Destined Martial God

Chapter 1424: For Dan Dao luck (second more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

With the rapid rotation of the eight-potamus medicine in the mid-air to absorb more and more Dan Dao Dan's breath, not only returned to the size of the original longan, but also re-graded to second-order first-grade.

The change of eight second-order Yipin medicines floating in mid-air not only shocked Gan Yunzhen and Sun Sichao, but also re-ignited hope for the top disappointed Wu Zun peers who were very disappointed.

However, Yu Haoran, who refined the second-order and first-grade product of Emperor Yuan Yudan, not only did not have a happy smile on his face at this moment, but he looked dignified and hesitant in his eyes.

Because when the beast green cow brought Laozi's virtual shadow into his knowledge of the sea, seven kinds of top elixir danfang suddenly appeared in his mind. One of the elixir danfang refers to how to use eight second-order elixir. The first-grade Emperor Yuan Dan was refined and merged again, and then the true second-order one-emperor Emperor Yuan Dan was refined.

Dan Fang, a second-order, first-ranking emperor Yuan Dan, was obtained from a relic left over from ancient times by his predecessor. Lao Zi Li Er was a powerful Dan Dao in the early Middle Ages, and there was a countless number of years between them.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lao Tzu to know the existence and dynasty of Emperor Yuan Chu Dan, which is the fundamental reason for his solemn look now.

It is a pity that now that Ta Ling is falling into the deep sleep of the soul repair, he is temporarily unable to solve his inner doubts, and he is also hesitating whether he uses the Danfang inherited by Lao Tzu to rebuild eight second-order first-grade Emperor Yuandandans. Refined into a second-order, first-grade Emperor Yuandan.

After all, Emperor Yuan Dan is too particular about luck and probability, and the shock of everyone at the scene is far less than that of Emperor Yuan Dan.

What's more, the emperor Yuandan that was forced to be destroyed at the auction will always be a thorn in his heart. If he does not want to deal with it, it will affect his breakthrough sooner or later.

"Brother Yu, the second-order, first-grade Emperor Yuan Dan is a very strange elixir. If you can use the very strange elixir to refine another way, you can not only re-open a new alchemy method. , To enhance the fortune of Dan Dao in Xun Yu, and it can also greatly improve your Dan Dao practice, helping you to advance to the realm of Dan Shen sooner and faster. "

It was at the moment that Hao Ran successfully promoted Dan Dao Dan Emperor's realm, and the first avatar affected by the mind and spirit was also promoted to Dan Dao Dan Emperor's realm at the same time, so it was normal for him to continue to promote Dan Dao Xiu as a master.

"At the same time, I can feel that Lao Tzu's virtual shadow is not malicious to you. Maybe this is a way for him to pass on his Dan Tao through space."

Is it true that Lao Tzu inherited Dan Dao Yu Haoran without much interest, but he was very enthusiastic about improving the fortune of Dan Dao in Xun Yu.

After all, due to the influence of Dan Dao on talent and physical fitness, the number of Dan Dao in the entire Tianxuan continent is very scarce, and the number of Dan Dao masters above Dan Dao is even rarer, which seriously affects the promotion of Dan Dao ’s air fortune.

At the beginning, when he followed Ta Ling into the realm of air transport, he found that Dan Tao air transport was the bottom of all air transports.

If oneself and the first avatar can successfully advance to the Dan Dao Dan **** realm, the improvement of Dan Da Dan's air fortune may be equivalent to thousands of Dan Dao masters.

In order to enhance Dan Dao's luck in the virtual realm, and also to make up for the regrets of previous lives, Yu Haoran's hesitation was firmly replaced, and then he stood up directly and started to condense the independent space of Dan Huo again.

"What does Yu Dandi want?"

Seeing Yu Haoran re-condensing the independent space of Danhuo, but did not take out any medicinal materials for alchemy, Qian Yunzhen and Sun Sichao were deeply puzzled.

After the independent space of Danhuo coagulated successfully, Yu Haoran used the idea to control eight second-order, first-order Emperor Chu Dan to enter Danhuo's independent space, and then began to ascend and merge again.

"Master, I don't know what Dandi is doing at this time?"

Sun Sichao's speculative mistakes just now made the middle-aged middle-aged strong in purple clothes a little distrustful of him.

Therefore, facing Hao Ran's weird behavior of re-refining and integrating eight elixirs, his goal of interrogation was to aim at Dan Dao Xiu to be higher, Dan Dao to have more insights, and to be more reliable.

"At the moment Yu Dandi is refining the essence of eight elixir. It should be to re-refine a new elixir, but the quality and grade of the new elixir can not be distinguished before the final elixir."

Due to the extraordinary origins of the middle-aged strong in the purple clothes, Qian Yunzhen did not dare to reply negligently.

"Moreover, this method of refining Dan is also the first time Yun Yun has seen and heard in his life."

"Thank you!"

Although Qian Yunzheng's answer was too cautious, he finally pointed out what Yu Haoran was doing in detail, so the middle-aged man in purple clothes thanked him and began to wait patiently.

"Yun Jie, you all blame you for having to come together, otherwise, with my strength and speed, wouldn't you miss the important moment when Li Ma Ye is promoted to Dan Dao Dandi."

As the crowd waited patiently at the scene for Yu Haoran to make a new elixir using elixir, a complaining voice was accelerating towards the central square.

Hearing the constant conversation, the middle-aged man in purple clothes frowned, but he didn't yell.

For one thing, it was because the information disclosed in the other party's conversation just now showed that their relationship with Yu Haoran was not superficial. If they ventured out loud, they would probably offend Haoran indirectly.

In the second place, one of the two men who approached the central square quickly was a powerful man who had robbed the emperor Wudi's realm. He was a strong man who he did not dare to offend easily.

After all, Zhunwu Emperor is essentially different from Zhunwu Respect.

If the talent and potential are outstanding, and they have mastered deep martial arts and magical instruments, the strength of the martial arts realm can completely defeat and kill the strongest in the realm of Zhunzun. This is why the cultivation of the Zhunzun state is called strong This is not the root cause of the peerless powerhouse.

But Zhun Wudi's realm is different.

Even if he has outstanding talents and potentials, even if he has mastered more advanced martial arts and magical instruments, the strength of Wu Zun's realm can at most only defeat the quasi Emperor Wudi who has not survived any calamities. It is absolutely impossible to survive a heavy calamity Opponents of the quasi-wu respect the strong, which is why the quasi-wu emperor realm is called the great powerful.

Yuanzu and Teng Yunjie, who rushed to the central square quickly, were shocked when they found that the countless spectators around the stands and the contestants all watched the platform quietly, watching Yu Haoran who was practicing alchemy on the platform.

Because after the battle for the Qianlong list in the central area, all participating players and spectators have been evacuated as early as half an hour, which is also delayed because of the vision of heaven and earth that occurred when Yu Haoran broke through Dan Dao Dandi. After nearly 20 minutes, otherwise, it will be almost clean within 10 minutes.

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