Destined Martial God

Chapter 1429: Congratulations and promises (second)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Elder Lan subconsciously instructed Sun Sichao to wake up from the shock immediately, followed by a strong explanation in his eyes.

"If you go back to Elder Blue, Zijin Longshen is also known as the refining magic drug. It is a kind of top spirit that can not only greatly improve the physical grade by directly swallowing, but also can be used as the main medicine to refine the physical grade. medicine."

Having said that, Sun Sichao raised his finger to Yu Haoran on the platform to give an example.

"As for the physical state of Dandi's top Wuzun Sanpin peak, if it directly swallows the second-order nine-pin purple dragon ginseng, it is likely to directly impact the peak of Wupin or the early state of Liupin."

"Thanks to the Emperor Dan's alchemy ability, if the second-order nine-grade purple golden dragon ginseng is used as the main medicine for alchemy, it may be possible to refine the elixir suitable for improving the peak of Wuzun Jiupin and Zhunwudi's physical grade.

Sun Sichao ’s explanations and examples of the second-order nine-grade purple golden ginseng not only shocked everyone at the scene, but also caused the eyes of the top Wuzun peerless powerhouses to look with great expectations and longing.

They look forward to Yu Haoran being able to use the second-order nine-grade purple golden dragon ginseng to make the most refined elixir.

They longed for Yu Haoran's hands in exchange for refined top-notch elixir.

After all, only a peerless powerhouse who has reached the top of the top seven ranks of Wu Zun can truly appreciate the importance of physical grade for Wudi's breakthrough.

This is why they feel envious and jealous that Hao Ran was able to have the physical grade of the top Wu Zun San Pin peak when he was built to have only Wu Sheng Nine Pin peak.

"Xinghai senior, your gift is too valuable, the younger can't take it down." After covering the jade box and handing it to the old man in Xinghai, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a reluctant rejection.

Although Sun Sichao's introduction of the second-order nine-grade purple golden ginseng was correct, it was not comprehensive enough.

Using the second-order nine-pink purple golden ginseng as the main medicine, and then supplemented with eight strains containing the characteristics of Shenlong, it can make a very special refined elixir.

This special refining elixir is called Jiuzhuan Longdidan, which is one of the seven kinds of Danfangs inherited from Laozi Xingying.

One turn to one realm, nine turn into fairy gods!

With the second-order Jiupin peak limit of Zijin Longshen as the main medicine, the refined Dragon Emperor Dan can reach eight revolutions, which can help Wuzun Jiupin Peak and Zhunwu Emperor Realm to directly break through Wudi realm.

"Little friend, since it is a congratulatory gift, there is no reason to take it back."

Faced with Hao Ran's rejection, the Xinghai old man threatened with a smile.

"And if you refuse to accept this purple golden ginseng, then the old man sold it on the spot for a tenth-order, one-grade spirit stone!"

Facing the threat of goodwill of the elderly in Xinghai, Yu Haoran's perseverance was immediately replaced firmly.

After retrieving the jade box containing the purple golden ginseng and recognizing it in the sea tower in the sea, he arched his hand to the Xinghai elderly.

"Xinghai seniors, if you can find second-order first-grade dracaena, second-order second-grade ambergris, second-order third-grade dracaena, second-order fourth-grade ..., second-order eight-grade dragon soul fruit, and then supplement With the second-order and nine-grade purple Jinlong ginseng as the main medicine, the younger generation can make an eight-turn dragon emperor dan for you that directly breaks through Wudi's physical grade. "

Yu Haoran's promise to the Xinghai elderly not only shocked the body of the Xinghai elderly, but also the eyes of the ten hidden powers and everyone at the scene also showed an extremely shocked look.

"Xiaoyou, are you sure that the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan can directly break through the physical rank of Emperor Wudi?" The old man Xinghai asked excitedly.

The second-order Yipin Xingyuan Ningshendan is the top elixir that can be used to help the spirit break through Wudi's realm.

Eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan is the top elixir used to help the body break through Wu Zun's realm.

If these two elixir medicines are used to enable the soul power and the physical body to advance to the realm of Emperor Wudi, not only will the hope of breaking through the realm of Wudi be greatly enhanced in the future, but it will also be able to become the ultimate power in the realm of Emperor Wu of Sanjie.

"Predecessors, Jiuzhuan Dragon Emperor Dan and Jiuzhuan Jindan were both created by the first person of the alchemy in the Middle Ages. The difference is that the Jiuzhuan Jindan Needle is aimed at the entire warrior, while Jiuzhuan Dragon Emperor is targeted at the warrior. Physical body. "

Through the examples of Jiuzhuan Jindan and Jiuzhuan Longdidan, Yu Haoran believes that the elderly in Xinghai will surely believe the powerful effects of Bazhuan Longdidan. At the same time, he gave a more convincing reason.

"If the seniors can now come up with eight supplementary medicinal materials, the younger ones will immediately open the furnace for you to make eight-round dragon emperor."

"Xiaoyou, can you wait for an hour?" After receiving Hao Ran's vocal response, the elderly Xinghai took a deep breath and asked in succession.

"Senior, don't say it's an hour, even if it's a day, juniors have the patience to wait!" Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

"Thank you!"

After the arched hand thanked Xinghai, the old man left Qianlong Fort instantly, and then went to collect the eight auxiliary medicinal materials by tearing the void.

"After the juniors have dealt with the second-order and third-grade Emperor Yuandan, they have gradually completed the agreement with several seniors." After the old man Xinghai left, Yu Haoran reminded ten people with his hand in a flower robe.

"The second-order and third-grade Emperor Yuandan!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Huapao and others noticed that Yu Haoran was carrying a hint of familiar medicine.

Recalling the energy of the thunderbolt remaining in the castle when he first entered Qianlongbao, he now knows that the elixir in his hand is the Emperor Tangyuan. There is no need for much guessing and interrogation. They also know the second-order and third-grade products. Emperor Yuandan must be in the hands of Hao Ran.

"Little friend, I don't know if we can continue to participate in the competition of Di Yuandan?" The old man in Huapao carefully interrogated.

After all, the emperor Yuandan at the auction site was also indirectly destroyed in the hands of these hidden powers.

"of course!"

Although there are dozens of top Wu Zun peerless powers and Zhun Wu Emperor powers at the scene, the origins are extraordinary, and there are certainly many top treasures in their hands, but compared with the lonely hidden powers such as Huapao elderly , The quantity and quality of the top treasures in their hands are not a little bit.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was more willing to participate in the competition of the second-order and third-grade Emperor Yuandan.

After receiving an affirmative reply from Yu Haoran, the old man in Huapao glanced at each other, then retreated to the bottom of the ring, and Qian Yunyi, Wu Zhengjun and Jian Wujin also returned to the ring.

After re-telling the powerful effects of the second-order and third-grade Emperor Yuandan to Huapao and others, Yu Haoran looked around at the audience and said.

"It is easy to get this second-order, third-grade Emperor Yuandan in my hand, that is, bartering things. Whoever took out the treasure is precious enough, and it has the strongest effect on me, Yu Haoran. This Emperor Yuandan is him. of."

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