Destined Martial God

Chapter 1283: Packaged dowry (five more)

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In the horse house!

The beastly pet dragon, which possesses the blood of Qicheng Shenlong, can directly promote the third-order and first-order blue blood and mysterious flowers of Xuanyin Soul Fire. It can be used to honor the elder's two valiant zundan, and it can point directly to the third-order nine-pin jade heart of the original heart. Dan, who has Jiuxing Lianzhu who has been upgraded to the quality of artifacts, can change the appearance, temperament and qualifications of the wide-sleeve flowing fairy skirt, and can directly promote the repair of peach.

Gaze stared at Yu Haoran, who was full of tenderness on his face, and thought about the nine gifts he gave to Qin Lingfei in his mind. Zhou Mengling couldn't help comparing them.

If there is an outstanding man who also prepares himself for a grand wedding that will never be forgotten, and gives himself nine treasures that can change his destiny, can he unlock his frozen heart!

the answer is!

If this outstanding man is the one who has achieved the achievement of Emperor Dan Emperor, the one who is dedicated to affection will not only melt the frozen heart, but also make him fall in love with him hopelessly.

"Qin Lingfei, if you take off the wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt, what capital do you have compared to my Zhou Mengling, and how do you qualify for Yu Haoran's favor."

Looking at the tenderness of Yu Haoran, he sent the three peaches to Qin Lingfei.

Looking at Qin Lingfei's face full of happy and happy smile, Zhou Mengling was stirred up with an arrogance, and could not help but want to compete with Qin Lingfei to see who was eligible to win Yu Haoran's favor.

"Horse horse, I want to give my two emperor peaches to my father and queen mother, okay?" Qin Lingfei carefully interrogated after receiving three peaches happily.

After all, she knew the conflicts and grievances between Yu Haoran and Zi Xuan, and she was afraid that if she decided to do it by herself, it would cause unpleasant people.

"Ling Fei, since it is a gift for you, I have no opinion on how you want to distribute it." Yu Haoran motioned with a smile.

In fact, when Qin Lingfei decided to give the third-ranked first-grade Huazun Dan to Zi Xuan, Yu Haoran knew that there must be a reason for Emperor Qin.

Since even Huazun Dan has been given away, there is no shortage of a peach.

In Kuning Palace!

"Holy, it seems that you don't hurt Ling Fei this girl, she still has filial piety for you and me." After hearing Qin Ling Fei's allocation of Peach, Zi Xuan was delighted and sighed at Emperor Qin.


Nodded his head, Qin Emperor also nodded with relief and said with a worried expression.

"Mr. Queen, although the horse gave Ling Fei only nine gifts, the value of each gift is probably not inferior to our dowry. I am worried that Ling Fei will be a little disappointed when she sees the dowry."

The reminder from Emperor Qin made Zi Xuan aware of this issue as well, and the smile on her face immediately closed, and her eyes looked at the Maoma Mansion with anxiety.

In the horse house!

Looking at Qin Lingfei, who was pleased to put away three peaches, Yu Haoran smiled and reminded her to wait for a while, then stepped forward to her sister, took out a peach that had been prepared and sent it to her.

"Sister, this is your first gift from your brother."

"Xiao Ran, since it is your intention, then the sister accepted it!"

He Haoran did not politely grab the peach, and then sniffed it in the nose. Yu Siqi excitedly put the peach into the storage ring.

"Sister, after the wedding, your brother will have two gifts for you."

After reminding him with a smile, Yu Haoran turned to the VIP area, then took out the last peach prepared in advance and delivered it to the gibbons, smiling.

"Senior, this peach is for you to taste."

The look shook slightly, and the gibbons looked at Yu Haoran incredibly.

Because it never occurred to him, Yu Hao even prepared a precious peach for himself.

After all, Qin Lingfei is his wife, and Yu Siqi is the sister of a mother and his compatriot. He is not only an outsider, but also a beast hostile by humans.

"My friend, are you sure!" So the gibbons still asked a little unbelievably.

Pushing the peach directly into the wide palm of the gibbons, Yu Haoran arched his hand and explained to the guests at the scene.

"Seniors, brothers and sisters, you must know the rarity of the Tao Tao Lingshu. Under the chance, the younger generation only got six peaches. You need to leave one for your taste, so you ca n’t give it to the audience Bit! "

Regardless of the reaction of the guests at the scene after hearing their explanations, Yu Haoran returned to the square, waiting for Ling Fei to start showing the dowry of the dowry.

He nodded to the prepared manager Jiang, Qin Lingfei motioned him to carry the dowry that his father and queen kept adding.

The first three hundred wooden boxes were brought up. After all the eunuchs of the principal were opened, weird smiles appeared on the faces of the guests at the scene, but Qin Lingfei's face suddenly gloomed.

Because in three hundred wooden boxes are placed the spirit stones, the seventh-order first-grade to the fifth-order nine-grade, and the total number is only nine million.

If it is a princess who marries normally, the nine million spirit stones in the seventh-order first-grade to the fifth-order nine-grade are considered to be relatively rich dowry.

But for Qin Lingfei, for Yu Haoran who has prepared such a grand wedding, it is too shabby and a small family.

Although Yu Haoran didn't show any unpleasant look on his face because the first dowry was a spiritual stone, Qin Lingfei, whose face was instantly gloomy, let General Manager Jiang be unable to hold back his heart.

"Hurry up, bring all the dowry to the square!"

Later, he turned to the **** of the principal and instructed, hoping that with the huge amount of dowry, His Royal Highness could be satisfied.

One hundred pairs of exquisitely crafted jewellery, one hundred boxes of Milosatin, one hundred boxes of ordinary smelting materials, fifty bottles of seventh-order first-grade and fifty bottles of sixth-order first-grade elixir, ten pairs of purple-wood carved furniture ...!

Looking at the wooden boxes and wooden boxes that are constantly being opened, the strange laughter of the guests at the scene is getting louder and louder, but the face of Qin Lingfei is getting colder and colder, and the faces of Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan in Kunning Palace are getting ugly.

Looking at the dowry on the square, there was a hint of taunt in Zhou Mengling's eyes.

The Daqin Empire, one of the three empires in the Tianxuan continent, married the most beloved princess and was used as a dowry for the dowry. Even the gifts given by ordinary guests were not as good as they would be laughed out.

"Mrs. Queen, what's going on?"

For such a trivial matter as choosing a dowry for the princess, the Emperor Qin will certainly not ask questions in person, so he will give it to the Queen to deal with it.

"Mr. Hong, check it out immediately to see who has moved the dow of Her Royal Highness!" Zi Xuan, who was also gloomy, instructed the **** who was in Kunning Palace.

Feeling the strong murderous spirit in the voice of the queen mother, as the queen's confidant, Mr. Hong was called, and left Kuning Palace with anger in her eyes to investigate the case of dowry being transferred.

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