Destined Martial God

Chapter 1295: Anti-control (one more)

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Qianlong Wonderland!

Shang Lin didn't get angry at the irony of Hao Ran's contempt, and said with a confident smile on his face.

"Because Master Ma, your opponent is another four beasts with higher grades and stronger strength."

As the voice fell, Shang Lin took out a dan bottle directly from the storage ring. After opening the dan bottle, he merged a drop of the essence of the Pure Nine Dragons into the horn.

Subsequently, he overdrawn his own one-third of the original power and soul power in exchange for the peak strength of Wusheng Bapin, and then desperately advocated the horn in his hand.

Although the sound from the horn was not as loud as it was just now, the terrifying dragon power contained in the sound, even the fifteen beasts of the state level, lowered their heads subtly and surrendered to the suppression of higher blood.


As the sound of the horn spread throughout the mystery, behind the direction of the mystery, a pure dragon sound suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the sound of pure dragons, a pure gray dragon with a body of 80 meters, flew fast with heavy evil spirits, and hovered over Shang Lin's head.

"This is the pure dragon at the beginning of Zunjing Jiupin, at least it can use the strength of Wuzun Jiupin's peak!" Looking at the gray dragon that circled above Shang Lin's head, Teng Yunjie's face paled instantly, and his voice was a shuddering shout Road.

"Yes, it's a good place to look at the Nuoma Mansion."

Unlike Teng Yunjie's pale reaction, after seeing the gray dragons hovering in the air, Yu Haoran's face appeared with a satisfied smile, and he also made arrangements for the future of the gray dragons.

"Hmm ...!"

Not long after the gray dragon appeared, three pure sounds of lynchine were heard from the east and west.

Accompanied by the sound of pure dragons, a cyan dragon, a white dragon, and a red dragon also rushed forward with a thick evil spirit, and then circled the top of Shanglin's head like the gray dragon.

"Yu Haoran, the refining is finally complete!" Just when the four dragons had just reached Shang Lin's head, he said with a sigh of relief in the sea.

"Ta Ling, it's really hard for you!"

After hearing that Ta Ling had successfully crafted the artifact, Yu Haoran's heart, which had just been raised, was immediately put down.

"It's just the simplest polishing, and incorporating the matrix that stimulates the breath, it can't be said how hard it is." He waved his hand, and Talion signaled.


However, when he noticed the four dragons hovering above Shang Lin's head, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Containing the purest elemental demon power and an extremely strong four-line dragon, it is very suitable to cooperate with the four elephants to contemplate the Numan mansion."

"Master Ma, I don't know if the true dragons at the beginning of these four respects and nine products are qualified to fight you."

Looking up at the four pure dragons circling above his head, Shang Lin's eyes flashed a look of envy and longing.

But he knew that the horns in his hands could only force them to help him besiege Hao Ran, but he could not subdue them to become his beast pet.

Therefore, after recovering his envious and eager eyes, he even more proudly showed off to Hao Ran.

"Horse horse, what should I do?" Qin Lingfei asked nervously with a firm clenching of Hao Ran's hand.

Turning around and glancing at Qin Lingfei and others, they found that in addition to Wu Zhengjun's look remained calm, Qin Lingfei, her sister, and Teng Yunjie all looked slightly pale and very nervous because of the advent of the four dragons.

"Ling Fei, sister, Brother Teng, don't worry too much. Not only can I surrender the four dragons, but I can also dispel all the beasts on the scene."

With a faint smile on his face, Yu Haoran took a horn from Ta Ling in a shape similar to the horn in Shang Lin's hand, but it was a giant horn that was two or three times larger.

Just when Haoran had just taken out the giant horn, the four dragons hovering above Shang Lin's head immediately felt that the demon power and soul power in his body were being suppressed by death, and fell trembling to the ground, almost smashing Shang Lin directly meat pie.

And fifteen beasts with lowered heads crawled on the ground with blood flowing from their noses, shaking their bodies with a rustling sound from the ground.

As for those beasts of quasi-respect and sacred state, the blood was flowing backward, and the spirits fell to the ground, directly arousing a dust.

"This is a horn weapon made by a dragon-level horn."

It can deter the dragons from surrendering in the early stage of Jiu Pin Jiu Pin, directly smashing the spirits of quasi-holy state and sacred beasts. Only divine dragon-level horns can possess this kind of horror.

Therefore, Teng Yunjie immediately shouted excitedly when he saw that the horn taken out by Yu Haoran possessed such great power.

Hearing Teng Yunjie's shout and the changes of all the beasts on the scene, Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi's faces also showed joy.

In fact, the reason why Yu Haoran had a verbal confrontation with Shang Lin was that in addition to trying to figure out who was behind the scenes, he also wanted to be able to delay some time in order to give Taling time to polish and refine the horn.

After all, as the bones of the dragons of the Divine Realm, whether it is the hardness of the dragon horns or some of the remaining divine power, it is a huge challenge for the Tallinn whose strength is far from the peak.

Fortunately, with the ability to accelerate time in the domain tower, Tallinn eventually refined the horn weapon in time.

Otherwise, in the face of the four dragons that can play the peak of Wuzun's nine grades and the fifteen heads of the strange beast, he has no strength or opportunity to fight back, except to take Qin Lingfei and others to escape.

It was dangerous to escape from Shang Lin, who was smashed into a meat pie, and his face suddenly gloomed.

Because Haoran had just taken out the horn, he found that there were numerous cracks in the horn in his hand. If he did not use Yuanli in time to barely maintain the shape of the horn, the horn in his hand would have been broken into countless fragments.

Yu Guang glanced at the people behind him. Shang Lin clearly saw the panic in these people's eyes, and a flash of ruthlessness flashed in his heart.

Pretending that there was no problem with the horns in the storage ring, Shang Lin took the opportunity to take out a red and white banner, and said with a confident smile on his face.

"Everyone is said to be a moving treasure house, not only has Emperor Yuandan who can help break through the realm of Emperor Wu, but also has magical tools at the level of gods, and mental methods and martial arts at the level of gods."

Turning his head to glance at the people behind him, Shang Lin continued to speak without concealing the greed in his eyes.

"Now it seems as true as the rumor that the horse spit out lotus!"

Emperor Yuandan who assisted in breaking through the Emperor Wu Realm, magical level magic weapon, divine level mentality and martial arts, treasures possessed by Hao Ran, and panic in the eyes of 27 people behind Shang Lin, gradually replaced by greed and madness .

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