Destined Martial God

Chapter 1292: Extrication and siege (two more)

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In the white clouds!

As the domain tower appeared in the matrix space, the numerous iron chains on the top of the white clouds began to twitch quickly, and constantly changed the position and size of the gap.

"At three o'clock on the west side!" He stared at the towering spirit who was changing the chain.

In order to allow Aotian to get instructions in the first time, Yu Haoran directly used the means of the beast pet contract to notify Aotian by means of ideas.

"The direction at two o'clock on the east side!" Ta Ling continued to remind after crossing the gap of the chain.

"One o'clock on the east side!"

"Four o'clock on the south side!"


After spending nearly half an hour, rushing through the gap of 999 iron chains one after another, Aotian was almost exhausted and finally managed to escape the blockade of the battlefield space.

"Yu Haoran, it's safe!" After rushing out of the gap of the 99th iron chain, the tower primorchix reminded with a sigh of relief.

Although the eyes are still full of thick white clouds, but after being reminded by the towering spirit, Yu Haoran left the tower in the first time, and then quickly took out the broken bridge wreckage, and also gave Ying Long the space to recover the animal pet. Inside.

No risky use of God's thought to check, Yu Haoran stared anxiously forward, and couldn't help but pray that the broken bridge wreckage must not be caught in the formation.

Fortunately, the milky white energy hood that appeared in front of him let him know that his prayers had played a role, and the broken bridge debris had successfully brought himself to the barrier of Qianlong Wonderland.

Unwilling to act rashly, let the wreckage of the broken bridge pass through the milky white energy hood, followed by the strong aura that rushed towards his face, so that Yu Haoran finally showed a happy smile.

However, when he began to observe the environment of the entire mystery with the use of divine thoughts, the torture that was taking place three thousand miles away instantly caused him to appear a horror of terrifying spirits and discoloration of heaven and earth.

Immediately stimulated the physical strength of the ancestral witch, and then took out the white sticks of the top quality, Yu Haoran directly rose into the sky, and rushed to the battlefield three thousand miles away.


"Brother Teng, you are the strongest of the four of us, and the one who has the most hope to break out."

With the different fire and blue moon flame presented by Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi, who had reached the pinnacle of Wu Sheng Nine Pins, directly bombarded the strange beasts one after the other, and asked Teng Yunjie behind him.

"Si Qi implores you to take Ling Fei out immediately, and then find a way to help Xiao Ran escape from the siege of the formation, and let him revenge for me and Zheng Jun."

After hearing Yu Siqi's idea of ​​giving birth to righteousness, Teng Yunjie couldn't help but a slight shock, and the small flame that had been ignited in his heart immediately burned more intensely.

Isn't such a fascinating woman who is so affectionate and righteous that she has been pursuing an imaginary partner!

"Sister Siqi, Yun Jie has a taboo secret method. After the show, he can gain the strength of Wu Zun's peerless strongman. Although it can only last for five minutes, it is enough to take the three of you out of the battle."

"Brother Teng, what happens?"

Although Yu Siqi was very moved by Teng Yunjie's actions, she knew that the taboo method of exchanging powerful forces must have very serious side effects. She hoped that Teng Yunjie would suffer unbearable injuries because of her own reasons. Do not want to owe Teng Yunjie emotionally.

"Sister Siqi, although the consequences of the taboo secret method are very serious, but I believe that with the master's dandao ability, there must be a cure."

Without revealing the side effects of the taboo secret method, Teng Yunjie used Yu Haoran's dandao ability to block Yu Siqi's thought of continuing to pursue and reject.

Later, he took out a cherry-sized, but bloody, elixir from the storage ring, and when he planned to cooperate with elixir to perform the taboo method, his ears suddenly heard a hoarse drinking because of anger.

"You all **** it!"

Along with the hoarse violent drinking, a massive white stick blasted to death and directly blasted the six-headed, one-headed, and four-headed, two-headed, strange beasts into minced meat.

"Horse, it's healer who saved us!"

The familiar throbbing sound and white sticks made Qin Lingfei, who finally managed to withstand the attack of a second beast, a quasi-perspective beast, immediately cheered.

Cheers are not only able to be saved, but also because Yu Haoran finally got rid of the siege of the formation.

Teng Yunjie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched the white stick quickly harvesting the strange beast's life.

Although because of his burning feelings, he decided to perform a taboo method that can lose half his life, but he was not without a trace of scruples and worries.

After all, he neither confessed his true thoughts to Si Qi, nor did she show any interesting feelings about herself.

In case, after applying the secret method of taboo, I only exchanged thanks to Yu Siqi, is it not a big loss?

Therefore, after seeing Yu Hao coming in time, he would appear so relaxed.

"Xiao Ran!" Looked up at Yu Haoran, who was rushing quickly, and Yu Siqi shouted softly in the eyes.

"Brother!" Wu Zhengjun whispered to himself as he saw a large number of strange beasts at the scene start to panic because of Yu Haoran's massacre.

Subsequently, he took the initiative to kill the strange beast in the state of two-headed quasi-respect, and with the attention of everyone focused on the fast-moving Yu Haoran, he began to quietly perform the full version of Dafa and use the pure energy from the devour Began to push the limits of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin's realm to lay a solid foundation for breaking through the realm of Wu Zun in the future.

The strength that is infinitely close to Wu Zun's realm, and the aid of the white stick spirits, Yu Haoran is like a **** of extinction.

Every time you wave a white stick, whether it is a huge quasi-special beast with a strong defense, or a petite quasi-special beast that is good at speed, it can be said that it must be touched, it must be touched. Sweep It must be broken, and it must be destroyed.

After wielding the stick only nine times and bombarding nearly forty quasi-special beasts, he successfully killed Qin Lingfei's side, and helped her to kill the zombies of quasi-speciality, and looked at her nervously.

Fortunately, Qin Lingfei only consumed a lot of physical strength, elemental strength, and soul power. She was protected by a wide-sleeve flowing fairy skirt and did not suffer any damage, which made Yu Haoran unable to bear a sigh of relief.

Immediately took out the third-order one-product tonic that was refined in the formation space, and after watching Qin Lingfei obediently swallowed, Yu Haoran took her to kill the siege of the siege to the siege of the siege to the second beast.

It is also a prestige. The two beasts with two quasi-perspectives were directly blasted into minced meat, successfully helping their sister to get out of trouble.

"Sister, are you okay!" Yu Siqi, looking at blood stained red and white dress, Yu Haoran immediately asked nervously.

"Xiao Ran, rest assured, sister is fine." Raising a few silk hairs scattered in front of his forehead, Yu Siqi said slightly tired.

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