Destined Martial God

Chapter 1233: Renovation of Luomafu (Five)

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Xianyang City, East of the City!

In front of a just-constructed mansion, many people came to visit.

Among these people, there were ordinary people in Xianyang City and powerful men of the family tyrants. There were both court officials with disdain on their faces and frontier generals exuding a strong murderous spirit.

The reason why the just-constructed mansion has attracted everyone to visit is because the owner of the mansion has come to be powerful.

"It is really the most important sacred horseman, not only does not need to live in the ruled Binya district, but also builds such a magnificent mansion in Dongcheng District, where the court and court officials live."

Looking at a brand-new mansion with rich and exhilarating breath in front of him, an official from the Ministry of Civil Affairs commented in a sour tone.

"I'm afraid this is the only copy of the inheritance of the Great Qin Empire for tens of thousands of years!"

After hearing the sour comments of the officials, some people showed envy and jealousy on the face, some people showed a cheerful smile, some expressed a somber hatred, and some people did not know how to express themselves. What are you thinking.

"What a mansion alone!"

At the scene, everyone was sourly appraised by the officials of the Ministry of Public Affairs. When the mood was complicated, an official from the Ministry of Rites said with a grin.

"According to the decree just issued by the Holy Lord, the thirty-five horsemen who live in Anya District have regained the title of the three horses after re-granting the new title."

"Mr. Wang, what do you just mean?" A middle-aged man with a strong murderous spirit, apparently from the frontiers, asked.

"The meaning is simple!"

Lord Wang from the Ministry of Rites, said with a touch of irony.

"From now on, the Qin Empire will have only one sergeant, that is, Yu Haoran, who will marry Princess Ling Fei two days later, will be stabbed."

"Zi ...!"

After hearing the explanation of Lord Wang of the Ministry of Rites, nearly half of the people at the scene were shocked by the news and took a sigh of relief.

Because this Qin Emperor's order was too shocking and horrifying, it was easy to attract dissatisfaction from some families, which led to turmoil in the Great Qin Empire.


Over the mansion!

Looking at the courtyard, the rockery Chize, Wuliyilang, Shiliyi Pavilion, the corner corner eaves, there are hundreds of willows and blue water, covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 acres.

Yu Haoran floating above the mansion nodded with satisfaction.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your help when you go back." Then he turned to the maverick Jiang who was standing behind him and told him.

"Old slave obeys!" Chief Jiang asked.

"Ran brother!"

Instructed Director Jiang not to follow for the time being, Yu Haoran lifted another 30 meters into the sky, and then called the second avatar in the field tower.


Looking through the space of the sea, looking at the mansion below, the second person nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that the group of people who built the mansion was strictly based on the drawings I made, and there was no disclosure."

"Ran, will the array you plan to arrange be impulsive with the lock-up array in Xianyang City?" Yu Haoran asked a little worried, facing the praise of the second spouse for the mansion.

"Yu Haoran, rest assured!"

After successfully refining the tower spirit that was given to Qin Lingfei's magical instrument, while leaving the domain tower, he actively explained for the second clone.

"The psychic array method that the second avatar intends to arrange mainly relies on extracting the aura from the veins, and will not have any conflict with the Xianyang City psychic array method."

"Talling, are you going to do it yourself?" Yu Haoran asked with surprise when he looked at Taling standing side by side with the second clone.


Nodded, Ta Ling looked through the space of the sea and looked at the mansion connected to the courtyard below, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, according to our plan for the next practice and calendar some time ago, you originally intended to open a school and establish your own team. I am afraid that it will not be realized for a long time."

"Since you don't need to establish schools and establish your own team, you don't need to choose some old mountains or forests to build a Dongfu blessing place for living and practicing."

Speaking of which, Ta Ling first glanced at the second avatar, and then looked at Yu Haoran, who knew overseas, and suggested.

"Yu Haoran, the mansion below is the place where you are about to complete the most important experience in your life. Why not make this mansion a permanent blessing for you?"


After hearing Ta Ling's proposal, Yu Haoran considered it a bit, and felt that he said it makes sense, so he nodded in agreement and directly expressed his attitude.

"Ta Ling, all the spirit veins in the first floor of the God Steal Treasury are stored in the domain tower. How do you want to transform the mansion and how many spirit veins do you want to use, completely according to your own ideas."


Nodded, Taling turned to the second avatar and instructed.

"You help me!"

"Tower old, don't worry, I know what to do."

Nodded, and the second avatar went straight back to the domain tower.

"Yu Haoran, next I will perform the technique of possession, and then consciously control your physical body, and personally renovate this mansion." After the second avatar returned to Yuta, Ta Ling ordered Yu Haoran.

"I see!" Yu Haoran nodded and motioned.

When the possession of the body was completed and the consciousness took control of the flesh, Ta Ling returned to the general manager Jiang, his voice indifferently commanded.

"Quit kilometers away from the mansion!"

"Old slave obeys!"

Although he was a little confused about the change of the breath and attitude of Ma Maye, the general manager Jiang adhered to his duty, respectfully responded, and immediately stepped back.

Taking a deep breath, Taling instructed the second avatar in Yuta.

"Take the four flags of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu!"

After hearing Ta Ling's order, the second avatar immediately sent out the Four Elephant Array flags, which were made by the Four Elephant Sect's Guardian Array.


Looking at the four array flags floating in mid-air, Ta Ling raised his arm and pointed his hand towards the array flag. Four special energies instantly merged into the four array flags.

Then he yelled.

"Hmm ...!"

Along with the sound of dragonine, the flag of Qinglong array turned into a thousand kilometers of blue dragon.

"Woo ...!"

Along with the howling of the tiger, the White Tiger Banner was transformed into a 100-meter-high white **** tiger immediately.

"Hmm ...!"

Along with the crying, the Suzakujin Banner immediately turned into a 100-meter-high Suzaku bird.


Along with the roar, the change of the Xuanwu array flag instantly turned into a thousand-meter beast basalt.


After all four flags were transformed into beasts, Ta Ling's raised arm reached out to the mansion and sang softly.

Along with the faint drinking of Ta Ling, the thousand-meter basalt that first landed on the mansion merged into the ground.

Then, the strongest blue dragon was automatically decomposed into thousands of tens of meters of blue dragons and integrated into the courtyard and courtyard.

Then, the most aggressive white tiger, solidified directly into a 100-meter-high statue, stands in the center of the square of the mansion.

In the end, the most hot-tempered Suzaku, turned directly into countless flames, scattered around the corners of the mansion.

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