Destined Martial God

Chapter 1315: Give it to me (five more)

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Yiyuan Pavilion!

"Yunxiang, the teacher's overly tough attitude made the old and disrespectful guy mistakenly think that there is a powerful and powerful man in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor around me, so he can only choose to tolerate temporarily."

After a moment's pause, Yu Haoran deliberately raised his voice and continued to shout.

"Don't look at the people in the Yuxu Palace. They usually stand high, as if no one is afraid. In fact, they are just like ordinary forces, just like ordinary warriors, but they are also a group of soft goods that are afraid of being hard."

After leaving Yuyuan Pavilion, after hearing the irony of Yu Haoran's deliberately raised voice, the original gloomy face seemed to be able to squeeze water out, and the hands placed in the sleeves were even tighter.


Taking a deep breath, suppressing the strong murderous energies that kept emerging, Di Zun turned his head to a young man behind him and instructed.

"Master!" Qing Yue held his fist as he demanded.

"Notice Variety and let him, at all costs, take the head of Haoran after the auction."

"Yes, Master!" Seeing the temporary patience of Dizun, he just didn't want to be stigmatized by bullying, nor was he to be criticized by the world. Instead, he planned to let Dark Star secretly kill Hao Ran. Excited orders.

"President Wu, elder, I'm really sorry, the refining of mystery has taken some time, so the juniors came a little late."

Seeing that Dizun could continue to tolerate his ridicule just now, Yu Haoran had to admire his somber scheming.

Later, Yu Haoran turned around and apologized to Wu Sicheng and Bian Shengrui.

"Master Ma, you're welcome, it's not too late!" After quickly persuading with a smile, Bian Shengrui signaled to Hao Ran to sit.

Wu Sicheng was angry and wanted to blame, but was interrupted by Bian Shengrui.

"Master Ma, we have all set up the auction venue, and the strong responsible for maintaining the auction site have also been arranged. Now there is only a lack of auctioneers responsible for the lot."

After Hao Ran sat down on the stone chair, Bian Shengrui solemnly introduced.

"After all, the items you prepared are too expensive, and even I don't have the confidence to be qualified as an auctioneer."

"Chairman Wu, elder elder, if you can trust me in Hao Ran, why don't I preside over the auction?"

Bian Shengrui's current problem is exactly what Yu Haoran has been hoping to get, so he opened his door and said his request directly.

"Master Ma, this is not in line with the rules." Wu Sicheng immediately shook his head and refused to even consider it.

"Do not!"

But Bian Shengrui gave a different view.

"President, in fact, Ma Ma is the most suitable person for this position."

"Big elder!" Seeing Bian Shengrui overthrow his decision one after another, Wu Sicheng reminded loudly displeased.

"Chairman, don't get angry first, listen to your subordinates to give you a careful analysis."

Ignoring Wu Sicheng's unpleasant reminder, and not avoiding Haoran's observation, Bian Shengrui explained in detail the familiarity and safety of the lot, and the ability of the chamber of commerce to avoid responsibility.

"Elder, Wu has a sudden cold and needs to return to the headquarters for recuperation. This auction will be your sole responsibility!"

Although the analysis given by Bian Shengrui is reasonable, but thinking of the fact that the forces and powers of the Tianxuan continent are gathered in the Shuang Niu Cheng, Wu Sicheng does not believe that this auction will be held smoothly.

At the same time, Yu Haoran's disregard and Bian Shengrui's toughness also made him quite unhappy, and he couldn't help being vigilant.

Therefore, he now wants to stay away from the world and avoid the responsibility for errors in the auction. At the same time, he also wants to take advantage of the opportunity after Bian Shengrui's failure to completely take down his elder status and avoid the situation of high masters.

Looking at the opportunity not to save himself, Wu Sicheng turned away from Yiyuan Pavilion, Bian Shengrui froze, Yu Haoran sneered, Yun Xiang muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Bombless and short-sighted, Wu Bobo is no longer suitable to continue to be the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce in the Heaven."

"Yunxiang, you shut up for me!" After hearing Yunxiang's muttering, Bian Shengrui, who had returned to God, immediately blushed and reprimanded.

Later, when he got up and planned to retain Wu Sicheng, Yu Haoran shook his head to stop it.

"Elder, Chairman Wu has left Shuangniushan with two Wu Zun peerless powers."

Tie Qing's complexion was instantly replaced by gloom, and Bian Shengrui couldn't help but sigh.


After a long sigh, Bian Shengrui said with a grin to Yu Haoran.

"Master Ma, I'm really sorry. In fact, the four Wu Zun peerless powerhouses are used to deter some devoted young people, but now!"

Shaking his head, Bian Shengru smiled bitterly without continuing.

"Elder, you only need to arrange a dozen partners to guide guests into the venue and the appraisers who are responsible for trading the lot for me, and leave the rest to me." After the explanation, Yu Haoran immediately smiled and signaled.

"Can you do that?" Bian Shengrui asked, worried.

"Elder, wait for the chamber of commerce to use this auction to become the largest chamber of commerce in Tianxuan mainland!"

While laughing and encouraging, Yu Haoran motioned to Yun Xiang to take him to visit the auction house and familiarize himself with the auction process in advance.


With less than five hours to go before the auction, guests in the largest restaurant in Youniu City are full and full of enthusiasm.

At this time everyone is discussing the preciousness of each lot in the upcoming auction and the transaction price that can finally be achieved.

"Brother Huang, the auction is about to start. As a fellow of the chamber of commerce, you are not busy at the auction venue. Why do you have a leisurely time to come here to drink?"

In the lobby on the first floor of the restaurant, a strong middle-aged man walked to the exclusive young man with the fine wine in the second altar and asked with a smile.

"Lin Brother!" Seeing the middle-aged man who put the altar on the table, the young man known as Brother Huang quickly got up and called.

"Brother Huang, tell your brother, why do you have time to run here alone to drink?" Putting one of the fine wines in front of Huang's youth, Lin continued to ask with a smile.

Shrugging his shoulders, the young man surnamed Huang poured a bowl of fine wine by himself. After he drank it, an angry complaint appeared in his eyes.

"What else can we do? The auction doesn't need us. I'll have nothing to do but drink."

"Brother Huang, what is going on?"

The auction held by the Heavenly Human Chamber of Commerce did not need to be responsible for it. The complaint of the young man with the surname Huang immediately aroused the strong interest of the surname Lin.

Therefore, after taking the initiative to help him with a glass of wine, the surname Lin continued to ask.

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