu Haoran did not explain the reason for gratitude, she also heard the conversation between him and Yu Siqi when he was injured just now and knew why he was grateful for himself.

"Furthermore, Yu Shimei's ability to achieve such achievements is entirely related to her talents and selfless cultivation."

"So, you don't need to thank me, and I can't bear your gratitude.

"Do not!"

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran glanced at his sister, and then said solemnly.

"Without Sister Ao Xue's original wisdom, my sister would not have become a disciple of the Frozen Palace!"

"Without the careful cultivation of the Ice and Snow Palace, even if my sister's talent is strong and her faith in the practice is firm, she cannot reach her current level."

Seeing Ouyang Aoxue opened her mouth to explain, Yu Haoran immediately raised her hand to signal her not to speak, and then gave her promise.

"So, in order to thank Sister Aoxue and Bingxue Palace for the care and cultivation of my sister in the past two years, I have given you Hao Ran and Bingxue Palace a promise to make elixir for free.

"Master Yu, take this seriously!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's promise, Ouyang Aoxue had no time to postpone, and a surprise inquiry came from over the canyon.


Yu Haoran nodded without surprise at the sound coming from the canyon.

"Everyone who is familiar with me in Hao Ran knows that I am a man of words, and as long as it is a matter of personal commitment, it will be 100% realized."

"Xuelian, the Vice-President of the Frozen Palace, has met the Grand Master!"

As Yu Haoran confirmed that his voice had just fallen, a middle-aged woman with an unusually good-looking temperament appeared in front of him in her forties, although she looked slightly ordinary.

The middle-aged woman, who was slightly bent, also in a long white dress, introduced herself.

"The younger Yu Haoran has met the Snow Palace master!"

The snow lotus in front of him is not only the deputy head of the Frozen Palace, but also the three strongest peaks of the state of mind, spirits and rules that break through Wu Zun's realm.

Therefore, in the face of Xuelian's initiative to salute, Yu Haoran did not dare to neglect to return to the court.

"Ao Xue has met the Snow Palace Master!"

Facing the snow lotus appearing in the center of the canyon, Ouyang Aoxue and Yu Siqi also quickly saluted.

"Si Qi has met the master!"

After hearing her sister calling Xuelian as a master, Yu Haoran flashed in front of her, and immediately took out a bottle of elixir that could help her to break through the physical grade, and then sent it to her by means of Yuanli.

"Since the master of the Snow Palace is the master of my sister, it is definitely your careful cultivation that the sister can achieve such an achievement."

"So, this third-order bottle of Qingzhi Huo Ling Dan is a thank you gift from the younger generation to her older sister!"

As elders, it ’s a bit inexplicable not to give a greeting, so how can you accept the gifts of thanks from the younger generation!

Therefore, in response to Hao Ran's Dan bottle, Xuelian wanted to open her mouth and refuse.

But when she heard that the elixir in the bottle was actually a third-order, first-grade Qingzhihuolingdan that could help her physically break through Wu Zun's realm, she had swallowed it back by her mouth.

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