Destined Martial God

Chapter 1240: Zhulian Jiu Nationality (second)

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Xianyang City, Luma House in the air!

Yu Haoran, who regained control of the physical body, walked slowly in the fairyland mansion, while admiring the beauty of the mansion, she also carefully felt the mystery and power of the yellow energy.

"Yu Haoran, how do you feel?"

After surrendering control of the flesh, Ta Ling did not immediately return to rest in the Ontology Realm Tower, but took out part of the soul stone that Hao Ran stored in the Realm Tower.

Asked expectantly while using the soul stone to restore the soul power that had just been consumed.

"Strong, very powerful, very powerful!" Yu Haoran said in surprise.

Through the careful feelings just now, he found that the black-yellow energy, which is a combination of Reiki, Milky White Energy, and the Power of the Stars, has a tremendous improvement in the perception of physical grade, Dantian Yuanli, the spirit of the sea and the law .

The effect of this enhancement is hundreds of times that of pure reiki and tens of times that of pure reiki.

"I am very sure of that!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's evaluation of the dark yellow energy, Ta Ling was both very relieved and quite proud to explain.

"The power of three different attributes can be successfully merged into the dark yellow energy because I used the original imprint of the ontology domain tower."

"Talling, the consumption just now will not affect the damage of Yuta!" Hearing three different attributes of energy, and finally successfully fused into the dark yellow energy, is the original imprint of Yuta, Yu Haoran couldn't help it Asked a bit worried.

After all, he had previously heard Talling explain the importance of the original imprint to the domain tower, and he was very clear about the serious consequences that the original imprint would have on the tower and the tower spirit if it was consumed too much.

"It's all right!"

He waved his hand, and Ta Ling signaled with a smile.

"Today, Yuta has been able to attract the energy used to heal itself, and it only takes half a month to completely recover the previous consumption."

"That's good!"

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran took a sigh of relief, then vacated the house and flew directly to Qin Emperor and others who were thousands of meters away.

Seeing Yu Haoran flying in, he was always eager to be able to enter the Wonderland Mansion. When he explored the mysterious Qin Emperor, he immediately said with a smile on his face.


"Haoran has seen Holy!"

After saluting to Emperor Qin, Yu Haoran nodded to Zhou Fengxu and Yuan Zu and others.

"Haoran, can I have the honor to enter ...!"

After Yu Haoran greeted Zhou Fengxu and others, Emperor Qin quickly expressed his thoughts, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the ancestors of the Yan family who rushed to him.

"Holy, something happened!"

Being able to float in the air, exuding mysterious yellow gas, the mansion in Wonderland is very tempting, but compared to the troubles that the Great Qin Empire is facing, the ancestors of the Yan family have not paid any attention to it.

"Old Prime Minister, what is going on?"

Anyway, Wonderland Mansion is floating there, relying on his relationship with Yu Haoran, he can enter anytime he wants.

Therefore, forcing Qin Emperor, who was so desperate in his heart, to listen to the troubles that the ancestors of the Yan family just mentioned.

First, a glance at Yu Haoran looked indifferent, a look of embarrassment appeared on the face of the ancestors of the Yan family.

"Old Prime Minister, the horse is not an outsider, and there is nothing you can say in front of him."

The embarrassment on the face of the ancestors of the Yan family let the Emperor Qin know that the so-called trouble was definitely related to Hao Ran.

Under normal circumstances, the parties should be avoided.

But as Yu Haoran showed more and more ability, Emperor Qin was worried about causing his dissatisfaction, and finally decided to make everything clear in front of him.

Since it was the order of Emperor Qin, the ancestors of the Yan family did not continue to be embarrassed, and began to talk about the disaster that the Great Qin Empire was facing.

"Holy, Xiao Ge has united hundreds of great Confucians, and by means of ringing the bells and blood sacrifice, he pleads with the Holy Spirit to withdraw the imperial edicts of Ma Ye, and obey the laws of the Great Qin Empire, and severely punish Ma Ye.

"Abominable!" After hearing the ancestors of the Yan family, Qin Emperor's fists placed under his sleeves clenched tightly, and his face was so dark that he cursed secretly.

"Senior Yan, what is the imperial edict of Ma Ye?" Hao Ran asked, frowning slightly.

"Returning to Lord Ma's words, some edict was proclaimed some time ago."

Facing Hao Ran's interrogation, the ancestors of the Yan family explained in detail after obtaining the permission of Emperor Qin.

"Withdraw the honorable title of the 35 Grandmasters of the Great Qin Empire, and then re-assign the title, except to retain your title of Grandmaster of the Grandmaster."

After hearing the explanations of the ancestors of the Yan family, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Emperor Qin, a touch of gaze appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to look at the ancestors of the Yan family and asked.

"Senior Yan, who is Xiao Ge always? Why are you targeting me? Give me a few more counts?"

"If you go back to Master Ma, Xiao Ge is always a former bachelor of the cabinet who has been in office for 13 years, and emperor Xiao Zhongyuan."

Facing the three questions raised by Hao Ran one after another, the ancestors of the Yan family replied one by one.

"The reason why the Xiaoge Lao was aimed at the horse horse, since the decrees proclaimed by the Holy Spirit is also related to the horse horse house built for you."

The first two questions were immediately explained by the ancestors of the Yan family, but when facing the third question, he suddenly remained silent.

Because he is too familiar with Hao Ranji's character.

If he learns that each of the counts listed by Xiao Ge Lao is for him, according to the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty, it is the guilt of the nine connected families. Wouldn't it be an angry slaughter of Xiao Ge Lao and hundreds of great Confucians.

Although Yu Haoran could guess the reason for the silence of the ancestors of the Yan family, he wanted to hear for himself, and listened to how Xiao Zhongyuan listed himself a few counts.

So, he turned to look at Emperor Qin and asked, "Holy!"

"Old Prime Minister, anyway, Ma Ma will know the guilts listed by Xiao Gelao sooner or later, you can tell the truth now." Emperor Qin ordered nodded to Yu Haoran.


Facing the order of Emperor Qin, the ancestor of the Yan family nodded helplessly, and then gave several counts of crimes listed by Xiao Zhongyuan.

"Master Ma is of low birth and violent temperament, and is not a good match for the princess. I ask the Holy Spirit to abolish the marriage contract between the horse and the princess, and then to give the horse a death in accordance with the ancestral teachings of the Qin Dynasty.

After speaking the first guilt, the ancestors of the Yan family quickly took a look at Yu Haoran with the light of their eyes, and after seeing his face suddenly gloomy, he couldn't help sinking.

"Senior Yan, continue!" Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the murderous spirit that came out of his heart, Yu Haoran signaled to restore calmness.

"Ye Ma Ye is proficient in demon art, incites the Holy Ghost, interrupts Chao Gang, cuts by law, and has three generations of blood relatives."

"Yan Maye violated the ancestral teachings of the Qin Dynasty and asked for the title of Xunma Zun without permission.

"Lin Maye beheaded and killed the middle and middle ministers in the street, he was beheaded in accordance with the law, and nine generations of blood relatives!"

"Master Ma ...!"

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