Destined Martial God

Chapter 1354: Ranking of the people (six more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the central square!

Qin Minghao's unexpectedly stunning performance only slightly surprised Yu Haoran.

After all, he has no deep friendship with Qin Minghao, and there will not be much intersection in the future. Qin Minghao's achievements have nothing to do with him.

Then his gaze began to move quickly, continuing to look for a familiar name.

One hundred and twenty-three!

In the end, he saw Qin Lingfei's name in the 123rd position on the list.

Considering the difficulty of the three stages of the preliminary test, especially the independent and empty evaluation of the wood and water attributes of the five elements, it is exactly to suppress some of Qin Lingfei's own weaknesses, so he is quite satisfied with the ranking of 123 .


His eyes only moved once, and Yu Haoran was attracted by the 124th-ranked name.

Sword without trace!

After seeing that Hengduan Mountain had a farewell, she stunned the silent sword Sword Master Wu Jian. After being surprised, Yu Haoran was surprised.

In fact, after knowing that Jian Wuhen is behind his daughter, combined with the previous life's understanding of the genius of the evil spirits of his peers in Tianxuan Continent, he already knows Jian Wuhen's future achievements.

Therefore, when participating in the battle for the Qianlong list, he knew that he might encounter the sword without trace.

And the fact is as he guessed.

Forcibly suppressing the urge to see the sword without traces, Yu Haoran continued to look for familiar names on the list, and eventually found her sister Yu Siqi's name in the position of 149.

Although her sister possessed a top-level special physique that Tallin hadn't yet revealed, her own gift of green moon flames, and hard work during this time, after all, she delayed her practice for two years.

Moreover, Bingxue Palace is not a very reasonable training method, and it also affects her cultivation and rapid improvement of strength.

Therefore, the ranking of 149 is within a reasonable range.

Although Wu Zhengjun, Qin Tianyi, Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin and Yu Siqi have been found, Yu Haoran's sight has not left the list immediately.

Because there are two more names that he really cares about have not been found.

found it!

When he looked away and searched for one-fifth of the list, he finally found one of the names he was interested in at the position of 479th.

Jiang Jingya!

Like her sister, Jiang Jingya was very ordinary in her talents and looks before she signed the contract of coexistence of life and death with the wind-tailed fox that contained the blood of the nine-tailed fox in the blue moon.

Although later she had the transformation of the covenant of wind-tailed fox and life and death, as well as the gifted mentality that gave her the talent and potential not to lose to the peerless genius, but the lack of practice time and the weakness in her personality made her cultivate The speed of improvement and strength is not very fast.

Therefore, she just broke through the realm of Wu Huang when she met at the wedding, and did not have the strength to participate in the Qianlong competition.

However, unlike her sister, although Jiang Jingya's own cultivation and strength are not outstanding, her beast pet wind foxtail has very powerful strength.

Therefore, don't look at her current ranking of only 479. In the finals that decided to rank, with the help of Fengwei Hu, she is likely to break into the top 100 directly and get to participate in the five-domain Qianlong. Scramble for quota.

Seeing Jiang Jingya, who had left the wedding scene because she was angry, took part in the battle for Qianlong in the Southern Region on time, Yu Haoran's heart that had been hanging was finally let go, and then he continued to look for the last name he cared about.

However, when he saw the thousandth name on the list, and still did not find the familiar name, he frowned.

Lin Mengyao!

The last person he cared about was the same classmate Lin Mengyao who had the blood of the phoenix and the beast, who had not even hesitated to break with Shimen and went to the Hengduan Mountains to help.

Regardless of talent and understanding, or inherited bloodline and unwilling character, Lin Mengyao's achievements now not only far surpass Jiang Jingya, but even Jian Wuhen and Qin Lingfei are far inferior.

With the cultivation and strength she showed in the Hengduan Mountains at the beginning, and her secret method of transforming into a blood phoenix, she shouldn't even reach the top 1,000 in the list.

What's more, she who inspired the blood of her inheritance will definitely get the focus of her family's cultivation, and her cultivation and strength should advance by leaps and bounds.

It is really impossible to figure out the reason for this, and Yu Haoran can only resort to knowing the towering spirit in the sea.

"Yu Haoran, have you considered Lin Mengyao's mother, most likely not from the Southern Region."

After hearing Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling thought about it for a moment, then stated a reason why Lin Mengyao did not appear on the list.

Thinking back to the previous life's understanding of Lin Mengyao, Yu Haoran feels that the reason given by Ta Ling is most likely the real reason she did not appear on the list.

Since the last person concerned did not participate in the battle for the Qianlong Ranking in the Southern Region, and at the same time, the players who passed the last level assessment began to appear on the central square. When Yu Haoran planned to retract his attention to the list, he unexpectedly saw a familiar name.

Blue heart!

Thinking of meeting Lan Lan in Weishan City a year ago, she was just a cultivation practice in the Wuwang realm, and she was simply not qualified and able to participate in the battle for Qianlong.

So when she saw her name not only appearing on the list, but also in the 108th place, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Thinking of the love that Lan Xin showed when he was separated, and the reality that he had already settled down, Yu Haoran decided that he had better not meet Lan Xin as much as possible, so as not to cause Qin Lingfei's misunderstanding.


Just when Haoran retracted his attention to the list, Wu Zhengjun's voice came to his ears.

"Zhengjun, yes!" He patted Wu Zhengjun's shoulder, Yu Haoran smiled and praised.

"Brother, in fact, when I was training at the border barracks, I accidentally obtained ...!"

Seeing that in addition to sincerely happy for himself, Yu Haoran did not question the real reason for his forty-ninth place ranking, and the self-blame that emerged from his heart made Wu Zhengjun finally decide to reveal a secret that had been hidden for a long time.

"Jingjun, everyone has secrets that they can't, or don't want to reveal, including many secrets that I can't tell you."

Interrupting Wu Zhengjun's narrative directly, Yu Haoran smiled and relieved.

"So what! Don't tell me about your adventures."

"Brother, you don't need to continue comforting. In fact, the adventure I encountered is not a secret, but just a bit shy!"

Yu Haoran's sympathetic consolation made Wu Zhengjun feel more blame, and at the same time quickly said the adventures he encountered.

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