Destined Martial God

Chapter 1405: Successfully promoted to tenth place (three more)

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Qianlong list, on the central square!

Facing the demands of the middle-aged strong in purple clothes, a little hesitation flashed in the eyes of the colorful dragon.

However, when it thought that Su Wanru was relying on the ability of the copper mirror instrument to shuttle the space, and easily avoided her first attack, she thought that if it was not Yu Haoran's prompt reminder, Su Wanru could bring Su with the copper mirror instrument. When Lei Yi escaped from Qianlongbao, the hesitation in her eyes was immediately replaced by firmness.

Several colorful thunderbolts as thick as arms are successively bombarded on the bronze mirror instrument. The final decision of Qianlong Qiyun is to destroy it directly, to avoid someone challenging the majesty of the bronze mirror instrument, which will affect the future competition of Qianlong. War game.

Although the bronze mirror instrument is made by cloud neutrons imitating the congenital Arcana Void, the materials used in the refining instrument and the matrix method described in the instrument are far from being able to compare with the congenital Arcana Void. The bronze mirror of the shuttle space was destroyed by colorful lightning.

Looking at the colorful dragon heads reintegrated into the list, watching the bronze mirror instrument turned into nothingness by colorful lightning on the ring, Yu Haoran finally sighed reluctantly, and then landed in front of Qin Tianyi's standing body.

Looking at Qin Tianyi, who had completely lost his breath of life, thinking of his past grievances, Yu Haoran shook his head and sighed, and then took off the storage ring on his finger to find the Dan bottle that stored the blood and swallowed the python blood. Finally, Qin Tianyi's corpse was connected to Qin Emperor using Yuanli's package.

After Qin Tianyi's body was sent to the south stand, the game was interrupted for more than ten minutes and returned to normal.

"I surrender!"

After using the blood of a strange animal to transform into a beast, the unicorn has the strength of the top Wu Zun and the five pinnacles. This alone cannot resist it.

Therefore, the fifteenth player who was forcibly brought to the ring did not wait for Hao Ran to open up to give a threat, and then directly gave up.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

Immediately afterwards, the three players ranked 14th, 13th and 12th on the list, also made the position that they would directly confess their assent on the platform.

"Brother Yu, can you just discuss and not hurt your life?" The 11th player who was unwilling to speak directly and conceded was quite polite.

"Either concede or die!"

In response, Yu Haoran's reply was still holding up the white stick just taken out, and calmly gave the threatening choice.

"I confess to losing!" Faced with threats to Hao Ran, the 11th player on the list finally admitted to the list.

However, when flying off the ring, the 11th player on the list glanced at Hao Ran with resentment.

"Zheng Zhongning has met older brothers!" Zheng Zhongning, who was forcibly brought to the ring, did not immediately choose to concede, but greeted with a smile on his face.

"Yu Haoran has met Brother Zheng!"

After Yu Haoran bowed back in the same manner, he immediately raised the white stick in his hand and calmly gave the other party the same choice.

"Either concede or die!"

"Brother Yu, although you are very strong, Zhongning still wants to learn from you." Faced with Hao Ran's choice of threats, Zheng Zhongning neither gave up or gave up, and still had a smile on his face. Said.


Zheng Zhongning didn't directly decide to admit defeat, and it was not beyond Hao Ran's surprise.

Because the top ten players in the list, whether it is cultivation and strength, or arrogance and means, as well as possessed magical skills and martial arts, are far from those of other players on the list.

Therefore, he had already secretly stimulated the physical strength of the ancestors and witches, and mobilized the elemental and soul powers, and he was the first to attack as soon as Zheng Zhongning wanted to learn.

Whether it is cultivation and strength, or fame and status, Yu Haoran must far exceed himself.

Therefore, Zheng Zhongning did not expect that the opponent would be prepared to attack in advance. Although this allowed him to take out the top-level weapon in time, it was too late to mobilize all his strength for counterattack and defense, which led to a complete defeat after the first fight At the same time, it is in danger.

After a set of stick attacks by Pear Blossom Rain, Yu Haoran relied on his powerful flesh, neither pulling back nor stopping the respite of the attack. The second move inherited from the Monkey Emperor turned the river stick method seven times in succession.

When Zheng Zhongning was desperately in a state of defense, when there was a flaw in depression and anger, a trick that matched the power of the ancestor and witch's blood to hit the ground directly punched Zheng Zhongning's heart.

Then, taking advantage of the opportunity of Zheng Zhongning to be hit hard, a trick that turned over the river directly broke his head.

Looking at Yu Haoran, who was killing Zheng Zhongning like a storm, the ninth ranked Miao Zehai and the eighth ranked Zhang Tianji couldn't help but change their faces.

Because their strength is similar to that of Zheng Zhongning, they need to fight at least hundreds of moves, not to mention the rapid and direct bombardment of the opponent.

What's more, Yu Haoran just did not use all his strength just now.

A glance at each other showed a hint of hesitation in the eyes of Miao Zehai and Zhang Tianji.

Tenth place!

After killing Zheng Zhongning, who ranked 10th in the list, Yu Haoran successfully ranked in the top 10 in the finals.

Carefully feel the process of just finishing the engulfing. The colorful dragon reaching 187 meters has a change of self-cultivation and strength, physical body and perception, and a smile on her face suddenly exudes joy.

With Qianlong Qiyun's assistance to himself now, when Xiu breaks through the realm of Wu Zun, not only will he become the top Wu Zun peerless powerhouse, but the realm can also be promoted directly to the early stage of Wu Zun II.

After opening his eyes, Yu Haoran's gaze went directly to the ring. Miao Zehai, who ranked ninth on the list, was replaced by the coldness of his face.

Because he also clearly remembers that when the middle-aged strong in purple clothes forcibly awakened them from the beauty of Su Wanru, the other players were obediently landing, only Miao Zehai and Xia Xia, who ranked fourth in the list. Gu Fengze cast a hateful look on him.

In order to clear the obstacles for the players such as Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen, he will not easily let the players on the top of the list.

What's more, it is an opponent who expresses resentment towards himself.

"Fist Town!"

Therefore, just before Miao Zehai was forcibly brought to the ring, and before he greeted him, Yu Haoran, who had already brought the exquisite gloves in advance, cooperated with the inspired blood of the ancestral witches and the law of quickness to perform the ancient twelve ancestors The boxing techniques of memory inheritance suddenly launched an attack.

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