Destined Martial God

Chapter 1242: Dependence of Xiao Zhongyuan (one supplement)

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Xianyang City, Yizheng Hall!

In the face of the aggressive Xiao Zhongyuan, Emperor Qin's face looked as if he could drip water.

Withdraw the solemn imperial edict, remove the post of General Yu Haoran North Road, forbid Yu Haoran from participating in any government affairs and military affairs, and as the king of a country who has control over the lives and deaths of millions of subjects, he can concede three successive steps, which is quite persecution Face of his subjects.

But Xiao Zhongyuan!

Not killing Hao Ran's heart will not die, nor will he die in Hao Ran's nine races. He is forcing himself to turn his face to Yu Haoran, forcing Hao Ran to completely defeat the Qin Empire.

If it wasn't for the person behind Xiao Zhongyuan, in the face of such sorrowful Confucianism, the Emperor Qin had the urge to kill all Confucian students in the Great Qin Empire.

Standing in the hall, Zhengkai and Prince Yifeng, etc., are in the same mood and thought as Emperor Qin at this moment.

Because Yu Haoran is the old guy who cultivated to reach the realm of Zhunzun Zun, whether he can break through Wuzun's state smoothly and win 5,000 years of life in the future.

You Xiao Zhongyuan wanted to force Haoran to make a final decision with the Great Qin Empire. Wouldn't it be the worth of these people, or the family foundation that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Similarly, if it wasn't for the person behind Xiao Zhongyuan, they would have rushed up in anger, and then gave him thousands of swords, in order to let go of the murderous spirit that kept emerging.

"Xiao Ge, if you don't agree!" Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the anger that has reached the edge of the outbreak, Qin Emperor intends to tear his face and ask.

"If the Holy Saint continues to shelter the rebellious ministers, the old man will unite all Confucian scholars in the world, write the guilt of the Holy Saint and Yu Haoran, and let the whole world know how the dignified Daqin Empire was defeated by the traitors. How to perish in the hands of the fainted king. "Facing the questioning of Emperor Qin, Xiao Zhongyuan straightened his body, threatening with an iron skeleton.

"Xiao Ge is old, aren't you afraid of angering me? He is coming to burn books and Confucianism once?"

The threat of Xiao Zhongyuan gave Qin Emperor an impulse to break the net.

Standing up directly from the dragon chair, Qin Emperor's eyes were full of threats of murderous spirit.

"I'm not afraid of broken bones, but stay innocent in the world!"

In the face of Emperor Qin threatening himself by burning books and Confucianism, Xiao Zhongyuan took three steps forward without fear, and after showing a poem of virtuousness, a taunting counter-threat appeared in his eyes.

"Holy, justice has been in people's hearts since ancient times. I think there will be a lot of people of insight in the world who come to stop the loyalty and sacredness of the holy gods, harm loyalty, and return to the Qing Dynasty a bright event."


In the face of Xiao Zhongyuan's counter-threat, Qin Emperor was burning in anger, and the desire for power emerged from his heart.

If your own cultivation is to break through the realm of Wu Zun.

If you can really control the sword of Emperor Realm.

Well, today he will not be persecuted by the courtiers, nor will he be threatened by the old guy who is about to enter the soil.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, if it was n’t Ten of the Ten Xuan Continent's top ten loose repairs, Xiao Jiufa, the judge of the fifth place, will support you, will you have the courage to show the potential of loyalty?"

Just when Qin Emperor was counter-threat by Xiao Zhongyuan and the repressed did not know what to say, an indifferent question came from outside the palace of Yizheng.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, if Xiao Jiufa is not your biological father, those so-called loyal and loyal philosophers around you will have the courage and courage to accompany you to persecute the monarch."

Along with the indifferent questioning, Yu Haoran stepped into the Yizheng Hall calmly.

"Aren't you afraid of burying the wives and children behind them?"

A scornful glance at Xiao Zhongyuan and a hundred great Confucianists, Yu Haoran bowed to courtesy.

"Children Yu Haoran, see Father, Long live, Long live, Long live!"

"Yao Ma, you and I are already a family, so you don't need to be so kind." The sudden appearance of Yu Haoran and the advance change in title have made Qin Emperor already know his heart, and at the same time, he was very pleased and signaled happily. .

"Yu Haoran, even if you are a great master of Dan Dao in the world, but you are still a subject of the Qin Empire, according to the laws of the Qin Empire, you must worship when you see the Holy.

Yu Haoran's repeated interrogations just now made Xiao Zhongyuan, who had been very dissatisfied with him, immediately shouted harshly.

"It seems that the old man wants to add a guilt to the memorial, that is, to despise Chao Gang, do not understand the number of etiquette, to collide with the holy, to be cut by law!"

Facing Xiao Zhongyuan's reprimand, Yu Haoran did not show any anger. He still kept a calm look, and responded indifferently.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, you haven't answered the two questions I just asked!"

"My father is just my father, Zhongyuan will always be only Zhongyuan!" Xiao Zhongyuan responded proudly to Hao Ran's counterattack.

"When he came to Yizheng Hall, Ben Ma calculated it in detail from beginning to end."

"If some taboo secrets are used, Ben Ma should be able to show the strength of Wu Zun's Seven Pins."

Facing Xiao Zhongyuan's arrogant counterattack, Yu Haoran nodded and said to himself.

"If you use the sword in the imperial realm obtained some time ago, you can barely be able to cut the opponent of Wuzun Eight Pins.

Having said that, he glanced up at Xiao Zhongyuan and the hundred Confucianists standing behind him, asking slightly.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, I don't know how the predecessor Xiao Jiufa's predecessor was able to withstand the challenge of Wuzun Bapin's peak strength?"

"Last name, what do you mean?" Xiao Zhongyuan questioned for the first time with a little panic.

"Old man, if Ben Mama cuts off Xiao Jiufa's head, I don't know if you still have the spirit to continue standing here, whether these so-called loyal and loyal Confucians behind you still have the courage to stay with you." The look was replaced by a smile, Yu Haoran asked with a chuckle.

"His surname Yu, Senior Xiao has become famous for a hundred years, the fifth among the top ten Sanshou masters, and he wants to defeat Senior Xiao with a gimmick who has no hair."

Facing Hao Ran's counterattack, a great Confucianist standing behind Xiao Zhongyuan immediately jumped out and scolded him.

"I don't know the idioms that are so high, describe people like you!"

Facing Da Ru's reprimand, Yu Haoran said without a smile.

"Xiao Jiufa, who became famous in the Sanshou Conference 70 years ago, defeated 137 Sanshou strong men in the same realm by virtue of his destiny pen, and was later honored as one of the top ten Sanshou masters in Tianxuan Continent. One of the strong. "

"Xiao Jiufa, achieved Wu Zun's realm in the secret realm of the broken sea. After 13 years of training and practice, he is now the peerless powerhouse in the early period of Wu Zun Sanpin."

"Xiao Jiufa, now living in Yan Luo City, is Zheng Guang's disciples, intending to open a sect to establish a sect, and achieve a generation of grand master."

"Xiao Jiufa ...!"

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