Destined Martial God

Chapter 1299: Soul Confinement (1)

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Qianlong Wonderland!

The pain formed by the sharp sword scoring through the skin made the red dragon clearly feel the intense murder of Yu Haoran.

The threat of death caused the pride in its eyes to be replaced by fear instantly, and the red dragon dragon hurriedly begged.

"The strong among the human beings, we are wrong. We shouldn't look at people low with longan. We shouldn't obey your orders just now. Please let us have a chance!"

The other three dragons also begged hard.


Mobilize more power and soul power to stimulate the power of the swords in the honor, and Yu Haoran's tough attitude to kill them.

"The strong man in mankind, as long as you are willing to let go of my life, let me do anything." The fierce murderousness inspired by the sword in the respect, will soon break the defense of the sea, and hurt the sea In the spirit, the red dragon dragon completely gave up the dragon's proud dignity and begged.

"Any request!" Controlling Li Jianqi's actions to continue to hurt the spirit of the sea **** temporarily, Yu Haoran asked aggressively.

"Any request!" Red Chen Long quickly confirmed.

"Also including the method of imprisonment!" Yu Haoran asked with a sneer.


The spirit of imprisonment lost not only freedom and dignity, but also the protection of its own life. Therefore, the red dragon was suddenly hesitant when faced with excessive requirements.

However, when Yu Haoran continued to use his fierce sword strength to cut off the fragile defense of Shihai, his hesitation was immediately replaced by fear, and the red dragon quickly agreed.

"Including the law of imprisonment."

"what about you?"

Take back the sword in the honor of the red dragon dragon, Yu Haoran looked indifferently at the three dragons: green, white and gray.

"We agree."

The horns made by the **** dragons at the pinnacle of the gods were suppressed, so that they knew they could not escape, and did not want to suffer the treatment of the red dragon, and the three dragons immediately nodded in agreement.

"Ling Fei, come here!"

Folding down the sword in the honorable state, Yu Haoran beckoned to Qin Lingfei.

After receiving the horn instrument from Qin Lingfei's hand, he used the divine thought to suppress a part of Long Wei emitted by the horn instrument, and Yu Haoran instructed indifferently.

"What are you waiting for? Quickly separate a part of your soul."

Taking a look at each other, the four dragons unwillingly separated a part of the spirits, and then floated in front of Hao Ran.

Looking at the four dragons floating in front of his eyes, Yu Haoran quickly formed the seal of control of the spirit and soul with his ten fingers, separated and sealed the souls of the four dragons, and turned his head to Qin Lingfei.

"Ling Fei, give me a drop of blood!"

Without any hesitation, Qin Lingfei immediately cut through her fingers and squeezed a drop of blood before sending it to Haoran.

After incorporating Qin Lingfei's blood into the spirits of the four dragon seals, the sealed dragon spirits disappeared into the air immediately, and then merged into the spirit of Qin Lingfei's knowledge of the sea.

Put out a finger and press it on Qin Lingfei's forehead, and a secret method condensed by divine thoughts was printed in her mind.


Without any explanation, by knowing the secrets of the sea, Qin Lingfei knows that the four dragons in the middle of the nine grades are all in control of her life and death. This makes her feel extremely excited, and her heart is even more happy. Give surround.

Looking enviously at Qin Lingfei, Teng Yunjie could not wait to become a stunning beauty at this time, and then cherished his arms to Yu Haoran, in order to obtain the same opportunity.

"Horse horse, how do these people deal with it?" Qin Lingfei asked fiercely after seeing Hao Ran's sight and turned to Fan Chengfang and others again.

Although the black hand behind the scenes is the third brother, without these accomplices, Shang Lin would not dare to replace his dowry, and he would not dare to drive the strange beast in the mystery to attack himself.

Therefore, the third brother and Shang Lin, who are the masterminds, **** it, and the accomplice Fan Chengfang and others are equally unforgivable.

The lives and deaths of these people in Haoran didn't care, but Qin Emperor had reached a critical moment about to break through the realm of Wu Zun, and there must not be any loss of air capacity in the entire empire.

Therefore, the stability of the Great Qin Empire is above all else, and the lives and deaths of these people can only be handled by the Emperor Qin.

"Okay, then leave it to Father Huang to deal with it!" After hearing Hao Ran's explanation, Qin Lingfei quickly nodded in agreement.

Twenty-seven people, including Fan Chengfang, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing about Hao Ran's arrangements.

As long as Yu Haoran did not kill them in a secret state, then with the power and influence of the family behind them, as long as the Emperor Qin did not want to change the dynasty of the Qin Empire, he could only choose to tolerate, and he and others could save their lives.

As for the shame encountered today, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

"Come here!"

Waving at the four dragons, Yu Haoran ordered.

"Give me more details about the mystery."

Since Qianlong Wonderland had only been open for nine days, he was trapped by Tiansuo's formation for nearly five days, which left him not much time for training.

In addition, using the precious treasure trap that was also bred at the beginning of the heaven and earth as the defense of the entrance to the mystery, then the opportunity of Qianlong may be hidden in the Qianlong fairyland.

At the same time, judging from where the four dragons just appeared, they should have a good understanding of the situation in the entire secret.

Therefore, he wanted to select the areas suitable for his adventure through the introduction of the four dragons.

As soon as you said it to me, the four dragons quickly explained the situation in the whole secret place in detail.

How big is Qianlong Wonderland, and the four dragons that have lived in secrets since urination are not very clear.

Although they live in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast respectively, they do not live on the edge of the mystery, and there is still endless space behind them.

At the same time, the four dragons in the middle of the nine ranks are not the strongest in the secret realm.

In the deepest part of the mystery, there are powerful alien beasts at the quasi-imperial level, and there may even be true emperor beasts hidden.

However, as the hegemons in the outer area of ​​the mysterious realm, the four dragons have a better understanding of the situation of tens of thousands of miles.

Through their detailed introduction, Yu Haoran finally selected two places suitable for his own experience.

The first place is a Dongfu about 3,000 kilometers away. A Dongfu that had existed since the birth of the four dragons and was sealed by the formation.

The second place is a valley about 10,000 kilometers away, and a valley forbidden by even four dragons.

After determining the goals for the next calendar, Yu Haoran turned his head to discuss with his sister and Teng Yunjie. As for Wu Zhengjun, he didn't need to say much, he would follow where he went.

Neither Yu Siqi nor Teng Yunjie have any opinions on the goals of the experience selected by Yu Haoran.

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