Destined Martial God

Chapter 1398: Blood evil swallowing the python to the **** beast unicorn (two more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

"You're welcome!"

After responding to Jiang Jingya's thanks with a smile, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Qin Tianyi, who had been standing on the edge of the ring. He was about to continue to perform the inheritance boxing techniques of the twelve ancestors and completely defeated and killed the opponent.

"Yu Haoran, after beheading the eight-tailed green fox with the help of others, do you think you have a chance to win, or do you think that my life and death are all in your thoughts?"


Qin Tianyi's confident appearance immediately aroused Yu Haoran's interest. He temporarily stopped casting the physical power of the ancestor and witch who mobilized the boxing and asked with a smile.

"So I don't know how else can you turn the cards?"

"The world says that you Hao Ran have cards and means that can never be seen through, so let's compare them today to see who has the most cards and means."

While responding to Yu Haoran's interrogation, Qin Tianyi took out a Dan bottle made by Xuan Bing, opened the Dan bottle without any hesitation, and then poured out a drop of blood that exuded thick evil spirits.

"This is the essence of the blood evil swallowing the python!" Shouted suddenly after seeing the essence of the blood poured out by Qin Tianyi.

"Talin, isn't it the blood-sharp python that contains the blood of the ancient **** beast dragon and the unicorn blood."

After hearing Ling Ling pointed out the origin of the essence and blood in Qin Tianyi's hands, a powerful strange beast like a non-python, a dragon but a dragon, and a qifeilin appeared in Hao Ran's mind.

"That's right, it's the blood-sharp python that contains the blood of these two ancient gods."

While nodding to confirm, Ta Ling said with joy.

"Yu Haoran, originally I was still worried that even if you rely on the huge Qianlong luck, you will not be able to smoothly control the dual laws of life and death."

"After all, as the top ten rules of life and death among thousands of rules, not only is it difficult to perceive success, but it is more difficult to control and improve the level of integration."

"Now, with the blood and blood of swallowing pythons, you can not only easily control the dual laws of life and death, but also enhance the level of control laws, which will help you to become a more powerful person when you break through Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse. realm."

Although I would like to know why the essence of Xuesha swallowing the python can help control the dual life and death laws, but as Qin Tianyi directly swallowed the blood and swallowing python of the blood and swallowing the python, and used the secret method of the transformation of the previously famous alien beast Later, Yu Haoran could only temporarily suppress his inner doubt, and also took out a drop of blood exuding a touch of divine power.

"Hmm ...!"

With a deafening roar, Qin Tianyi, who swallowed the blood and swallowed the blood of the python, quickly turned into a huge monster with a dragon and snake head and a kilometer in length, giving an ugly and fierce feeling.

"This is one of the ten fierce beasts in the Middle Ages. The blood sacrifice the sky python." A white hair from the east stand was seen when the dragon body was hovering on the ring, and the huge snake head was spitting a ugly strange beast with a long tongue. The old man shouted in a sudden voice.

The ten beasts that were rampant in the Middle Ages, although far from being comparable to the ten beasts in the ancient times, the strength of each beast reached the pinnacle of Divine Realm.

Although Qin Tianyi just swallowed only one grade of blood that only had the peak of the second state, swallowed the blood of the python, but with the help of the alien beast, the secret method can retain all its strength, and the beast is far stronger than the alien beast and human warrior. His strength has also allowed him to reach the peak of the top Wuzun Sipin after his transformation.

The repair of the top Wuzun Sipin peak is almost equivalent to the strength of the ordinary Wuzun Bapin peak.

Therefore, after seeing the blood sacrifice on the ring, some contestants on the central square couldn't help laughing.

No matter how horrible Qin Tianyi's strength turned into a blood sacrifice, for the players behind the list, it is nothing more than to enter the platform and openly admit defeat.

But for the top players in the list, especially for the top ten players, the inner depression can be imagined.

The final ranking of the Qianlong competition is related to how much each contestant gets.

The higher the ranking on the final list, the more blessings will be obtained from Qianlong Air Transport, and the greater the benefits of using Qianlong Air Transport in the end.

In addition, compared to the Qianlong luck obtained by the players behind the list, not only the difference in quantity, but also the quality. It ’s so different.

With Gu Sheng, who was transformed from the blood of his ancestors, Wu Zhengjun, who was promoted by the blood phasing device, has gained strength. He has been able to form a horrible sword without any marks. Single top four.

Nowadays, there is another Qin Tianyi who can use the essence and blood of another beast to transform into a fierce beast, which not only can lock the top four in the list, but also possesses the terrifying power that hits the top three.

This makes the players who originally had the top three in the impact, how can they not feel depressed and helpless.

Fortunately, Yu Haoran and Qin Tianyi and Gu Sheng have endless hatreds. In the final confrontation, one of the parties will fall, which only slightly relieves their inner depression.

The contestants on the central square are worried about their final rankings, and the audience on the stands around the square is worried whether Yu Haoran will be able to respond to Qin Tianyi, who has transformed into a **** mane.

After all, when Yu Haoran agreed to the trade of the middle-aged strong in purple clothes, he specifically mentioned that after the final finals, he would impact the realm of Dan Emperor Dan Dao in Qianlong Fort.

Apart from wanting to witness the birth of Emperor Dandi at the scene, they also wanted to take the opportunity to ask Yu Haoran to help refining some of the most urgently needed elixir, so I didn't want to see him in any accident.

When the eyes of countless strong men in the stands around turned to Hao Ran, he just swallowed up Yu Haoran exuding a faint divine blood, and successfully completed the transformation of the blood of the other beast.

"Hmm ...!"

Also accompanied by a roar that roared through the clouds, Yu Haoran standing on the platform turned into a beast with a height of 100 meters and a handsome appearance.

"This is the ancient beast unicorn symbolizing good luck!"

The white-haired old man who pointed out that Qin Tianyi had just turned into a blood-shaven mane just now pointed out with emotion again that after Hao Ran turned, the appearance of a beautiful beast came.


At the scene, everyone was shocked by the fact that the white-haired old man pointed out that Yu Haoran had transformed into a strange beast. The middle-aged strong man in purple clothes suddenly stood up, shaking his head in shock and denying.

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