Destined Martial God

Chapter 1358: Shocking the big tree, ridiculous (4 more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the 8th platform!

Yu Haoran's arrogant behavior seemed normal to the audience in the surrounding stands.

After all, there are players who really threaten him on the 8th ring. Only Sun Mingze, who is 39th in the list, Li Wenyuan, 73rd, Feng Yuhai, 87th, and 100th. Zero two Shi Yiyu four.

According to the rules of the first round of the rematch, only ten people need to stay on the ring at the end of the match, and they can directly participate in the second round of the rematch.

Well, the five people, such as Yu Haoran, who obviously have the absolute advantage, can choose to sit by and watch the final match, and then easily win.

But for the contestants on the ring, Yu Haoran's arrogant and rude behavior has aroused their inner dissatisfaction.

However, with regard to the ranking of the eighth place in the Hao Ran list and the popularity of the famous Zhentian Xuan continent, no matter how dissatisfied, no one dared to stand up and scold, and no one dared to provoke.

After all the contestants had reached the ring, the list above the square suddenly shot a hundred milky white energy.

The milky white energy fell on different platforms, and the milky white energy immediately shrouded the entire platform, forming a defensive shield that could shield the power and the penetration of divine thoughts.

Because there are many top and peerless powerhouses in the stands around, there is a blood relationship and family relationship with the competitors in the ring.

If there is no defensive cover that can block the penetration of power and spiritual thought, then no one can guarantee whether someone will secretly help their loved ones and juniors.

Helpless to withdraw the thoughts of paying attention to Qin Lingfei and others, Yu Haoran retained only a thought of monitoring the opponents in the ring, and then continued to be immersed in the ancestral witch martial arts.

Just after a hundred milky white energy formed a defensive cover, a majestic voice suddenly came from the list above the square.

"Game start!"

Players who have previously known about the competition in the Qianlong list before, are not surprised at all by the sounds coming out of the list, and they begin to use martial arts to attack long-selected opponents.

Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded in the central square.

Different from other fierce battles, the atmosphere above the eighth battlefield seems a little weird.

Perhaps because of Hao Ran's leading role in demonstration, Sun Mingze, Li Wenyuan, Feng Yuhai and Shi Yunyu, who ranked in the top 100, also retreated to the corners of the ring, with a posture of standing on the sidelines.

"The ranking on the list does not represent true strength."

Yu Haoran's arrogant and rude behavior has aroused the anger of many players at the scene, and the actions of Sun Mingze's four were equivalent to adding fuel to the fire.

A top genius who cultivated to reach the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, finally couldn't stand the stigma of being despised, and took the initiative to stand up to the fire.

"So, why don't you join forces to get these five arrogant guys off the ring, and then compete for ten places to qualify based on your strength?"

In fact, the hearts of more than 200 players at the scene were already provoked by Yu Haoran's arrogant behavior, just because the inner fear did not erupt.

Nowadays, after seeing someone actively stand up and join forces, except for a dozen or so players who are more complex in mind and who choose to be quiet and ordinary, they all respond positively.

Opening his eyes slowly, his indifferent eyes looked at the players who were angry, and Yu Haoran closed his eyes again.

However, an empty white stick suddenly appeared in the left hand, which was empty.

"You led forty people to besiege Sun Mingze."

Yu Haoran's move to take out the top-notch art instruments did not wipe out the anger that had already been ignited. The young strong men who had just taken the initiative to start arranging candidates to besiege the five of Haoran.

"You led forty people to besiege Li Wenyuan."

"You led forty people to siege Feng Yuhai!"

"You led forty people to besiege Shi Yunyu!"

After arranging a siege of the four members of Sun Mingze, the young strong found that there were nearly 70 people willing to participate in the siege, and immediately excitedly pointed at Yu Haoran and commanded loudly.

"The rest of the players followed me to besiege Hao Ran!"


Just as the voice of the young strong commanded just dropped, the two hundred players who were in a state of excitement immediately burst into drink.

The combined drinking was deafening and immediately attracted the attention of countless spectators.

"It's ridiculous to shake the big tree!" Watching the number of players who united and besieged Hao Ran reached more than 70, the Emperor Qin at the top of the south side of the stand, a scornful look appeared in the eyes.

Before repairing the state of Wu Zun's peerless power, Emperor Qin's perception of power was relatively shallow. I believe that there are many people with great power, and everyone has a firewood with high flames.

But when he really broke through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless power, he knew how ridiculous his previous cognition was.

Because in front of absolute strength, the number advantage is actually very small and sad!

Regarding the scornful irony of Emperor Qin, Meng Zhengkai, who is only two emperor Zhunwu Zun, disagreed, but he did not object to Qin Emperor's evaluation, only looked at Yu Haoran with a little worry.

Opening his eyes again, he watched more than 70 people approaching slowly, and Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a sneer of sneer.

Among the more than two hundred players on the No. 8 ring, only Sun Mingze was the only opponent who could challenge him, and none of them was his opponent, including the young Wu Pin Jiu Pin who joined the crowd. Strong.

It directly stimulated the physical power of Zuzu, and the white stick clenched in his hand took the lead to attack with a stick sweeping method.


Although the opponents responded quickly and made defenses in time, they faced the horrible sweeping force formed by the ancestral witch's physical blessing and the superior stick method.

The six players below Wusheng Realm were directly off the ring with their broken arms and legs.

Nineteen players in the early and middle period of Wu Sheng flew directly from the blood spot, and then fell heavily on the ring.

The thirty-eight players in the Wusheng high period were pale for an instant, and the sweeping force caused them to suffer certain internal injuries.

The only seven players with the pinnacle of Wu Sheng and Jiu Pin were successful in resisting the power of the stick method that swept through thousands of armies.

But their faces were quite solemn at this moment.

Because Yu Haoran's stick martial arts technique just performed did not use the slightest amount of elemental power and soul power, and only used physical power.

Moreover, judging from the randomness of the high-end club he just waved, I am afraid that only part of his physical strength is used.

The results of it!

A glance at the six men who broke their arms and slapped their legs and fell to the ring, and dozens of people crying in pain on the ring, the strongest young strong man suddenly felt regret.

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