Destined Martial God

Chapter 1244: Tongue **** (one more)

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Yan Luocheng!

With the help of instrumental skill to help the sky and stick, the power has reached the peak of Wu Zun five grades.

Therefore, even when the white stick was three kilometers away from Yan Luocheng, the strong men above the level of Wuzong in the city felt the advent of terrorist forces, left the potential repair sites, and then looked up at the white stick and the black tower. Yu Haoran.

"Who are you?" A black middle-aged man who appeared on the black tower instantly asked with a sharp look.

"Take your life!" Yu Haoran, who accelerated the attack speed of the white stick, replied aggressively.

"You want to take the life of Judge Cui, your boy is still not qualified." Facing Hao Ran's murderous response, the middle-aged strong man in black said proudly.

Subsequently, a hand about 80 cm long appeared in his hand, showing a dark purple color throughout the body, but the pen tip was composed of dozens of dragons' beards.

Faced with the white sticks that reached the peak of Wu Zun's fifth grade, and became a black middle-aged strong man with only Wu Zun's third grade, there was no trace of panic on the face, and he wrote a sleepy character in mid-air.

As soon as the sleepy character was formed, Yu Haoran felt that the white stick in his hand was blocked by a trace of mysterious power, and the speed of the attack immediately slowed by a tenth.

"Yu Haoran immediately burst into full strength and increased the power of the stick attack."

The Taling, who is more familiar with the power of the law, felt the power of a special law that had disappeared from ancient times in the sleepy characters written by the middle-aged strong man in black, and his voice reminded a little with terror.

"Because that middle-aged man in black is a peerless powerhouse who understands the power of reincarnation."

"The power of the law of reincarnation is inherently restrained for all spirit bodies that do not have a physical carrier, so I can neither mobilize the power of the tower of the realm, nor perform the technique of corpse."

After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and directly mobilized the power and soul of the ninth floor. Then, with the help of Qi Ling, he raised the attack power formed by the white sticks to the beginning of Wuzun Liupin.

Seeing that the martial arts law of reincarnation with the help of the judge's pen only slowed down the attack speed of the white stick by one tenth, the middle-aged strong man in black frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the judge pen in his hand, and wrote a reincarnation in the air solemnly.

The round character has just taken shape. The middle-aged strong man in black looks up at the upcoming white sticks and Yu Haoran who clasps the white sticks. A provocative cold light emerges in his eyes, and then his body begins to illusory instantly, completely disappearing On the black tower.

Ignoring the black middle-aged strongman who disappeared on the black tower, Yu Haoran looked at the bright red wheel character carefully above the black tower.

Because he felt a deadly threat from that bright red wheel word.

As the white sticks banged heavily on the round word, there was no loud roaring impact on the scene. Instead, the round word formed a black hole exuding a horrible suction, and began to swallow the white stick forcibly, and Yu Haoran holding the white stick.

"Yu Haoran, quickly release the stick magic weapon, must not be sucked into the eighteen layers of **** by the power of samsara's martial arts." Seeing the black hole formed by the reincarnation forcibly swallowed the white stick, Tallinn ventured to remind.

"Taling, no!"

Yu Haoran replied with a slight panic.

"The horrible suction formed by the round black hole has a very strong adhesive force, and I can't let go of the hand holding the stick weapon at all."

Seeing that all the white sticks were about to be swallowed, and Yu Haoran was about to be swallowed, there was a faint flash of light on Ta Ling's face.

Later, he immediately returned to the ontology domain tower, intending to consume part of the original energy just restored by the domain tower, to help Haoran escape from the round and form a black hole.

But just when he was mobilizing the original energy of the domain tower, when he had just swallowed Yu Haoran's left hand holding the stick weapon, a stronger suction was immediately transmitted from the black hole formed by the wheel, and he was instantly put on Hao Ran swallowed in.

The weightlessness caused by space movement made Yu Haoran lose his feeling for a short time.

When he regained his consciousness, he unexpectedly found himself in a space called hell.

Do not!

When he saw hundreds of people in front of him who were being punished by tongue-pulling, when he was a child, he had heard his mother talk about the memory of eighteen layers of **** and let him know that he really came from hell.

The first of eighteen layers of hell.

Seeing Yu Haoran, who had just appeared in the first **** space, a black head with a black face and an eerie horror, floated over with black iron tongs in his hand.

The height of the little ghost is only about 1.2 meters, and in the face of Yu Haoran, who is as tall as 1.80 meters, he is obviously unable to perform the punishment of tongue pull, so he immediately ordered sharply.

"You, look down, open your mouth!"

Although the black hole formed by the round character was sent to the legendary eighteen layers of hell, compared with the ruins and restricted areas that have been smashed in previous lives, the degree of terror and danger is much worse.

Therefore, after the initial confusion, Yu Haoran quickly calmed down and immediately checked his condition.

With the exception of the Tallinn who could not reach the space in the sea, everything else was normal.

Facing the fierce command of the imp, he directly mobilized the three-layered Yuanli and reached out to grab the neck of the imp in the early stage of repairing only Wuzong Yipin.

A faint trace of body temperature flashed a light in Yu Haoran's eyes. The left hand clenching the devil's neck was suddenly forced, and the desperately struggling kid calmed down immediately.

The right hand penetrated the little ghost's chest like lightning, and a still beating heart appeared in his right hand.

"Relive the image of ancient **** with living people!"

Discarding the corpse and heart of the little ghost in his hand, Yu Haoran looked at the change in front of him without realizing what had just happened. He was still performing the tongue-pull punishment of ghosts and ghosts, and couldn't help wondering to himself.

Discarding the corpse and heart of the little ghost in his hand, Yu Haoran looked at the ghost and ghost who were still performing the tongue-pull punishment without realizing it, and couldn't help wondering to himself.

"Xiao Jiufa, what is your real purpose?"

Take a deep breath, forcibly expel the doubts that just came out of your heart, and then use the means of mind and heart to start calling for the second clone who is submerged in the tower of the domain.

It took almost thirty seconds for him to successfully connect with the second avatar.

"Ran, what about Taling?" Yu Haoran immediately replied.

"Brother Yu, the moment you are swallowed by a black hole, a very mysterious power instantly seals the tower of the domain. At this moment, the tower is trying to break through the seal of the mysterious power." The second clone quickly answered.

Hearing that Ta Ling lost contact with himself only because the tower of the ontology domain was sealed, Yu Haoran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Later, he hurriedly told his second experience to the second avatar, let him tell Ta Ling, and let Ta Ling analyze and speculate on Xiao Jiufa's true purpose.

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