Destined Martial God

Chapter 1317: Ignored (one more)

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Right Niucheng, in the auction hall!

"Master, is this appropriate?"

On the contrary, those who are eligible to participate in the auction are strong men who can affect the situation in Tianxuan mainland, and they are also people who cannot easily offend the heavenly chamber of commerce.

If these people are neglected, Bian Shengrui is worried that it will cause trouble to the chamber of commerce and Yu Haoran.

"very suitable!"

While nodding to confirm, Yu Haoran looked at the 108 seats in the hall and reminded with a sneer.

"At the same time, the elders are reminding them that not only the 36 private rooms need to fight for themselves, but also the 108 seats in the hall must be robbed with strength and strength."

"If you don't get anything in the end, you can only stand sorry for yourself."


Following Hao Ran's gaze, Bian Shengrui found that although 108 seats had been occupied by more than half, the strong men who participated in the auction continued to enter, and he finally nodded in agreement.

Looking at the private room on the second floor, the lord of the Sword Sect who was going to expel the private room guests, Yu Haoran couldn't help sneer, and then walked to the high platform built in the central tower on the first floor.

Standing on the high platform, slowly closing your eyes, while adjusting your emotions, waiting for the incense under the platform to burn to the end.


Just after closing her eyes, Yu Haoran heard the location of the private room on the second floor.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the ancestral voice of the Emperor Tianjian.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but Jianmou has no eyes and does not know that Your Excellency turned out to be a strong man in the Nanmen family, so Jianmou will get out."

Opening a gap with his eyes slightly, watching the exit from the private room, the lord of the sword Tian Tian looked very panic, Yu Haoran could not help but slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

Although the South Gate is a family that has been passed down for more than a million years, among the dozens of inheritance families participating in the auction, it can only be regarded as a general force. According to the constant entry of the strong and powerful levels of the venue, I am afraid they will eventually Fate will also be kicked out of the private room.

Facing the Tianmen Sovereign of the South Gate family, who has been sincere and horrified, he has completely turned into a desolate poor man. He is constantly reviled and humiliated by the big men in the private room, but he can only accompany his smile and apologize, and then humiliate himself. Continue to look for private rooms.

Two Kendo peerless powerhouses who have just woke up not long ago, seeing the suzerain being kicked and kicked like a ball, but still do not know the remorse, and have completely lost the pride of kendo.

They glanced at each other, at the same time took control of the lord, and forcibly took him to a seat on the first floor hall.

Looking at the Tianjian Sovereign who was desperately struggling to get up, but was suppressed by the two martial arts masters standing behind him, Yu Haoran shook his head unbearably.

In the previous life, although the Tianjian Sovereign was not a man with great talents, but he was also a relatively qualified sect leader. Under his leadership, Tianjian Sect gradually gained the power to impact the top forces after nearly a century of accumulation.

But in this life, I don't know what's going on. The Sect Sovereign's performance is very poor. Not only has he lost the pride of his swordsman, but he has also lost his heart and eyesight as a sectarian leader.

Taking back the eyes of the Sovereign Master of the Sword, Yu Haoran closed his eyes again and continued to adjust his interest rate.

"Master, it's time!" When the incense in the corner of the high platform went out, Yun Xiang, who accompanied the audience to increase his experience, quickly reminded.


Opening his eyes slowly, a happy smile bloomed on his face, Yu Haoran glanced at the scene, and those who still kept entering the venue, coughed hard.

It is a pity that many strong men in the hall chose to turn a blind eye to the light coughing sound that contained a little element of strength, and continued to talk about the old and quarrel.

In this regard, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the dissatisfaction that appeared in his heart, and said with a smile on his face.

"Your seniors are able to travel thousands of miles to participate in the auction held by the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce in Youniu City. The younger Yu Haoran is very grateful."

"Here, on behalf of myself and the Chamber of Heaven and Earth, I would like to thank all the seniors who came to the scene and wish you all the best for your success and return home."

Not only continue to talk about the old and the quarrels, not even look at yourself, even ignore their gratitude and wishes.

Even though how strong Hao Ran's psychological quality is, in the face of the rude attitude of the crowd, she still cannot help but feel very disappointed.

Therefore, Yu Haoran decided to omit the pre-prepared speeches that could mobilize the momentum and mood of the scene, and directly began the auction of the lot.

Turning her head and nodding to Yunxiang, she took out a tray from the storage ring, then walked to his side, and worriedly whispered.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Yunxiang, this is the first lesson for your teacher to let you know how to quickly adjust your mentality when you are ignored and how to cope with this situation." After shaking his head to signal that he is fine, Hao Ran looked at the chaotic hall, reminding calmly.

Subsequently, he took a dan bottle from the storage ring, placed it on a tray, and ignored the mess in the hall, shouted directly to the 36 private rooms on the second floor.

"The third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan can help the strongest in Wusheng Jiupin and the three robbers to martial arts realm to break through Wuzun realm."

"The starting price for the third-order, first-grade Zundan is three nine-level lower-grade spirit veins, and each increase cannot be lower than one nine-level lower-grade spirit veins, or one hundred fourth-order one-grade spirit stones."

Just as the price of the ninth-order first-grade spirit stone is used as the pricing of the transaction, Lingmai is also based on the ninth-order lower-quality product as a fixed base.

At the same time, the swap base of the spirit vein grade is the same as the spirit stone grade.

The ninth-order middle-class spirit veins can be exchanged for ten ninth-order lower veins, the ninth-order upper veins can be exchanged for one hundred ninety-thirty yuan veins, and so on.

However, when the level of Lingmai reaches the fifth level, the exchange rate will be several times, and dozens of accompany will be improved.

The original chaotic scene, after Yu Haoran took out the third-order first-grade Huazun Dan, and gave the auction price directly, it suddenly calmed down.

However, like some families that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and second-class lords, not only have not been treated in private rooms, even the seats in the hall have been forcibly occupied by others. A reckless attitude is completely irritated.

A blood-red robe, repaired in order to reach the realm of quasi-wuzun's realm of blood killing the door, the main attack was a thousand kills, which directly interrupted the auction process, and his face was dull and questioned.

"Master Ma, the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven has not properly arranged for us, then you will start the auction directly, don't you look at us too much?"

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