Destined Martial God

Chapter 1340: Into the city (four more)

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The Qianlong Fortress in the southern region is about 13,000 kilometers away from Shuangniu Mountain, and is located on a flat grassland.

Qianlong Fortress is different from the ordinary city on the Tianxuan continent. Not only do the walls in four directions exceed 100 meters in height, but there are no gates on all sides.

If you want to enter the castle, you can only leap through the 100-meter wall with your own strength.

As long as the warrior is successfully promoted to the martial arts realm, he can use the released power to perform martial arts on the ascending ladder and directly vacate hundreds of meters in place.

However, it is so easy for an ordinary warrior to cross the city wall as the Qianlong Fortress for the battle for the Qianlong list.

Every one meter from the 100-meter-high city wall, the pressure formed by Qianlong Qiyun will increase several times.

Therefore, if you want to make a successful leap over the 100-meter wall to enter the castle, you need not only the practice above Wu Zong's realm, but also your own strength far beyond that. This is also a test for the competitors in the Qianlong competition.

Looking up at the 100-meter-high city wall, even if the state of mind was already broken through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless power, Yu Haoran was still unavoidably excited.

In the past century, the Qianlong competition has been held for more than ten times. In the early days, it was limited by its own cultivation and strength, and in the later years, it was limited by the age. He only heard of Qianlongbao but never set foot.

There are both difficult delays in spiritual practice and reasons for low self-esteem.

However, this time he will not only set foot in the Qianlong Fortress in the Southern and Five Realms, but will also impact the champion of the Qianlong list, and then keep his name on the Qianlong list forever.

Taking a deep breath to dispel the feelings caused by feelings in the heart, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi, Wu Zhengjun and Lin Xuan, as well as dozens of royal elite children who were temporarily lifted from their bans after consultations and concessions. .

"Since we arrived at Qianlong Fort, the battle for the Qianlong list has officially started. Whether it is crossing the 100-meter wall in front of you or your performance in Qianlong Fort, it is all about whether you can enter the final final. . "

After ending the auction in Shuangniu Mountain and returning to the Mangma Mansion in Xianyang City, Emperor Qin brought nine royal princes of the royal family and thirteen county kings to personally visit and apologize, and then begged him to become the royal family of the Qin Kingdom this time to participate in Qianlong The leader of the battle, manages and cares for dozens of elite elite children.

Although he was unwilling to be involved in these troublesome affairs, Qin Emperor, with the cooperation of nine princes and thirteen county kings, spent less than two days to successfully calm down the monks, The riots of three great families, four hereditary princes, eight first-class families and dozens of powerful family.

Therefore, in the face of Emperor Qin, he could only agree to be the leader of the contestants, and promised to take care of them within his ability.

"So, from now on, you must give me ten times, or even a hundred times more energy, and you must not, because of your carelessness, end up planting in the details leading to the Qianlong list finals, thereby losing your chance to become famous. "

"Observe, Master Ma!" A total of forty-three royal elite children answered loudly.

"Let's go to the castle!" Seeing the forty-three elite children of the royal family who had learned profound lessons, they respected their attitude a lot. Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction, and then calmly instructed.

After being commanded by Yu Haoran, forty-three elite children of the royal family rushed to the 100-meter-high wall, and then used all their strength to start climbing the wall.

Although every hundred meters of the 100-meter city wall, the momentum pressure formed by Qianlong Qiyun will increase several times, but the 43 elite royal children participating in the competition are not only top talents with unique talents, but also repair The lowest one is also the peak of Wusheng Sanpin.

Therefore, they were able to cross the 100-meter wall smoothly and successfully entered the castle.

"Go!" After the last royal elite children successfully entered the castle, Yu Haoran signaled to Wu Zhengjun and Lin Xuan.

After nodding in response, Wu Zhengjun and Lin Xuan walked together under the city wall.

After mobilizing all the powers of Dantian and the spirit of understanding the sea, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and then stood up against the momentum formed by Qianlong's air force, and went straight to the 100-meter-high city wall.

After rushing straight to the 98 meters, the powerful momentum formed by Qianlong's air transport made Lin Xuan pause at the 99 meters.

Fortunately, with the help of a large number of top elixirs and the rich yellow spirit in the Mangma Mansion, Lin Xuan successfully broke through the mighty strength of Wusheng Realm, allowing him to finally break through the oppression of luck, and successfully leap over the 100-meter wall to enter the castle. in.

After seeing Lin Xuan's successful entry into the castle, Wu Zhengjun did not mobilize any vitality and soul power, but just stepped gently on the ground with his left foot, and the entire person rushed across the 100-meter wall like a cannonball.

"Without resorting to any elemental power and soul power, only with the physical strength of the body, you can directly break through the pressure of Qianlong's luck and form a terrifying oppression. This young man's strength cannot be underestimated, I am afraid that he has the impact on the Qianlong list. The strength of a hundred. "

Just after Wu Zhengjun easily crossed the 100-meter city wall, in the top floor of a loft in the center of Qianlong Castle, a white-haired old man in a white robe, about 70 years old, was full of praise in his eyes.

"Continue to observe for a period of time, if the nature and talents are appropriate, the black dragon emissary will come forward to invite him to join the Pure World Organization." The voice of praise from the white-haired old man has just fallen, and the same man sitting in a purple robe sitting on his knees cross-legged. The forty-year-old strongman commanded.

"The black dragon is ordered!" The old man in a black robe sitting side by side with the white-haired white-haired old man, nodded indifferently.

"Ling Fei, sister, let's go!" After Wu Zhengjun rushed into the castle easily, Yu Haoran smiled and told Qin Ling Fei and Yu Siqi.

Although Wu Zhengjun does not have the powerful physical body, but relying on the powerful strength far beyond his own cultivation, using less than 30% of his strength, Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi also easily crossed the 100-meter wall and entered the castle.

"A demon with a mysterious soul fire, and a top demon with a legendary special physique both a blue moon flame and a fire, these two baby girls may have the power to hit the top 50." After Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi entered the castle with ease, a white-haired old lady in a red robe and about 70 years old in the attic couldn't help but praise.

"Also continue to observe for a period of time. If the heart and talent are appropriate, the Red Dragon Messenger will come forward to invite to join the World Clean Organization." The old lady commanded.

"The red dragon is ordered." The old man in the red robe asked with a smile on his face.

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