Destined Martial God

Chapter 1434: Fulfilling promises (second)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

"Yu Dandi, can the pure heart clover of the second order and the first product, the ice spirit leaf of the second order and the second product, the three flower of the second order and the third flower, and the second order and fourth product of the Xuanbinghua be exchanged for an ice heart jade bone?

It was because Haoran said the prerequisites for Bingxin Yugu Dan, and Sun Sichao, who had the same idea as Gan Yunyi, immediately gave him trading chips.

"Yes!" The spirit medicine quality and quality of Sun Sichao far surpassed that of Qian Huiyu, so Yu Haoran nodded without hesitation.

In less than a minute, four three-ranked one-piece ice-heart jade bones were taken away by Qian Yunyi and Sun Sichao. This made the quasi-power emperor who was eager for the ice-heart jade bones instantly on the scene. Anxious.

"Yu Dandi, the second-order and third-grade Yinshenhua and the second-order and fifth-grade Tengling flower, don't know if I can exchange for a third-order and first-grade Bingxin jade bone?"

From the stand on the north side, a mighty emperor of Emperor Wudi's power, first used his powerful momentum to successfully attract the attention of the crowd, and immediately gave Yu Haoran a condition that he could not refuse.

"of course can!"

Looking at the only ice heart jade bone remaining in Yu Haoran's hands, the dozen or so Zhunwu Emperors on the scene immediately became nervous, but when they were planning to participate in the competition, a horrible sudden rise from under the ring momentum.

If the terror of the middle-aged strong in purple clothes to oppress the contestants is like Tianwei, then the terror that just emerged from the stage is Tianwei.

Faced with such a powerful terror, let alone the top Wuzun peerless powerhouse, even the mighty powerhouse in the realm of Junwu Emperor feels heavy pressure.

The old man in the robe who exudes horror showed a contemptuous look in his eyes, which made everyone at the scene tremble and scared to speak.

However, when the old man in the robe despised the cold eyes and returned to Yu Haoran on the ring, he immediately turned into a gentle smile like spring.

"A green flame grass of the second order and nine products, I wonder if the friend is satisfied?"


Facing the trading chips given by the old man in the robe, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The embarrassment was not because the old man in the robe gave too low chips, but because the chips he gave were too high.

The second-order nine-grade green flame grass is not as precious as the second-order nine-grade purple golden dragon ginseng, but it can still be used to make the second-order one-grade Hao Lingdan.

The second-order, first-grade Hao Lingdan is a top elixir that can enhance Wu Zun and Emperor Wuxi's realm. It is far more valuable than the third-order first-grade Bingxin jade bone Dan.

"My little friend, this is the second time you and I have dealt with you. I have some understanding of your unwillingness to take advantage. If you feel that the price of the second-order nine-pinnacle green flame grass is too high, then you use an ice heart jade bone. How about Dan and a Sanwen Qingling Dan as a condition of exchange? "Facing the embarrassment that Hao Ran showed, the Taoist old man suggested without a nervous smile.

"If that's the case, then the younger generation would be more respectful than obedience!"

Although the prices of Bingxin Yugu Dan and Sanwen Qingling Dan are still not as good as those of the ninth-order nine-pink green flame grass, the value between them is not much different.

Moreover, considering that the number of Danshi divisions capable of refining these two types of elixir at the same time is very small, the intangible value of Danshi division is enough to bridge the slight gap between the two. Yu Haoran finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the last third-order first-ranking Bingxin jadebone was obtained by the Taoist old man, the powerful power in the realm of Zhunwu emperor was deeply regretful, and he immediately made preparations for the next third-order first-ranking and third-order Qinglingdan .

After packing up the old robe and sending the jade box filled with green flame grass, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and continued to use the Nether Condensate Technique to condense the independent space of the fire.

The third-order, first-grade Sanwen Qingling Dan is the top elixir that assists Zhunwu Emperor's great power to get through the soul.

Although he has not refined any three-grained Qingling Dan in previous life and this life, the powerful Dan Dao Xiu Wei made him calmly refine without any worries.

Refining, condensing, dividing, and warming up!

The whole refining process is like Bingxin Jade Bone Dan. It took only more than 20 minutes to successfully refined it, and finally it became nine Dans.

According to the prior agreement and practice, two Sanwen Qinglingdan were given to the Yuanzu, two were left to father-in-law Qin Emperor and master Feng Qingyun, one was given to the old robe man in advance, and the remaining three were for sale.

After fierce competition from more than ten powerful emperors in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor on the scene, they were finally sold for more than ten times more than four ice heart jade bones.

After putting away the top elixir of Sanwen Qinglingdan in exchange, Yu Haoran cast his eyes on the old man in Huapao.

"Senior Flower Robe, next do you want to make the second-order and first-class Xuanlong Zhuoxindan, or you want to make the second-order and first-class Lieyan Soul Burner?"

Lien Yan Soul Burner, a top poisonous pill dedicated to spirits.

Although the toxicity of the elixir can not be ranked among the top 100 poisons, the real value for the elderly people in flower robes practicing poisoning is not inferior to the eight-turn dragon emperor pill promised to be refined for the elderly in Xinghai.

"Let's make the second-order and first-grade Lie Yan Soul Burner first!"

While taking out the medicinal materials that had been prepared in advance, the old man in Huapao explained.

"As for Xuanlong Zhuoxin Dan, after I have collected enough refining herbs, I will trouble the friends to find time to open the furnace for refining."


While Hao Ran nodded in agreement, he reached out to receive the medicinal materials from the old man in the flower robe, and then closed his eyes to carefully recall the Dan Fang of Lie Yan Soul Burner and the matters needing attention during the refining process.

After confirming that the entire refining process was correct, Yu Haoran quickly formed the imprint of the condensed Danhu independent space with his fingers.

Although the grade of Lieyan Burning Spirit Dan is very high, the refining process is not complicated. The only troublesome part is how to ensure the perfect fusion of the venom contained in the medicinal materials in the process of refining and condensing the Dan.

And this is not a problem for Yu Haoran, who is proficient in poisoning.

Nineteen kinds of highly toxic medicinal materials are easily extracted, the venom is smoothly merged, and after successful coagulation into a dandelion, the refining of the entire Lien Yan Soul Burning Dan is almost close to success.

Therefore, Yu Haoran devoted half of his energy to the warm cultivation of nine elixirs, and half of his energy simulated the refining process of nine hearts and nine souls and nine lotuses in his mind.

Because after closing the trade of Sanwen Qinglingdan, Yu Haoran found that the hesitation in the eyes of the middle-aged strong man in the purple clothes was firmly replaced, and he knew that he would definitely agree to the conditions he had just proposed.

Now that everything has been said, repentance is not his style. At the same time, he can't smash the sign that his alchemy has never failed, so he can only figure out in advance how to improve the success rate of refining the nine hearts and nine souls.

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