Destined Martial God

Chapter 1435: One left all to give away (one more)

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Under normal circumstances, the elixir that can be directly upgraded must be associated with the realm of the warrior.

If you use elixir in the next step, not only will the pure energy contained in elixir be wasted, but you may end up in the flesh because you cannot withstand the huge force of erupting elixir.

However, Dragon Emperor Dan broke this rule stiffly, and is suitable for use by martial arts in every realm, even if it is just the martial arts that just opened up the Dantian.

Of course, use is not the same as being able to work directly.

Take the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan that Haoran just swallowed as an example.

Eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan is an elixir that assists Wuzun Nine Pinnacle and the three quasi Emperor Wudi powers to directly break through the physical grade. With his top Wu Zun three-pin peak's physical grade, he can't withstand the horror erupted from the elixir. energy.

However, the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan that entered him did not directly erupt, but instead merged directly into his dantian, and then emitted a faint medicinal power, cooperating with dantian yuanli to start subtle improvements and upgrade physical grade.

Only when the physical grade is promoted to the top of Wuzun Jiupin, or when the realm of Emperor Wu Emperor of the Three Emperors is reached, the eight-turn dragon Emperor Dan in Dantian will truly burst into full force.

After hearing Yu Haoran's introduction to the extraordinary effects of the Eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan, don't say that the top Wu Zun peerless powers and Zhun Wu Emperor powerful powers, even ordinary warriors on the scene, have hot eyes in their eyes. Staring at Hao Ran.

Ignoring the scorching gaze of the crowd at the scene, Yu Haoran used the means of Yuanli to send the first Dan bottle containing the eight-turn dragon emperor to the elderly in Xinghai.

After reaching out to take the Dan bottle, the Xinghai old man gripped the Dan bottle and nodded at Hao Ran.

Although the old man of Xinghai didn't say anything, Yu Haoran was able to know from his unswerving gaze that he would more abide by the promise of obtaining the second-order and first-class star source Ningshendan.

Using Yuanli parcels, he sent the second Dan bottle containing the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan to Yuanzu, and then said with a chuckle.

"Senior Teng, this eight-turn dragon emperor Dan is for you!"

"Master Ma, this ...!"

Facing the Dan bottle that Hao Ran brought to his eyes, Yuanzu's eyes immediately showed a struggling look.

With the help of Hao Ran's Seven-Death Xuanmen Dan, he has successfully passed through the heart robbery of the Three Emperors of Zhunwu Emperor, and the newly obtained third-order and one-pin ice heart jade bone dan and three-grain blue spirit dan can also assist him in a short time. After passing through the physical and soul robberies of the three robberies in succession, he has truly achieved the top three robbers of the three robbers in Tianxuan mainland.

The Three Emperor Zhunwu Emperor was able to use the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan to break through the realm of Wudi's physical grade.

Therefore, Yuan Zu had an instinctive impulse for the Eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan.

But his powerful mentality made him more aware that he must not accept the eight-turn Emperor Yuandan.

Because of the peculiar effects of the Eight-Turn Dragon Emperor Dan, its real value has not been inferior to that of the second-order one.

With such precious elixir, he neither took out the top treasures for exchange, nor did Yu Haoran owe him any kindness. He could not follow his inner impulse to accept the eight-round dragon emperor Dan.

"Senior, you and I haven't known each other for a short time. You must know what kind of person I am, Yu Haoran."

Seeing the struggling expression in Yuanzu's eyes, Yu Haoran reminded with a smile.

"So, I don't want to say more about some things, you can take care of yourself!"

"Master Ma, the Tianwumen Teng family will always be your most trusted friend!"

Yu Haoran contained a hint of goodwill to threaten, so that the struggle in Yuanzu's eyes was finally replaced firmly. While reaching out to take over the Dan bottle floating in front of him, he also gave his promise.

In response, Yu Haoran just smiled and did not give any response.

Because in his heart a truly trustworthy friend who truly reassured him was the only one who was not brothers better than brothers Wu Zhengjun and Lu Yuan, so he didn't take Yuan Zu's promise just now.

Yuanli wrapped the third Dan bottle containing the eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan, and sent it directly to the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes.


What the middle-aged strong man in Ziyi never expected was that Yu Hao would even give himself such an elixir, which made him wonder for a moment.

"Zun Zun, in the face of the hundreds of powerful beasts who rushed to the ring, if it were not for your timely help with the five lords, it would not be possible for Zhengjun and No Trace to resist the number, and the juniors would have no chance Successfully produced nine eight-turn dragon emperor Dan. "

Seeing the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes who was slightly stunned, Yu Haoran explained solemnly.

"So, this eight-turn dragon emperor Dan is a gift from the junior to thank his predecessor for his timely help."

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, in the eyes of the top martial arts and quasi-army powerful men at the top of the perimeter stands, there was an expression of indignation and regret immediately.

If they knew that they were helping during the crisis, they would be able to get the eight-turn dragon emperor Dan given by Yu Haoran, would they sit here and sit back and judge.

"Yu Dandi, I remember this feeling for Zi Zun!" After nodding his head to take over the Dan bottle, the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes clasped the assurance of Dan bottle.

"Purple respect!"

After Yu Haoran gave a mild polite voice, he turned and looked at Emperor Qin on the south side stand. A Dan bottle containing eight-turn dragon emperor Dan was wrapped in Yuanli's package and delivered to him, then he smiled and told.

"Father Emperor, take the eight-turn Dragon Emperor Dan directly, for three years or five years, your physical grade will be able to advance to the Emperor Wudi realm."

Compared to the hesitation of Yuanzu and the middle-aged strong man in the purple clothes, Qin Emperor not only reached out to take over the Dan bottle, but also opened the Dan bottle and swallowed the eight-turn dragon Emperor Dan directly into the body. This made countless strong people in the stands around. Could not help but swallow a saliva.

After the Emperor Qin swallowed the Eight-Turn Dragon Emperor Dan, Yu Haoran turned around and directly sent the remaining five Dan bottles containing the Eight-Turn Dragon Emperor Dan to Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, Wu Zhengjun, and Yu Siqi. And Jiang Jingya.

There was no need for Yu Haoran to take the initiative to remind. The five of Qin Lingfei immediately swallowed the eight-round dragon Emperor Dan in the bottle, and began to experience the peculiar effects of the elixir after sitting on the knees.


Seeing that Hao Ran directly gave away the eight eight-turn dragon emperor Dan that could help break through Wudi ’s physical grade in just two minutes, without all hesitation.

At the scene, everyone looked at Qin Lingfei, who was sitting on the ring with her knees bent, and looked at the Emperor Qin sitting on a stone chair, with a look of envy.

Seeing the envy in the eyes of countless strong men around the stands, Yu Haoran sneered unbearably.

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