Destined Martial God

Chapter 1253: During the wedding (make up)

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Xianyang City, Yizheng Hall!

"Master Ma, see if you don't, this is the great Confucianists who have a long history of teaching the world to behave."

Looking at the great Confucianists who desperately slandered Xiao Zhongyuan and his father in order to keep their own lives, Meng Zhengkai's tone was full of scornful satire.

"In fact, they are a group of insidious little men full of righteousness and morality, full of men and women stealing sons-in-law, which is why the Holy Spirit should use **** means of burning books and Confucianism to weaken their influence on the Empire.

Nodded, Yu Haoran said nothing.

Because he just had the patience to fight back Xiao Zhongyuan's doubts, the purpose was to give Qin Emperor a reasonable excuse to get rid of maggots in Confucianism and Taoism.

In fact, Confucianism is indeed the sacred way of governing the country and governing the country, but it has been skewed and skewed by many great Confucianists.

"Master Ma, fortunately Xiao Zhongyuan died in anger and prematurely!"

Hearing the cross between Meng Zhengkai and Yu Haoran, Prince Yifeng sighed in a hurry.

"Otherwise, after seeing the faces of colleagues and friends who care about Japan, I'm afraid they will be vomiting blood and die."

"will not!"

Facing the sigh of Prince Yifeng, Yu Haoran shook his head and said.

"Actually, Xiao Zhongyuan is a very intelligent person. He has seen through the hearts and faces of these people for a long time, and will not be angry because of their slander and outrage."

After hearing Hao Ran's evaluation of Xiao Zhongyuan, Prince Yifeng and Meng Zhengkai couldn't help but be surprised.

After turning to glance at the ancestor of the Yan family, Yu Haoran chuckled a little, but said nothing.

Yu Haoran's inexplicable attention to the actions of the ancestors of the Yan family made the savvy Prince Yifeng realize what he was looking up at Xiao Zhongyuan, who was standing in the main hall, who was impressed, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Looking at the old people who have been officials for decades, most of them have white hair. In order to live longer, they can give up the days of Confucianism and Taoism and trample on the last conscience of humanity. The deeper the chill, the deeper the aversion inside.

"Director Jiang!" Emperor Qin commanded hoarsely.

"Old slave is here!" Kneeling on the ground with knees bowed, General Jiang gave a slight excitement.

"Let people hang Xiao Zhongyuan's body on the city wall, let it be blown by the wind, let it be rained, let it be spitted by others, never be buried forever!"

"Old slave obeys!"

After Jiang's command was fulfilled, he did not immediately get up. He knew that Long Live Lord and the decree were not promulgated.

"In addition, writing the facts in the memory crystal in detail is also posted on the city wall to let the world know what Xiao Jiufa is famous in the world, and what all the readers in this world know how sad and angry he is."

"Old slave obeys!"

After dealing with Xiao Zhongyuan's affairs, Emperor Qin looked at the 137 great Confucianists kneeling on the ground, and did not conceal the strong murderous spirit in his eyes.

"Old Prime Minister, in terms of the feelings of our former colleagues and classmates, please ask for those poor people who have lost their way!" After seeing the murderous eyes of Emperor Qin, one had a good relationship with the ancestors of the Yan family. The great Confucianist immediately moved his knees to kneel in front of him, begging desperately for a hoe.

And this great Confucian act also found hope for other great Confucianists to save their lives, and they begged people who had had various feelings and relationships.

"Master Meng, ...!"

"Prince Yifeng, ...!"

"Ancient General, ...!"


In this regard, Emperor Qin did not order people to stop, but continued to watch the ugly state of these people coldly, but also wanted to see who else would dare to ask the world for them.

Fortunately, Qin Emperor was very satisfied with the result, and even Gu Chang, who had expressed dissatisfaction with Hao Ran, chose to remain silent.

"Of the nine guilts you listed, you must set the horses to death on each count, and each of them must be linked to the nine families of horses."

Standing up slowly from the dragon chair, Qin Emperor said condescendingly.

"Now He fulfills your wishes and not only grants you death, but also connects your nine families."

After hearing the final punishment promulgated by Emperor Qin, some great Confucianists with poor psychological qualities suddenly fell to the ground in tears.

And some great Confucian masters want to break through with the strength of the Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu realm.

However, when seeing the general manager Jiang who did not know what had left the hall, and led the guards in the realm of five hundred emperors and martial saints into the lobby, he finally gave up and chose to give up the resistance, leaving the guards to oppress Leaving Ceremony Hall by yourself.


November 9th of the lunar calendar, avoid traveling far, easy to marry!

Yu Haoran, who had not slept overnight, put on a sky blue gown early, with a jade pendant of Tengyun Chenlong hanging around her waist, wearing a gorgeous red flower on her chest, standing in the front hall of Luomafu with a depressed face, In front of her eyes, she looked helplessly and directed the palace woman and **** back and forth, revealing excited Yu Siqi.

"Yu Haoran, I warn you, if you dare to remove the red flower from your chest, be careful I will spank you in front of everyone." Yu Haoran who saw the left hand quietly pinched the red flower ribbon and planned to remove the red flower Yu Siqi immediately turned to the threat of fury.

In this regard, Yu Haoran despondent wanted to call out the second avatar directly, let him marry himself, and throw this person for himself.

"Jiu Shidi!"

It was because when Hao Ran was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, the voice of Master Chu Zhongyu suddenly heard in his ear, which made him unable to bear a joy in his heart.

"Sister, several senior brothers and younger brothers from Qing Yunfeng are here. I'll meet them."

Without giving Si Qi a chance to respond at all, Yu Haoran immediately rushed out of the front hall and took off the corsage on his chest.

"Brother, Brother 2 ... Brother Gongsun, Gongsun Sister!" Yu Haoran smiled and greeted Chu Chuyu and others who were still shocked.

However, when he saw the person who appeared in the hope and did not follow Chu Zhongyu and others, his eyes flashed a little disappointment.

"Sister Nine, I wish you and Princess Ling Fei a century-old relationship, and forever unite!"

As Yu Haoran's strength became stronger and stronger, his status became higher and higher, and his influence became greater and greater, and the pressure on Chu Zhongyu and others became heavier.

Seeing a smile on his face, Yu Haoran, who took the initiative to greet him, prepared everything along the way and couldn't say anything when he got there. In the end, he just uttered two words of congratulations.

In this regard, Yu Haoran asked indifferently.

"Brother, hasn't his old man returned yet?"

Nodded, Chu Zhongyu wanted to say more, but in the end couldn't say anything.

"Several brothers, since the master and his elders have not come, then the master must be the representative of the teacher and sit in the VIP seat for a while, so as the relatives of the man, you have to do some hard work for the master."

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