Destined Martial God

Chapter 1264: Xuanyuan Sword out (one more)

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Xianyang City, Yiyue Temple!

"This, this, this is the ancient Emperor Xuanyuan!"

When seeing the sword hero of Tian Jianzong, using a special method of imprinting, the middle-aged emperor of the dragon robe condensed through the swords in the realm of honor, like the Qin Emperor who was in a turbulent sea, he could not help crying out.

"It is also the first true emperor of us."

"Father Emperor, how is the strength of Emperor Xuanyuan?"

Qin Lingfei is not interested in who Xuanyuan Tiandi is. What she wants to know now is whether Yu Haoran can defeat or even kill Xuanyuan Tiandi and Jianying.

Facing Qin Lingfei's questioning, Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan glanced at each other, and both found the loss and bitterness in their eyes.

When he first met Hao Ran, he was just a low-level martial artist who had only become a martial arts realm. In just over a year, he had grown into a peerless powerhouse who needed to look up.

With such a huge gap in strength and identity, how could Qin Emperor not feel extremely lost.

So he explained with a wry smile and shaking his head.

"Ling Fei, whether it's using the secret method to promote Xiuying's cultivation or transforming into the Optimus Giant's Pony Horse, they now have far more power than the uncle and Queen Mother's cognition."

"Who is strong and who is weak and who wins and loses, I don't know."

Seeing that even the Father Emperor he had always worshiped could not predict the outcome of the fierce battle in the sky, Qin Lingfei could not help but hold Xiuquan tightly, and began to silently pray for Hao Ran.


Looking at the white sticks coming from the rapid bombardment, the middle-aged emperor of the dragon robe condensed by the swords in the realm, slowly extended his wide left hand, seemingly slow, but actually straddled the obstacles of space and time, and slap on Sticks on sticks.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, Yu Haoran felt the arm slightly clenching slightly. At the same time, the strong rebound force formed by the sticks and palms also made him bounce back into the void.


With a crisp crackling sound, a slight crack appeared in the palm of the left hand of the middle-aged emperor of the dragon robe.

"Click ...!"

With the continuous sound of breaking sounds, the tiny cracks in the palm of the hand began to expand, and soon extended to the whole body of the middle-aged emperor in the dragon robe.


With a loud noise, the middle-aged emperor of the dragon robe condensed by the swords in the state of self exploded into countless fragments, and fell to the corners of Xianyang City.

And some people of insight immediately began to collect the fragments of the sword, hoping to get something out of it.

Watching the dragon robe emperor condensed by the sword in Zhongzhuang exploded into countless fragments, Jian Yuan, who was suppressed by Lu Yuan and Jian Yu, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and a heartache expression appeared on his face.

Although Tianjian Sect is very strong, both the number of top strongmen and the overall strength of the denominations can be ranked in the top three of the first-class denominations. However, they are also not good at business, and their lives are only one day better than Jiemengmen. A little bit.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to draw resources from all disciples of the sect for nearly seven levels to train Jianying alone.

And his solemn deputy lord of the Sword Sect, the level of the destiny sword weapon will not only be the top quality in the holy realm.

The sword in the middle class of Zunjing can be said to be the treasure of Zhenzong at the bottom of the box of Tian Jianzong, and the self-destructive cracking in vain can not make him feel heartache.


Yu Haoran, who was re-bouncing into the void, saw that the middle-aged emperor in the dragon robe was unable to withstand the bombardment he had just exploded, and he was secretly relieved, while continuing to use the strength of the peak realm to perform the second trick monkey that mastered the essence Emperor inheritance stick method.

Looking at Yu Haoran's second stroke, the power of Xuanyuan's face suddenly gloomed.

Due to the influence of Jianying's own cultivation and physical grade, the powerful martial arts and secrets he mastered could not be exerted at all. The middle-aged emperor of the dragon robe, which was formed by using the swords in the state of honor, had already been able to perform. The strongest means.

Therefore, looking at the more powerful stick method blasting quickly, Xuanyuan can only use his own body Xuanyuan sword.

Quickly extract the original energy that was used to improve Jian Yingxiu's strength and strength, and reintegrate into the body of Xuanyuan Sword. A radiant sword energy is radiated from Jian Ying's body.

Along with the radiant sword spirit, one side is engraved with sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains and rivers, and the whole body shows a dark purple sword, floating slowly from the top of Jianying's head.

When I saw the swords floating above Jianying's head, in the empty cloud on the east side, there was a sudden surprise that was difficult to suppress.

"This, this, this is the Xuanyuan Sword that already existed when the heaven and earth first opened!"

In the cloud and mist on the north side, there was an irresistible greedy voice immediately.

"This is the ancient artifact Xuanyuan Sword!"

In the vain cloud on the east side, the same greedy sound was difficult to suppress.

"This is the innate artifact of the first emperor of ancient humans."

In the Yiyue Hall on the south side, looking at the bright Xuanyuan Sword, Emperor Qin couldn't conceal the thick eager expression in his eyes.

"If I can get the help of Xuanyuan Sword, the unification of Tianxuan is just around the corner!"

Watching Xuanyuan begin to use the Xuanyuan sword, Yu Haoran did not continue his insane attack, but quickly dissipated the power in the stick method and communicated with the towering spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Ta Ling, do it!"

"Yu Haoran, despite killing Jianying, Xuanyuan Sword was handed to me!" Face reminded Hao Ran, Ta Ling had returned to the tower of the ontology domain to instruct.

Later, Yuta also broke away from Hao Ran's knowledge of the sea, and exudes the spirit of the magnificent yellow, and immediately suppressed the radiant light of the magnificent sword from the Xuanyuan Sword.

Hands-on, hands-on, knowing that his origin involves too many secrets, so Ta Ling uses a thick yellowish air that can shield the peep of the gods to cover the body, but only shows a thick yellowish gas.

Seeing that Ta Ling had successfully suppressed Xuanyuan Sword, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, waved the white stick in his hand, and banged directly on the sword hero protected by Xuanyuan Sword with a sword gas.

Although he wanted to rescue Jianying, he was suppressed by the tower that obviously occupied the upper hand, making it difficult for Xuanyuan Sword to disperse more power. He could only watch the white stick blasting Jianying into powder.

However, just as the white stick was about to blast into Jianying's body, a dragon sound suddenly rang out from the sky.

With the sound of the dragons ringing through the sky, all the warriors using swords at the scene, whether it was the native sword weapon that blended with the spirit, or the ordinary sword weapon used temporarily, all shivered with excitement.

"What's the matter?" When he saw that the Destiny Sword was completely out of Dantian without being controlled by his own mind, and then quickly flew to the void, a master in the realm of Wuwang said to himself incredibly.

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