Destined Martial God

Chapter 1323: Heinei fire (one more)

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Inside the auction venue!

"Ninety-ninth-order inferior pulse."

After the ancestors of the Zhou family gave him a low price that he was willing to bear, the owners of several private rooms that had originally competed with him were silent after careful consideration, which also meant that they had given up the competition to participate in the liquid.

Therefore, Yu Haoran opened his mouth to start the countdown, and a surprise bidding sound came from his ear.

Surprise, in addition to someone being able to continue bidding, it is also because the sound of the bid just came from the lobby.

The unexpected auction immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the private room, and everyone's eyes were instantly turned on a person standing in the corner of the hall, wearing a black cloak.

Most of the auction venues are the top powers of Tianxuan Continent. They are chess players who can formulate the rules of the game. They are also a group of people who are accustomed to domineering and dominate.

Therefore, after being unable to see the true face of the bidder's Lushan, many people immediately began to forcefully pass through the cover of the black cloak, and wanted to see where the black people who dared to compete with the ancestors of the Zhou family for the ginseng.


However, as the painful screams continued to be heard in the venue, Yu Haoran, who did not take the liberty to look at it, was surprised to find that all the thoughts that viewed the history of people in black were all burned by the black flame emitted by the black cloak. .

"Hannier Fire!"

A strong man who also had a different fire from the No. 7 bag, recognized the true origin of the black flame through his own ignorance of the strange fire when the mind was burned by the black flame.

Heine, the seventh horrifying horror among the hundreds of horrific blazes on the Celestial Continent.

The black nirvana fire just born has the mighty strength of Wu Zun realm, and the mature black nirvana fire has the power of the Emperor Wu realm.

At the same time, Heine Nirvana is one of the few special fires that can be promoted to Divine Fire.

Therefore, after hearing the origin of the black flame from the owner of the No. 7 private room, Yu Haoran finally understood the origin of the yin and yang different fires in Dantian, why he was so excited when the black cape emitted the black flame.

After all, as the source of Yin and Yang different fires that can devour all the energies of the world, which are continuously upgraded, there is a stronger impulse for swallowing fusion and homogeneous different fires.

"Yu Haoran, to suppress your impulse to the origin of the yin and yang different fire in Dantian, you must not provoke the man in black." Just because Hao Ran understood the cause of the excitement of the yin and yang different fire source, Ta Ling in the sea suddenly reminded.

"Why?" Yu Haoran asked.

The questioning was not because he wanted to **** the nigne fire from his opponent, but because of the dignity in Tallinn's reminding tone.

"Because it is a nigne fire in itself, it is only a human body that has been transformed by special means, and possesses the terrifying power of the Emperor Wu realm." Ta Ling explained with a dignified expression.

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran couldn't help but take a breath and looked into the eyes of the man in black, showing a thick expression of dread.

After all, under the circumstances that the rules of the heavens still monitor and suppress the Emperor Wudi's mighty power, the nigne ignorance can still act unscrupulously.

This is enough to show that its own cultivation and strength, I am afraid that has reached the peak of the Emperor Wudi, can resist the suppression of the rules of heaven.

"Yu Haoran, don't pay too much attention to Heine's different fire, to avoid causing its hostility." Seeing Yu Haoran staring at Heine's different fire, Ta Ling quickly reminded.

Quickly withdrawing his eyes from Hei Niu's different fires, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and used deep breathing and a strong mood to suppress, finally calming down his inner shock.

Later, he slowly opened his eyes and planned to open his mouth to read the countdown. The owner from the 19th private room, because of the greed and preciousness of the nirvana fire, was trying to use the excuse that God ’s mind had just been burned to forcibly capture nirvana. fire.

"Boy, dare to use different fires to burn the deity's thoughts. I think you are impatient."

Along with the angry reprimand, a violent sword with a horrifying atmosphere was shot out of the 19th private room, and then headed straight for the black man who was transformed into a black nigger.

With a scornful glance, Yu Haoran shook his head uncontrollably.

The nigne fire that can't be suppressed even by the rules of heaven, is it a terrifying power that you can deal with at the peak of Wuzun Liupin.

Faced with the sharp sword qi coming from the blast, the man in black stretched out his black hand and grasped the sharp sword qi, then gently held the left hand, and the sharp sword qi instantly turned into a white smoke.

Afterwards, the black man in Hei Niu's strange fire looked up at Hao Ran, and then rushed to the No. 19 room like lightning.

According to the rules of the auction, it is forbidden to use force during the auction period, so after seeing the man in black rushing to the 19th private room, everyone's eyes turned directly to the high platform, and they wanted to see Yu Haoran's attitude.

"If you want to be greedy, nirvana, there is more to die!" Facing the crowd, Yu Haoran gave his attitude indifferently.

When the hands of the sword were destroyed just now, although the man in black showed the mighty strength of the top of Wuzun Sanpin, the owner from the No. 19 package was not only a peerless strongman of the top of Wuzun Liupin, but also from the inheritance time The Mar family for nearly ten million years.

Therefore, facing the attitude given by Hao Ran and judging the strength of the man in black, the Tianjian Sovereign, who had finally seized the opportunity, immediately yelled loudly.

"Yu Haoran, as the auctioneer in charge of the auction, accurate eyesight and rich experience are indispensable abilities. The judgement you gave to the man in black just now demonstrates your arrogance and ignorance and fully proves that you are fundamental No ability to host the next auction. "

A scornful glance at the Tianjian Sovereign, the irony of Yu Haoran's mouth slightly raised.

"Self-righteous idiot!"

"Yu Haoran, what are you talking about!" After hearing the irony of Yu Haoran, the lord of the Sword Lord immediately stood up angrily and asked with a sullen expression.

However, when he saw that the door of the private room on the 19th was reopened, the breath was calm, as if the man in black who had never done anything stepped away from the private room, his face changed.

Because the man in black who left the private room on the 19th did not close the door of the private room, everyone at the scene could clearly see the empty room in the private room.

There was no sound of fighting, and no fluctuations in strength. While everyone on the scene was shocked by the terror strength of the men in black, they also felt immensely admired for their amazing eyesight.

And the strong man from the top ten private rooms, looking at the man in black, was full of dread.

Even the ancestors of the Zhou family who had cultivated to reach the realm of Zhunwu Emperor could not quietly kill Wuzun Liupin Peak Peerless Powerful.

Therefore, in the consciousness of the strong men in the top ten private rooms, they believed that the black man who possessed a black nirvana is at least a powerful strong man in the realm of the second emperor Zhunwu.

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