Destined Martial God

Chapter 1361: Wheel battle (one more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the central square!

Looking up at the renewed list above the square, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a glance of expectation.

In the future, he hopes that the second game of the rematch, Qin Lingfei and others should not encounter too strong opponents, nor do they have the same situation in the same room. It is best to successfully enter the final final, and then get the blessing of Qianlong .

Secondly, he hopes that the list will give different treatment to Wu Zhengjun's performance on the stage.

After all, only one player left on the eighty-second ring where Wu Zhengjun was. Even if he directly advanced to the finals, it was reasonable to enjoy Qianlong's blessing in advance.

With the change of the list above the square gradually calming down, Yu Haoran first showed a look of surprise in his eyes, and then couldn't help sighing.

In the second round of the rematch, the player grouping results, as he expected, Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi, Jian Wujin, Jiang Jingya and Wu Zhengjun were all placed on different platforms.

But the hope of not encountering too strong opponents, and Wu Zhengjun's direct promotion to the finals, was eventually dashed.

"Horse, be careful!" Qin Lingfei said with concern before seeing the results of her grouping on the 23rd platform.

"Xiao Ran, don't be careless!" Yu Siqi, who went to the 35th ring competition, reminded before leaving.

"Brother Yu, come on!" The sword heading to the fifteenth ring is invisible, smiling and encouraging.

"The surname Yu, don't let me down!" Jiang Jingya, who was forcibly brought to the side of Yu Haoran by Jian Wuzhen, was still soft-hearted, but still demanded hard.

"Brother Yu, I'll go first!" Farewell, Wu Zhengjun turned and went straight to the 69th platform.

After greeting everyone one by one, Yu Haoran waved his sleeves and re-embarked on the 8th platform.

That's right, he was still placed in the No. 8 ring in the second round of qualifying.

Looking at the nine opponents on the 8th ring, Yu Haoran began to look for the first suitable shot.

The second qualifying round of the rematch is actually a melee mode, and you can choose your opponents who are suitable for attack.

But the difference from the first game is that the melee of the qualifying match must be played one-on-one, and after the match, no matter whether the opponent loses or wins, whether it is life or death, cannot continue to challenge.

Zhao Zixin, the peak of Wu Sheng Jiupin, is the Zhao family from Jixiang City in the Southern Region. He is ranked 269th in the list and is the only one of the nine players who has had a personal grudge against him in previous lives.

After selecting the first opponent, Yu Haoran stared directly at Zhao Zixin, and then waited for the list to announce the start of the game.

"Game start!"

The waiting time was not very long. When Zhao Zixin was stared at by Yu Haoran, his voice started to play in the list above the square.

The sound of the start of the game just dropped. Yu Haoran, who used the law of perfection, appeared in front of Zhao Zixin. The ancestral body of the ancestral witch matched the ancestral boxing tradition of the ancestral witch, and he directly blasted the opponent into the air in a mountain-breaking style.

Zhao Zixin, who was blasted into the air, was like a kite with a broken line, while spitting blood, he fell heavily on a hard platform.

The serious injuries caused by boxing and the impact caused by falling down the ring made Zhao Zijin faint.

At this time, the eight players on the ring are still observing and selecting each other.

The strongest in the pinnacle of martial arts and the top of the ranks, Zhao Zixin, ranked 269th in the list, did not even have the opportunity and strength to resist, and was directly wounded by Yu Haoran, which caused another eight players to be seriously injured. Endless panic emerged in my heart.

Because when they were selecting their opponents just now, they had already analyzed the strength of Zhao Zixin in detail. Although five of them were confident in defeating each other, they needed to play a few moves before they could do enough.

The strength of the other three players is at most equal to that of Zhao Zixin. Whether they win or lose is only known after a real test.

"Hurry up!" After easily defeating Zhao Zixin, Yu Haoran turned his head and glanced at the eight players on the ring, and found that they were all stunned there, and immediately impatiently urged.

After all, he also wants to finish the game as soon as possible, and then pay attention to the game of Qin Lingfei and others.

After hearing Yu Haoran's urging, the eight players who returned to God looked at each other, and found a look of hesitation in their eyes.

In the second qualifying round of the rematch, there was only one qualifying spot for each platform. With the horror power that Hao Ran just showed, even Zhong Tianle, who ranked highest on the list, did not have the slightest confidence to win.

In that case, what's the point of everyone continuing to fight!

However, as carefully inherited children of their respective families, in the future they will have the opportunity to take control of one side of the arrogance. It is not their style to lose before fighting.

Therefore, after using the eyes and the mind to communicate quickly, the eight players made a decision that was easy to be laughed at, although it did not violate the rules of the game, and that was to use wheel warfare to deal with Haoran.

If it is still impossible to defeat Yu Haoran by means of wheel warfare, then their subsequent confession and defeat will not only be reasonable, but they will not be subject to ridicule and contempt by the clan afterwards.

If Yu Haoran is defeated by means of wheel battles, then they are fighting for the only promotion position through the way of fighting with each other.

"Zheng Shengjie, the top performer of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, entered the ranks of Zhun Wu Zun for the first time, ranking 241st."

Now that the decision has been made, the eight elite players aren't the ones who are dragging their feet. One player who has the same strength as Zhao Zixin has stood out.

Although he didn't notice the eye contact that everyone just made, Yu Haoran was able to guess the opponent's intentions by giving up the fight with each other.

In this regard, not only was he not angry, but he was very glad that the other party was able to make such a quick decision to end the game.

At the same time, many spectators who focused on the Haoran competition saw a shocked look on their faces after seeing the decision of the eight players on the ring.

Both shocked by the shameful approach of the eight players, but also shocked by Hao Ran's strength.

"Holy God, although the strength of Master Ma is very powerful, the strength of the eight opponents who have the realm of quasi-military status is not weak."

Looking at Zheng Shengjie who took the initiative, Meng Zhengkai reminded with worry.

"See if you can discuss with the seven adults at Qianlongbao and let them take care of it."

"A group of jumping beam clowns will neither cause any trouble to the horses, nor need to alarm the seven adults." Shaking his head and refusing, Qin said scornfully.


In this regard, Meng Zhengkai could only sigh slightly, and then looked at Yu Haoran on the eighth ring with full of worry.

Author Yan Yunyu said: The class started today, but the web server in the unit was broken years ago, and I don't know when it can be repaired. Therefore, I can only code at work today, and the update must be postponed to night.

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