Destined Martial God

Chapter 1259: Guests (below)

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In front of the Manma House!

"The younger Yu Haoran, met President Wu!"

In fact, without Bian Shengrui's active introduction, Yu Haoran was able to guess Wu Sicheng's identity and knew his intention to come to his wedding in person.

Although Wu Sicheng's destiny will be miserable in the future, the auction after the wedding requires his full cooperation to achieve the best results, so Yu Haoran did not dare to neglect the courtesy.

"Master Ma, you are welcome!" Wu Bozhi, who was also afraid to entrust him, hurried back to the ceremony.

"Yunxiang wishes the master and the master to have a lasting love, to be in love with each other, to be in love with each other, like a drummer!" After waiting for Hao Ran and Wu Bozhi, Yun Xiang naughtily approached and congratulated.

"Yunxiang, don't rush away after attending the wedding. The master will not only check the results of your practice for this period of time, but also give you gifts for improving your cultivation and strength!" Yu Haoran exhorted, looking at Yunxiang with love.

"Yes, Master!" Yun Xiang nodded subtly.

Later, Yu Haoran brought Bian Shengrui and Wu Boxi to the mansion.

"Wu Sicheng, president of the Heavenly Earth Chamber of Commerce, and Elder Bian Shengrui, with her sister-in-law Ms. Yunxiang, wish her grandfather and her princess her relatives, happy marriage!"

"Gift nine sacred magic instruments, nine sacred magic instruments, nine fifth-order elixir, nine fourth-order elixir, nine third-order elixir, and eight-level superior Nine spirit veins, one seventh-grade top-quality spirit vein, nine drops of ground soul fluid, nine drops of ground soul milk, and 990 altars of fragrant flowers. "

After hearing the congratulatory gift from the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven, whether it was the guests who entered the mansion in advance, the Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan of the Yiyue Hall, and those who were ready to go on the door, all looked slightly changed.

Respect instruments, spirit veins, elixir, elixir, and milk are all treasures suitable for Wu Zun's peerless power.

But Wu Zun's peerless powers may not be able to come up with so many top treasures.

Yiyue Temple!

"Holy, how much dowry do we say we should add?"

Looking back at Emperor Qin, thinking of the increasing dowry, Zi Xuan felt as if his heart was bleeding.

"15%!" After a little thought, Emperor Qin also offered some distressing suggestions.

"Holy, even if Yunxiang is a disciple of the horse, even if Bian Shengrui has a good relationship with the horse, he won't give so many valuable gifts!"

The original increase of 15% of the dowry is almost equivalent to the tax of the Qin Empire for ten days. At the same time, Zi Xuan distressed and agreed, but couldn't help asking in doubt.

Shaking his head, Emperor Qin turned to look at Qin Lingfei, hoping she could reveal some secrets.

Although I know that Yu Haoran doesn't fancy some things outside of her body, but the more dowry she gave her, the more confident she will be when facing potential competitors in the future.

Therefore, in order to be able to add more dowry to the father and queen mother willingly, Qin Lingfei decided to reveal a little secret.

"Father Emperor, queen mother, before the battle of Qianlong in the Southern Territory, the Horse Club and the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce jointly organized a grand auction."

"The lot!" Qin Emperor asked in a flash.

"The specific lottery did not say much, but according to his speculation, the price of the final lot may break the records of previous auctions." Qin Lingfei answered truthfully.


Glancing at each other, Zi Xuan and Emperor Qin said at the same time.

"Seven lives Xuanmen Dan!"

In front of the Manma House!

Facing the heavy gift from the Chamber of Commerce in the Heaven, Yu Haoran's response was very flat.

Because he knew very well that the auction he co-organized with them would definitely raise the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven to an unparalleled degree.

And the profits brought by this fame are dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of times more than the heavy gifts they give.

You don't need a special admonition, you can know from the respectful attitude of the chief **** that he will arrange Bian Shengrui and others very well.

Watching Bian Shengrui and others enter the mansion, Yu Haoran turned to look at the three people who slowly landed on the Colorful Cloud Plaza, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because he didn't expect that with their grudges, they would also come to their wedding.

However, all visitors are visitors!

Moreover, the three of them also had a friend of their own, so Yu Haoran put down his surprise and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Yu Haoran, the ancestor of Dan Dao, has met Gu Zhu and the elder."

After seeing the ceremony, Yu Haoran nodded to his appearance, and nodded initially, Meng Yujie, who showed his peerless appearance, pretending that he didn't know him.

"Master Yu, you have changed!" Seeing that there was no resentment from each other before, he looked coldly at Yu Haoran, and the elder of Yaowanggu sighed.

"The past goes with the wind, everything is clear!"

After expressing his current mood with a smile, Yu Haoran waved his hand.

"Master, elder, this sister, please!"

After gently nodding, Guzi and the elder secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then followed Hao Ran to the mansion.

"Yu Wanggu, the elder, and his lover Ai Yujie wish Zhu Maye and Her Royal Highness the Bell and the Drums and enjoy them!"

"Gift 100,000 pieces of fourth-order first-grade to nine-pin spirit stones, 10,000 pieces of third-order one-pin to nine-pin spirit veins, one seventh-order top-grade spirit vein, thirty-six strains of fifth-order elixir, eighteen strains of fourth-order elixir, Nine strains of the third-order remedy, three strains of the second-order elixir, three sheets of the third-order elixir, and one sheet of the second-order elixir. "

After hearing the gift from Yaowanggu, Yu Haoran's expression shook slightly, and there was a clear realization in Guzi and the elder's eyes.

Then, he looked directly into the eyes of Gu Zi and the elder, and promised solemnly.

"The grudges are gone, resonance Dan Road!"

Yu Haoran's promise made Guzi and the elder to immediately show a relieved smile, and then followed the **** of the principal into the mansion.

Yiyue Temple!

"Holy, do you think it would be appropriate to add?" Zi Xuan asked with gritted teeth.

"Half of it!"

Seeing the two friends who entered the Manma Mansion easily, Qin Emperor sighed after giving the number of dowry directly.

"The queen mother, since the horse gave Ling Feixuan the fire of the soul fire, she knew that there was an irreconcilable conflict between the horse and Yaowanggu, and she had been trying to find a way to resolve the grievances between the two parties."

"Today, they can release their former suspicions, which is also a blessing for our Great Qin Empire. Half of their dowry is not much."


After hearing the explanation from Emperor Qin, Zi Xuan's resentment was considered to have disappeared. Nodded in agreement, she couldn't help worrying.

"Holy, most of the guests who come to the door today are only the top forces in the southern region, and we have already given such a generous dowry."

"In the event of a more distinguished guest coming from a stronger source, I am afraid I need to use the treasure house's collection."

"As long as the horse and Ling Fei can be happy, they will be willing to send as many dowry as possible!" Qin Lingfei glanced at the joy, said Qin Emperor arrogantly.

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