Destined Martial God

Chapter 1343: Guarding the No. 9 Beacon (one more)

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Qianlong Fort, in front of the No. 9 Courtyard!


After inspiring the special constitution of bloodthirsty secretly, Wu Zhengjun continued to count down aloud while welcoming the rushing youth.

The young Wu Pin Jiu Pin youth from the Hong family is also a strong person who focuses on physical training.

In the frontal slaying with Wu Zhengjun, he did not use his or her own destiny, nor did he mobilize the slightest amount of elemental power, soul power, and law power, but relied on his strong physical body to choose a close-kill close-up kill.

And this close-killed close-up kill is exactly Wu Zhengjun's favorite fighting method, so he also chooses to fight with his shirtless opponent.

It is a pity that although the other party is focused on the physical training, it is limited by the influence of its own cultivation and exercises. The physical grade is only a little stronger than cultivation, and it barely reaches the strength of the martial arts realm.

However, Wu Zhengjun successfully broke through the realm of Wu Zun three days ago with the help of the complete version of Dafa Devourer, the rich blackness of Huangma Fu, and the special constitution of bloodthirsty, and his physical strength far surpassed the opponent.

At the same time, considering that the other party has just been given three seconds to prepare to leave, and has started to count down to two.

Therefore, Wu Zhengjun chose to end the fighting quickly when he felt that the fighting method was hard to ignite the blood boiling in his body.

"Click ...!"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones, the youth of Hongjiawu Sheng Jiupin Peak was directly blown into the air by heavy punches while his limbs were broken by Wu Zhengjun, and then fell like a kite in the courtyard.


The painful howling and fierce fighting have long shocked all the elite children of the Hong family in the courtyard. When they all left the room and appeared in the courtyard, they just saw the companions falling in the courtyard.

The strongest children of the Hong family, after seeing two companions with broken limbs, whispered in a frosty face, looked up and questioned Wu Zhengjun.

"Friend, it's too much!"


Ignoring the other party's question, Wu Zhengjun shouted the last number of the countdown and rushed directly into the courtyard to begin fulfilling the threat he initially gave to the other party.

"After occupying the No. 9 other hospital, the shooters have the qualifications to live, and the cold onlookers leave on their own." Seeing Wu Zhengjun rushing into the courtyard, he faced all the elite children of the Hong family alone, but Lin Xuan and 43 royal elite children did nothing. Unwilling to help, Yu Haoran's face suddenly became gloomy and threatened.


After annoyed fanning himself, Lin Xuan yelled and rushed directly into the courtyard.


Forty-three elite children of the royal family did not dare to rush into the courtyard immediately, and then there was a strong fighting sound in the courtyard.

"Let's go!"

There are only 13 children of the Hong family who occupy the No. 9 courtyard. The strongest Hong family children are barely on par with Wu Zhengjun.

Although the remaining ten people had the same strength and strength, they were quickly defeated in the face of siege by Lin Xuan and 43 royal elite children, and were thrown into the courtyard after breaking their limbs.

After seeing the strongest children of the Hong family being shot off limbs by Wu Zhengjun, Yu Haoran signaled to Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi.

Mass attacks are the easiest way to stir up blood and promote emotions!

Originally because Wu Zhengjun was too cold and arrogant, he deliberately maintained a certain distance from the royal elite children. At this moment, his attitude towards him is obviously much warmer.

A brother-in-law from Guoguo Wangfu passed the storage ring just received to Wu Zhengjun.

Although Wu Zhengjun's face remained indifferent, the cold and arrogant atmosphere weakened a lot, and he thanked politely when he refused to accept the storage ring.

Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi first went to pick the room they liked, and Yu Haoran looked at the people who were quieting down, reminding him solemnly.

"The children of the Hong family who were defeated by you just now are just the side branches of the Hong family of the Central Region scattered in the Southern Region. Although they have received the teachings of this family, they have obviously not received the key cultivation."

"The reason they can occupy the No. 9 courtyard is entirely due to their early entry into Qianlong Fortress, without encountering real challenges, so it is not a triumph to defeat them easily."

Seeing that everyone was gradually getting proud, Yu Haoran nodded and continued to remind.

"As the time for the preliminary round of the Qianlong list battle is getting closer, the number of talented geniuses entering Qianlong Fortress will increase, and the challenges you will encounter next will be more difficult."

"So, I hope you can work closely together to meet the difficult challenges, not only to keep the other house on the 9th, but also to continue to improve your practice and strength."

"Dear Master Ma's teaching!"

After hearing Hao Ran's instructions, forty-three elite children of the royal family hurried to respectfully thank.

"Go pick your room right away and hurry up and practice. The real challenge will come soon."

After waving his hand, Yu Haoran stepped towards Qin Lingfei to choose a good room, then bent his knees to sit on the bed, and began to think carefully about the information of the previous Qianlong list battle, and then selected the matters needing attention, telling and guiding Qin Lingfei To cope with the preliminary and rematch of the competition.


Less than an hour after occupying the No. 9 courtyard, Yu Haoran, who was directing Qin Lingfei's attention, heard the roar of fighting in the courtyard.

In this regard, not only did he not come forward to help him, but instead reminded Qin Lingfei not to distract himself and concentrate on listening to his own guidance.

The roar of fighting lasted for less than two minutes and then completely calmed down, which represented that Wu Zhengjun and others successfully held the No. 9 other courtyard.

However, the calm situation lasted for less than five minutes and was broken by overbearing applause and fierce fighting. Yu Haoran also chose to ignore Qin Lingfei and continued to guide Qin Lingfei.

In the next six hours, No. 9 Beijing will be challenged almost every five or six minutes.

Fortunately, with the powerful strength of Wu Zhengjun, and the full cooperation of Lin Xuan and the 43 elite children of the royal family, he successfully resisted every challenge in the other hospital.

However, when Haoran ended his guidance for Qin Lingfei and was immersed in the ancient ancestral witch fist martial arts skills, the panic shouts of the royal elite children suddenly heard in his ears, and his face changed.

Powerful divine thoughts quickly swept through the courtyard, while a young man in a black clothes, while repulsing Wu Zhengjun, continued to bully himself and directly wounded him.


With an unpleasant cold hum, Yu Haoran used the ancestral witch's secret method to cross the void, directly tearing the void in front of him, and instantly appeared in front of Wu Zhengjun.

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