Destined Martial God

Chapter 1247: The middle-aged strong surnamed Xiao (four more)

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Yan Luocheng!

It was that when Haoran was sucked into the eighteen floors of **** by the black hole formed by the round character, the middle-aged strong man named Cui, who had disappeared, reappeared at the top of the black tower.

"Brother Cui, you are too reckless!"

Along with the accusations, another middle-aged strong man also dressed in black appeared at the top of the black tower.

"We have made only nine layers of the black tower's eighteen-layer hell, and the evolution of the law of reincarnation has only completed three layers.It does not have too strong attack and defense capabilities, and it cannot tolerate any damage."

"Brother Cui, you just ventured to send that young man to Heta Hell. In case the first nine layers of **** that we have worked so hard to build have been destroyed, how can you and I confess to the king."

"Brother Xiao, the imperial pen of the imperial realm is too mysterious, and I can't control the martial arts of the law of reincarnation performed by the instinct pen spirit."

Facing the accusations of the middle-aged strong in black, Cui surnamed the middle-aged strong with a grin.

"If the king is to blame, Cui is willing to bear it alone, and will definitely not affect Brother Xiao."


After hearing the explanation and guarantee from the middle-aged strong man named Cui, the middle-aged strong man with the surname Xiao could not help but sigh.

As the person in charge of building the eighteen-floor **** of the Black Tower, he had followed King Wang for a long time and knew the character and methods of King Wang very well.

If there is a mistake in the black tower **** that was created by consuming a lot of resources, the middle-aged strong man with the surname Cui definitely needs to bear the main responsibility, and the person in charge himself will certainly not be able to run.

Moreover, according to the punishment of Wang Shang for making mistakes, the punishment of Dao Shan Huo Hai and Blood Pond is light, and it is not impossible for the soul to escape and never live forever.

"not good!"

It is because Haoran used God ’s thoughts to kill all ghosts in Tongue Hell's space, and when he took away all iron clamps, he was a middle-aged strong surnamed Xiao who had a close connection with Heta, and his face changed suddenly to Cui The young strong said.

"Brother Cui, something happened in Hell Space!"

After hearing the reminder from the middle-aged and strong surnamed Xiao, the middle-aged and strong surnamed Cui could not help but changed his face and asked anxiously.

"Brother Xiao, can you use the pen to send me to Heta Hell?"


Nodded his head, but the middle-aged and strong surname Xiao shook his head and refused immediately.

"Brother Cui, you are not the young man's opponent at all. At this time entering Heta Space Hell, you can't solve any problems except to die for nothing."

"Brother Xiao, what shall we do now?"

Thinking of the young man's stick martial arts skills, the power reached the early stage of Wu Zun Liupin, the middle-aged strong surname Cui did not continue to stubborn.

But wanting to let Wang Shang punish his subordinate means, he couldn't help asking in panic.

"Brother Cui, don't worry, maybe the young man you sent to Heta Hell is not only our life-saving jade card to avoid punishment, but also the key to whether we can enter the inner hall." The young strong smiled and relieved.

"Brother Xiao, I don't understand."

Originally, young people who were still worried about entering Heta Hell destroyed the eighteen layers of **** that they had secretly built for decades, and suffered punishment from the king afterwards.

Now, I am very happy to say that the young man is the key to whether they can enter the inner temple. The change in attitude of the middle-aged strong surnamed by Xiao surnamed Cui thoroughly confused.

"Brother Cui, do you know who the young man you were in Heta Hell just now?" Xiao Xiao middle-aged strong man asked with a smile.

"I don't know!" Thinking back carefully, Cui surnamed the middle-aged strong man and shook his head.

"Under the age of twenty, he is good at showing sticks, and looks thin but has strong physical strength."

The middle-aged strong surnamed Xiao reminded with a smile.

"Although Xiuwei is not high, but possesses the strength of a super-order challenge, who in the entire southern region has this condition?"

"The Grand Master of the Great Qin Empire possesses the first Dan Tao talent of the Tianxuan Continent, and can refine Yu Haoran who is the sage and seven-death Xuanmen Dan."

Throughout the Southern Region, the number of young people who can simultaneously meet the conditions mentioned by the middle-aged and strong surname Xiao just now is too small, so few that they don't need any consideration at all to know who this person is.

Therefore, the strong surname Cui immediately guessed who the young man was sent into the Hell's Hell space by himself.


While nodding to confirm, the middle-aged strong surnamed Xiao asked with a smile.

"Brother Cui, if we were able to capture Haoran and send it to Wang Shang, would you say that Wang Shang will continue to investigate the faults of Heta Hell!"

"Surely not!" A reply gradually appeared on Cui's strong face.

"If Yu Haoran obediently refined a large number of Zun Dan and Qi Ming Xuan Men Dan for Wang Shang, and completed countless plans for Wang Shang, as the heroes, would we have the opportunity to enter the inner hall?" Continued to ask with a smile.

"Of course I have a chance!" He nodded quickly, and the smile on the face of the middle-aged strong man surnamed Cui was even brighter.

But the bright smile didn't last long, so he hesitated to ask.

"Brother Xiao, you and I are just the initial cultivation of Wu Zun San Pin. The emperor's best pen can only play the ability of defense. How can we capture Yu Haoran who can exert the strength of Wu Zun Liu Pin in the early period? "

"Brother Cui, this requires us to make a final choice." Chilling eyes, those warriors and civilians in Yan Luocheng, reminded the mouth of the middle-aged strong man with the surname Xiao rising slightly.

"Brother Xiao, do you want to use the millions of souls in Yan Luocheng to perform the blood sacrifice Dafa in exchange for the peak of Wuzun Qipin!" After seeing the cold eyes of the middle-aged strong surnamed Xiao, the middle-aged surnamed Cui The strong trembled inwardly, a little intolerable questioning.


Nodded his head and regained his chilling eyes. The middle-aged strong man with the surname of Xiao said directly to the middle-aged strong man with the surname of Cui.

"Brother Cui, how many strong and powerful men and experts are in Yan Luocheng, and how many ordinary people have strong vitality. As the person in charge of the affairs in the city, you should be very clear."

"Only me alone can't bear all the bloodline energy condensed by the Blood Sacrifice Dafa, so I need you to share a portion of the bloodline energy and help me capture Haoran as soon as possible."

"Brother Xiao, don't you have any other way!" Not only do you perform the blood sacrifice, but you also have to bear the blood sacrifice to extract the blood energy of the soul, and the middle-aged strong surname Cui inquired even more.

"Brother Cui, my Xiao Jiufa is neither a cold-blooded or ruthless person, nor a bloodthirsty killer, nor does he want to sacrifice millions of souls in the entire city of Yan Luo."

Being able to feel the instinctual resistance of the middle-aged strong surnamed Cui, Xiao Jiufa was worried that he would prevent himself from performing the blood sacrifice, undermine the plan he had just formulated, and quickly pretended to have a sympathetic and painful expression.

"But you know the means of punishing the subordinates on the king. I don't want to experience the punishment of sword mountain fire and blood pool torture, and I don't want to lose the chance of reincarnation."

Author Yan Yunyu said: For Yan Yun, six days a day is already the limit, so the next chapter will continue to be added tomorrow.

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